Chapter 2094 The salary shocked everyone
Tang Tian added:

"Elders in the God King Realm have a monthly salary ranging from 3 million to 8 million depending on their cultivation."

Having said that, Tang Tian paused for a moment, and then said again:

"In addition, each person can get a drop of spiritual spring every month!"


"Oh my God!"

It was only then that all the town elders in the God King Realm were stunned. For them, although such salaries were high, they were nothing to be astounded about.But it's different with Lingquan, Lingquan is something that is hard to buy even if you have money!Every elder in the God King Realm gets a drop of spiritual spring every month, this kind of treatment, usually they dare not even think about it!

It suddenly occurred to everyone that Tang Tian said just now that he believed that he would not leave if he drove everyone away. Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

With such a high income, a fool would leave Nine Heavens Sect.

I'm afraid that the news will spread, and I don't know how many people will break their heads and squeeze into the Nine Heavens Divine Sect.

However, Li Shaotian, who had just assumed the position of deputy suzerain, finally spoke:

"Sovereign, according to this calculation, the monthly salary of our Nine Heavens Divine Sect is a terrifying astronomical figure! But we don't have any income at present, and we don't even have a glimpse of a spiritual spring. I'm afraid it won't last for a few months?"

The salary Tang Tian gave was high, but it was too high, how many months could he get?
This is the question that worries everyone.

Tang Tian nodded and said:
"Shaotian's words hit the point. To tell you the truth, if the current property in the sect is paid to everyone in this way, we may have to close the door in less than half a year. As for the Lingquan, I have a drop in my hand now. not yet."

"I'm dizzy!"

All the people present almost fell to the ground.

Dare to say that you have been talking for a long time, it is for nothing!Such a high salary is all fake, if you don't have money, it's nothing!
Amidst the ups and downs of everyone's mood, Tang Tian raised his hand, took out a jade card, and activated the jade card with spiritual power, forming a light curtain on a map in the jade card and projecting it in midair.

"Elders and disciples, the suzerain does not have any money in hand, and the promised salary depends on everyone to find it!"

"Look, this is the topographic map of the high-level area. This is the 99 big cities. The next thing I want to announce is the news about Shenfan City!"

"If you want to be rich and get such a high salary for a long time, go and find Shenfan City for me!"

Tang Tian finally threw Shenfan City out. When he came to the high-level area, he needed a foothold. Ding Hao didn't want to occupy other big cities.

To be honest, taking those big cities, just collecting some taxes from the cities is not enough at all!

Tang Tian must find Shenfan City, so that he can have a huge source of income!

"So it is."

After listening to Tang Tian's introduction to Shenfan City, the eyes of the monks present were a little red. If they can find Shenfan City, they will be a chicken that lays golden eggs every day!
At this time, Longzi frowned and said:
"Tang Tian, ​​this kind of thing should be kept secret. Just hold a small meeting. If you say it in front of so many people, I'm afraid the news will leak out."

Tang Tian's expression froze, and there was a fierce flash in his eyes:
"I'm not afraid of leaking the news. I am determined to win the Shenfan City this time! Whoever dares to fight with me in the high-level areas, I will destroy his city, or his sect!!"

This meeting, Tang Tian did not take measures to keep it secret because he was not afraid of leaking the secret.

Because Shenfan City is really hard to find!

If those city lords didn't have eyes and sent people out to look for them, it would be tantamount to helping Tang Tian.

Even if someone else finds it, Tang Tian will snatch it from him!
Shenfan City is related to the life and death of the Nine Heavens Shenzong, even if it is a desperate fight with blood flowing like a river, Tang Tian will not give up!
What Tang Tian meant was that you can find it in other sects, but after I find it, I will snatch it.

"Elders and disciples, whether you can get such a high salary in the future, whether our Jiutian Shenzong can survive in Jiuzhongtian for a long time, and whether our fellow Taoists from the lower realms can follow us up, the key lies in Shenfan City! Starting today, all the elders will lead the team and go out to find Shenfan City!"

On the spot, Tang Tian divided the map of the high-level area into a dozen or so pieces in the main hall, and all the elders in charge took their disciples out to search for it.

"Forget it, let's postpone my cultivation for the time being. Finding Shenfan City is the most important thing. After hearing what the suzerain said, I also yearn for that kind of life that makes money every day."

Li Shaotian, who had just become the deputy suzerain, was the first to agree.

Peng Guan also said:

"Whether we can find Shenfan City is too important to our Nine Heavens Shenzong. I am not in a hurry to go back to the ruins, and I will take teams separately and go out to find
"That's right. Our new sect in the Upper Realm needs money and land. If we can't find Shenfan City, our strength will become weaker and weaker. In the end, we will gradually become a trash sect in a high-level area. !"

Duan Wushang nodded.

In fact, there are many garbage sects in high-level areas. These sects do not have their own cities, and they can only live in a corner of a certain city.Let them go to the inferior area, they are not willing.But if they stay in the high-level area, they will never see hope at all!
Although the Nine Heavens Divine Sect is booming now, but after hundreds of years, if you want money but have no money, and if you want strength but no strength, it will become that kind of trash sect.

Therefore, finding Shenfan City has become the top priority since the establishment of Nine Heavens Divine Sect.

After everyone reached a consensus, another disciple asked:
"It's just the suzerain, what are the characteristics of this god-mortal city, how do we find it?"

"This one……"

In fact, Tang Tian didn't have too many clues about this Divine Mortal City.

At this time, an elder who had joined Nine Heavens Divine Sect suddenly said:

"According to the clues we got, Shenfan City is located in a place where the yellow sand is relatively dense! As far as I know, when the God Realm was not broken, this high-level area was lush and full of vitality! But there are also some places, There is a large desert! And the current information is that Shenfan City is near the large desert."

Hearing what the town elder said, Fang Yu nodded and said:
"I understand. The meaning of the elder sitting in town is to let us go out to find places that used to be deserts in ancient times! As long as we find ancient deserts, Shenfan City is likely to be nearby."

The elder sitting in the town said with a smile:

"It's not easy to find, though."

Tang Tian said:
"Now our high-level area is a sea of ​​sand, so it is very important to distinguish which places were deserts and which places turned into deserts later."

Speaking of this, Tang Tian at the side took out a dozen waist cards and said:

"The captain of each team can come to me to get a piece of this belt. With this belt, you can detect the year when the yellow sand appeared, and help everyone find Xianfan City."

As he said that, he picked up a waist card and grabbed a handful of yellow sand for experimentation. It can be clearly seen that these yellow sands are all within tens of millions of years.

Tang Tian said:
"Everyone, these yellow sands are all within tens of millions of years, so we can exclude them."

(End of this chapter)

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