Chapter 2098 Clues, arrangements!
Therefore, all the tokens of the elders have communication functions, as well as functions such as sending alarm messages to the sect to display life and death. The only flaw is that the communication function is limited to the first heaven.

But it's not bad, everyone can use tokens to communicate with each other when they are outside, and even 18 Huading members can communicate with each other at the same time.Tang Tian came up with a name for this, everyone's contact is called public channel, and private contact is called private channel.After a long time, everyone felt that the current Zongmen Token was very useful, and the name spread.

In fact, this thing is not a new thing, the token of the Presbyterian Church of the Eight Sects Alliance has this function.

However, this is quite new for the monks who came up from the lower areas. Everyone is a little bored when they don't talk on the public frequency every day.

Li Shaotian's news was posted on the public channel.

Soon, everyone's responses came out:

"How can there be? I have searched all over the desert on our side, and I haven't seen any ancient sandstones."

"There are quite a lot of ancient sand and stones here, but I didn't find Shenfan City after digging three feet. It's terrible."

Li Shaotian smiled and said:
"I want to tell you some good news. I have already refined a leader of the sand demon. If I want to know the situation in the depths of the desert in the future, I will send the leader of the sand demon and I will find out soon."

"Not bad, Shaotian is amazing."

Tang Tian also sent a compliment.

As soon as Tang Tian appeared on the public channel, it became even more lively.

"Sovereign, do you still have money to pay this month?"

"Sovereign, your salary is too high, I think it can be adjusted appropriately."

"That's right, we didn't do anything for such a good salary, so we're embarrassed to take it."

Suddenly, a shocking news came out:

"Is there no money for the salary? I don't know if the Zongmen accepts donations. I want to donate one trillion yuan."

As a descendant of Emperor Mo of the True Dragon Hall, Long Zi was very scary when he opened his mouth.


"Elder Long, local tyrant!"


"Hao, please hug your thigh!"

Immediately, there was a sound of wailing in the public channel. Mei Bingbing was originally the 18th God King Realm of the sect who joined last, and everyone was not familiar with him.However, this kid came out of the True Dragon Hall and made a big deal, and soon became one with all the elders.

At this moment, Liang Yu sent a message:
"Thank you Elder Long for your generosity, but the sect does not need to donate money for the time being. Now the sect has temporarily borrowed three trillion yuan from our suzerain's private treasury as working capital. Everyone's salary will not be adjusted, nor will they be in arrears! "


"It turns out that the Suzerain is the real Hao!"

"Sovereign, please hug your thigh!"

Li Shaotian looked at the token in his hand, and grinned.

He used to be extremely dissatisfied with Tang Tian in his heart, and even joined Nine Heavens Sect with selfishness in his heart, dreaming that one day he could leave Nine Heavens Sect with his men and set up another mountain.

But now, even if he was asked to leave Nine Heavens Sect, even if he was killed, he would not leave.

It's not just the high salary given by the Nine Heavens Divine Sect, but this collective cohesion!

Let’s just talk about the Zongmen’s token in this hand, a small reform, plus the function of communication, it has increased the cohesion among all the elders. This kind of atmosphere is absolutely absent in other Zongmen.

Everyone chatted for a few words, and soon returned to the topic.

Tang Tian would never let these guys chat all day and forget their missions, he asked:
"How is the mission going now?"

"No progress."

"Still trying to search."

"Our desert has already passed through the sieve once, and now we are re-passing it a second time. We are searching deeper."

In fact, half a year later, everyone has screened the area they are responsible for, but it is too small, and it is really difficult to find a needle in a haystack.

But at this moment, a message came from Fang Yu.

"Sovereign, there is a sand river here. I didn't take it seriously at first, because the sand river is full of new sand, but a few days ago, one of my disciples suddenly found that one of them had a different color. The sand in the sand, upon inspection, turned out to be ancient sand.”

Just after he finished speaking, someone over there said:

"Pull it out, I've searched tens of thousands of miles of ancient sand here, but I haven't found anything."

But Tang Tian frowned.

First of all, the scene of the Shahe River is a special landform, and then the ancient sand was found in the Shahe River, which was probably brought out from a certain place, so this ancient sand may be more ancient than the tens of thousands of miles of ancient sand. it works!

Tang Tian immediately arranged:
"This is a clue. You should research to find the source of the Sand River, and Li Shaotian. If you don't find it in that area, take your leader of the Sand Demon to help the elders."

"Okay, I have dug three feet of ground here, it should be impossible, I will help Elder Fang."

When everyone was about to finish chatting, Tang Tian said again:

"There is another piece of good news to tell everyone. I received a letter today that the reincarnated Daoist of Tianji Dao Sect is coming to our sect. I will ask him to help us calculate it."

Hearing this news, everyone immediately took another shot of a booster.

Actually, the Daoist Samsara of Tianji Dao Sect didn't come to visit on his own initiative, but Tang Tian asked people to go down to the realm to find him and release the news, asking the Daoist Samsara to come out and help.

After going on for more than half a year, I finally found the news of the real person of reincarnation. I asked the real person of reincarnation for help. The real person of reincarnation readily agreed. In just a few days, I will come to Pofeng City to help Tang Tian calculate the god The location of Van City.

"Great, with the help of Daoist Samsara, I'm afraid we won't be far from finding Shenfan City!"


the other side!
"Is this the advanced area?"

A young monk followed a thin old man, standing in a sea of ​​sand.

And in the middle of the sand sea, stands an earthen city.

"That's right, Ting Ting, it's your first time visiting a high-level area."

The thin old man smiled and said:

"Sect Master Tang Tian really dared to think, to find Shenfan City, open the passage to the upper and lower realms, and even save climbing the immortal steps, good."

The two monks, one old and one young, were the Daoist Reincarnation of Tianji Dao Sect and his disciple Lei Tingting.

The people sent by Tang Tian wantonly spread news in the inferior areas, looking for the reincarnated real person.

After receiving the message, Daoist Samsara sent a letter, and after making preparations, he brought Lei Tingting to the high-level area.

Thunder sighed:
"Master, for so many years, I really admire Tang Tian alone. He really dares to think, dare to do, and dare to think about anything. It's like when competing for a ranking contest, so many people Not optimistic about him, but he just went to the end."

The reincarnated real person said with a smile:

"Then you are optimistic that he can find Shenfan City?"

Thunder said:

"If he can't find it, then no one in this world will be able to find it."

The real reincarnation laughed loudly and said:
"If he can find it, what does he need us for? Tingting, don't underestimate anyone, and don't overestimate anyone. As a disciple of Tianji Dao Sect, you can only rely on calculations, not impressions in your heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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