Chapter 2108 Nine-tailed Shakui!track!
"What the hell is going on here?"

Qin Dongfang was about to cry. The sand came from nowhere, and it just appeared out of thin air.The most irritating thing is that I don't know who did it, and I can't stop it if I want to.

When I was depressed, I saw the yellow sand waterfall shaking back and forth again, like a boy peeing, and trembling.

"Who is this?"

The Baiwen God Venerable was also very angry. Obviously, this is not like a natural disaster, but more like it.

Qin Dongfang had no choice but to curse loudly:

"What are you looking at? Call someone, buy all the sand-absorbing gourds in the city, and suck them for me!"


Just when King Kong City was in a mess, Tang Tian and Tang Xiaokong stopped moving.

"Master, we can't dive anymore. The distance from King Kong City is already more than a million miles away."

"It's so deep!"

Tang Tian was dumbfounded.

If it is a thousand miles away from King Kong City from this position on the ground, it means that they have dived a thousand miles down.

"Impossible, the ground of this heavy sky is actually a thousand miles thick?"

According to the Nine Patriarchs and Zheng Yuan Patriarchs, the Jiuchongtian is a structure like a nine-story pagoda.The ground between each layer should have a certain thickness.

But the thickness of a million miles is really an exaggeration.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible to have a million miles, we are caught in a strange formation!"

Tang Tian realized this immediately.He added:

"Let's not dive anymore, no matter how deep we go, we won't bottom out! It's like this crazy eruption of yellow sand, no matter how much it is sucked away, it can't be sucked dry at all!"

Tang Xiaokong wondered:
"Is this sand endless? According to the laws of this world, all substances will change, but they will not appear or disappear out of thin air. If these sands are endless, then I have to ask In a word, where do they come from?"

Tang Tian said:
"If the sand is really endless, it must come from the turbulent flow of time and space. I have seen others tear apart the space, and the world behind is a world of turbulent time and space, and the various elements inside are also endless. !"

Tang Xiaokong's expression changed:
"The torn space, generally the torn space and the space gap are connected. If this is the case, the space gap where Shenfan City is located should be near us!"

Tang Tian nodded and said:
"That's right, the location that Daoist Samsara desperately calculated is right here. Maybe this gap in space is near us, but because of these nasty sands, we can't find it at all!"

Tang Xiaokong said:

"Then what should we do? Shall we continue to dive?"

Tang Tian said:
"It's useless, let's move sideways, maybe we will find something."

"Okay, move laterally."

Still Tang Xiaokong was in front, Tang Tian was behind, and the two moved sideways.

It was not long before a discovery was finally made.

"There is an underground dark sand river flowing outward!"

"I'll say it!"

Discovering Ansha River made Tang Tian very excited.

This means that the source of the rolling sand river outside is here!

"It seems that my speculation is indeed correct. The source of the Shahe River is here, and the Nine-tailed Shakui is also here, so the Shenfan City must also be here, and Li Shaotian and Fang Yu should be here too!"

Tang Xiaokong said:

"Elder Long swam in the sand river for five days but couldn't find him, but we found him."

Tang Tian said:
"This is also thanks to the precise calculation of the reincarnated real person, otherwise I would not be able to doubt this location."

Although Tang Tian and the others have come here, to be precise, this place can only be regarded as "near" the source of the Shahe River.

Why add a nearby one, because Tang Tian and the others haven't seen the source yet.

"Where is the source?"

At this moment, there was only one step away from the answer, and it was also the most anxious time, Tang Tian was anxious.

He knew the source was nearby, but he couldn't find it.

"Formation, there must be a hidden and powerful formation here!"

Tang Tian finally had a guess.

Indeed, only a complex and secret formation can create so many weird things.

"It's useless, this formation is too clever, you can't even find the eye of the formation."

Tang Tian tried to use the lavender chip on his purple emperor armor to find clues to the formation here.

But obviously, it's of no use.

But at this moment, Tang Xiaokong suddenly exclaimed:

"Master, look!"

Tang Tian suddenly saw a black tentacle sticking out from the surging yellow sand...

"It's the Nine-tailed Shakui!"

With a thought in Tang Tian's mind, he pulled Tang Xiaokong and hid in the soul space.

Soul space is in a river of sand, striving upstream to counteract the sand pushing down on it.

Tang Tian and Tang Xiaokong hid in the star-absorbing stone, looking outside.

They clearly saw that in the space in front of them, a black tentacle stretched out out of thin air, and then another one. After a while, all nine tentacles stretched out.Then, the body of Nine-Tailed Shakui also stretched out, and it can be seen that Nine-Tailed Shakui's body looks like a huge fox!

"I thought it was an octopus, but it turned out to be a nine-tailed fox!"

Tang Tian looked outside in surprise.

Tang Xiaokong said:

"It's not a fox, it's Shakui, and its tail is not a fox's tail, but black tentacles. I think it's more like an octopus."

Xiaolu also looked outside and said:
"Master, it seems to me that it is floating in the sand river. The sand river has no effect on it at all. Could it be that it is just a shadow?"


Tang Xiaokong frowned and said:

"This is really strange. The Nine-Tailed Shakui seems to exist physically, but it also seems to be a shadow. Otherwise, how could it not be affected by the flowing sand river?"

At this moment, in the sand river, what flows is sand.

As long as there is a physical object, it will be pushed by the flowing sand.

But this Nine-Tailed Shakui is very strange, it seems to be a shadow floating in the sand river, but upon careful observation, it is indeed an entity.

Tang Tian also couldn't understand.

After Shakui Nine Tails came out, he originally wanted to leave.

But when it glanced, it saw the soul space.

Because the soul space is so peculiar, all the yellow sand is drifting with the current, but it is upstream.

"Its tentacles!"

From the soul space, one could clearly see a black tentacle of Shakui Nine Tails reaching out.

"Don't move, watch what it does."

Tang Tian didn't control the soul space, but let the sand attached to the soul space be easily caught by Shakui Nine Tails, and took it away.

The upper body of Nine-tailed Shakui is exactly the same as a huge black fox. Its deep black claws grab the soul space and watch it in front of its eyes.

Tang Tian and the others could see Shakui Nine Tails, but Shakui Nine Tails couldn't see them.

Nine-tailed Shakui looked at it for a while, but probably didn't find anything, so he threw out the soul space.

The soul space was immediately taken away by the rolling yellow sand, but under Tang Tian's urging, the sand attached to the soul space quickly swam back.

(End of this chapter)

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