From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 2124 Arrival of the Temple Assessor

Standing with Tang Tian, ​​there are dozens of city lords of big cities, as well as suzerains of small sects.

Tang Tian pointed to the bottom and said with a smile:

"Masters of the city, you can see very clearly from here that there are shops on both sides of this avenue. In the future, this will be Shenfan City. No, it will be the busiest shopping center in the entire high-level area! There are a total of 99 shops on both sides. I have already marked the name of the company, and you can choose it yourself!"

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The major city lords looked down, as if they saw a huge source of wealth.

Everyone is not stupid and knows this is a good place.

But after waiting for a while, no one spoke.

Tang Tianqi said:

"Why, don't you have confidence in Shenfan City? You don't want any free shops?"

All the city lords smiled wryly, and finally Xiong Tianhe of Pofeng City broke the silence and said:
"Everyone is very grateful to City Lord Tang for your generosity. It's just that we all heard another piece of news, and we don't know if it's true or not, so we're still a little uncertain."

"what news?"

Tang Tian frowned.

Xiong Tianhe said:

"We heard that the Youyue Sect is ready to intervene in this matter. Although everyone knows that the Youyue Sect is not doing well, it is a powerful sect after all. If it gets angry, our cities will not be able to bear it."

This is exactly what everyone is worried about, You Yuezong will definitely come down and intervene.If these big cities reach an agreement with Tang Tian, ​​then one day in the future, You Yuezong will get angry and turn his anger on these cities, so what should we do?
"Just by them?"

Tang Tian sneered and said:
"To tell you the truth, You Yuezong and I have had a rift for a long time. When I was in the ruins, I killed the first elder Feihong, the second elder, and the third elder Gu Yue of You Yuezong! It can be said that I put them in the state of the god king. The few powerhouses in the world are done! They also failed to do anything to me! Am I living well now?"


All the city lords present were dumbfounded.

They didn't know about this kind of thing. After hearing about it, they secretly thought in their hearts, this Tang Tian is really ruthless. He killed the first elder, the second elder, and the third elder. This is the cultivator of his sect's god king realm!

Xiong Tianhe said again:
"It's just that there are gods in the Youyue Sect's sect, and there is even a peak god, we are afraid..."

Tang Tian laughed loudly and said:
"There is nothing to worry about. Although our Shenfan City has just arrived in the high-level area, our strength is not bad! What do you have to be afraid of? Another point, I believe you have heard that even the reincarnation of the Tianji Dao Sect All real people come to our Taoist sect to serve as honorary elders. What are you worried about? The monks of Tianji Dao know how to seek profit and avoid disaster. Our sect!"

"This one……"

The city lords were a little moved.

The Heavenly Mystery Dao can calculate the secrets of the heavens and control the past and the future. The Daoist of Reincarnation is willing to stay in the Nine Heavens Divine Sect, no doubt he is extremely optimistic about this sect.

Tang Tian added:

"In short, those who are determined first can choose first, and those who are determined later can choose later. As for those who don't believe in Tang's strength, they can leave now. Anyway, I believe there will be no vacancies in the 99 shops."

Before he finished his sentence, those little sects rushed to speak:

"Sect Master Tang, we want it! You can't underestimate our sects. Although we don't have a city, we have special products, and we can buy shops with money."

As soon as these people spoke, the people in the major cities finally couldn't sit still, and said quickly:

"Yes, I want the front one over there."

"I want the middle one!"

"I want the one at the foot of the city wall."

Amidst the busy crowd, a middle-aged man in a black robe walked in from the passage.The guarding disciples of the Nine Heavens Divine Sect hurried forward and asked:

"Senior, which big city?"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly:
"Tell Tang Tian, ​​we are ready to go!"

Although he didn't know who this middle-aged man was, but from the aura emanating from this middle-aged man, the guarding disciples of the Nine Heavens Divine Sect also knew that the other party was not simple, so they didn't dare to hesitate immediately, and hurriedly turned around to inform Tang Tian!

"It came so fast!"

When Tang Tian got the news that when the temple examiner arrived, he was arranging shop for the city lords of the big cities.

"Liang Yu, Shaotian, you are in charge of receiving him."

Tang Tian left in a hurry and went to meet the examiner of the temple.

The examiner's name, until now, he still does not know.

But obviously, this is a real strong man, not only his cultivation, not only his strength, but also his status is extraordinary.

Not long after, in a gazebo with a beautiful view in Shenfan City, this middle-aged black-clothed monk was drinking tea slowly.

"Meet this examiner!"

Tang Tian walked into the gazebo, clasped his fists in a salute, and said angrily to a disciple of the Heavenly God Stage beside him:

"When the examiner came here, why didn't he bring it into the palace, arrange a rest, and sit in the pavilion, what does it look like?"

That Tianshenqi was a female disciple, her face turned red from being scolded.

The middle-aged monk in black waved his hand and said:
"No need, I'm going to sit in this gazebo and wait for you."

Tang Tian's heart skipped a beat, knowing it was not good.

He had calculated well, first stabilized Shenfan City, and then went to participate in the assessment.

But who knew, the examiner came ten days earlier than originally planned!
Many things are not arranged right now!

Looking at the behavior of the examiner, he didn't enter the palace, but sat in the gazebo and waited, obviously he was in a hurry.

Sure enough, he put down the tea bowl and nodded in praise:
"Tang Tian, ​​I really didn't expect you to find the legendary Shenfan City. Well, okay, the future elders of my temple are indeed extraordinary."

As soon as this sentence was finished, he went on to say:

"Okay, I probably watched it too, not bad! Then let's go!"

Tang Tian almost fainted, why did he set off right away?This is too fast!
"No, examiner, the situation is like this."

Tang Tian hurriedly said:
"Look, examiner, it hasn't been long since I took over Shenfan City, and the affairs in the city haven't been arranged yet. It's just an empty city now, can you invite the examiner to stay in my city for two days?"

The middle-aged man said:
"Now that the big city has been found, it's all scattered affairs. Why do you, a suzerain, still care about so much? Besides, you have time to enter the top area with your cultivation level. If you miss this time, you will have to wait for a few years Or decades! Is this city important, or is it important to join the temple?"

Tang Tian smiled bitterly and said:
"I know that the examiner's time must not be delayed, and it is also very important to participate in the assessment, but there are really unfinished things in my city."

The middle-aged man frowned, a little impatient, and sneered:
"It's the first time I've met the outlying elders who asked me to wait! What's the matter, tell me honestly."

Tang Tian didn't dare to hide:

"Assessor, it's like this. You Yuezong has a lot of opinions on this big city. In the past few days, they are likely to come down to trouble me. If this matter is not resolved, I will leave here to participate in the assessment , will not feel at ease!"

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