From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 2136 The situation in the top-level area!

Tang Tian had seen those rain demons.

Rain demons are also thoughtful beings. Their reproductive function is very powerful. In the Magic Rain Realm, their strength and the speed of their cultivation can be said to be no less than that of humans!The rain demons just appeared too late, and they don't have their own exercises!

Just imagine, if the rain demon can develop quietly for tens of thousands of years, and then have its own cultivation method...

The humans are probably not their opponents at all!

Of course, this is just a guess in Tang Tian's heart. As for whether it is as he thought, it is unknown.

Teacher Ji nodded and said:
"That's right, the gods and the rain monsters are the same concept. The difference is that the gods have the advantage of divine aura and develop faster and more advanced! It's very difficult to deal with the gods! So these years, we humans have just cleaned up The gods in some top-level areas have been cleared, and many colonies have even begun to open up. So some areas are much safer, but those sects don’t want to build cities here.”

Tang Tianqi said:

"Why don't you want to build a city when it's already safe?"

Teacher Ji smiled slightly:

"That's because the top-level area is too big. It's enough for the monks to explore the camp. Even if they build a city, their goal is now aiming at the central area."

"That's it!"

Tang Tian nodded:
"Since the advent of human beings, there have been countless alien races that want to destroy and rule the human race. There are real demons in front, now there are gods, and even rain demons who are not in the mainstream! But even so, their final results are all It's failure! It ends in failure! They can't destroy and rule mankind, but it's the footsteps of mankind, step by step, they can't stop it!"

Looking at Tang Tian, ​​Teacher Ji nodded very satisfied:

"Your opinion is the same as mine. The spirit of exploration and exploration of our ethnic group will never disappear. When encountering difficulties and dangers, there are always some people who are not afraid of death, so I believe that one day, the gods will Destroyed!"

Tang Tian and Teacher Ji chatted all the way, and after a few days, finally saw the huge yurt in the distance.

It was a huge yurt formed by a cyan mask, covering a large area of ​​mountains and rivers below it. From a distance, it seemed like a huge canopy, incomparably majestic.

Next to the huge yurt, there is a blue-gray mountain. From the mountainside, there are lightning flashes, and after a while, there is a sudden bang!Deafening, heart-pounding!

"This is the exploration camp?"

Tang Tian's eyes moved.


Teacher Ji nodded and said:

"The mountain next to it is the direction leading to the secret realm."

"It's spectacular!"

Tang Tian came here and looked at the scene in front of him with a shocked expression on his face.

The mountain peaks surrounded by thunder and lightning occupy half of the sky, and the yurts spanning several mountain ranges below are all shocking.Tang Tian had imagined the scene here many times, but it was not as spectacular as before!
"The leopard!"

Those cultivators who followed behind, with blue faces, finally felt that they had regained a little face.

"Everyone enters the exploration camp!"

In a flash of light, Teacher Ji landed in front of the huge yurt.

Tang Tian came to the yurt and felt that the yurt in front of him was too big!
He has experienced many worlds (when looking for the key. Of course, except for the void, because Tang Tian only stayed in the void for a moment. He was kicked out by the void, so that he could enlighten this world.), and he has never seen it before. Such a huge building.

Standing under this huge cyan yurt, a person is really the size of an ant.

Tang Tian followed Teacher Ji to the front of the yurt, where stood some female nuns from the god period.

Seeing Teacher Ji coming, the female nuns bowed down and said:

"Welcome back to Mr. Ji, a permanent resident."

Teacher Ji nodded and stood in front of the cyan light curtain, then he took out a jade card.

With the jade card facing the light curtain in front of him, the light curtain suddenly cracked a gap.

Before Mr. Ji walked in, he turned around and said:
"Future members of the temple, after you enter, you can rest for three days, buy items or visit relatives and friends! Remember, at this moment in three days, you must wait for me here!"

After Mr. Ji finished speaking, he reminded:

"Ding Hao, you can buy a three-day temporary resident permission, or you can buy a cave. But I suggest you, if you have money, buy a cave, once and for all! The price of caves here will only appreciate, not depreciate. of!"

After Mr. Ji finished speaking, he walked into the gap.

Then, the gap closed, keeping everyone behind him outside.

Teacher Ji specially reminded Tang Tian, ​​so that many people turned their attention to Tang Tian.

The female cultivators of the god period came over and saluted with a smile:
"Senior, you can buy resident rights here."

Tang Tian was not in a hurry to buy, and said with a smile:
"I'll wait, let others first."


The female cultivator of the Tianshen period walked to the person beside Tang Tian.

"I'll buy a three-day temporary permission."

A deity took out three high-grade divine stones and placed them in a tray covered with red cloth.

The female cultivator of the Tianshen period smiled, accepted the god stone, then picked up a jade plaque on the tray, asked the name and sect, engraved the information on the jade plaque, and finally handed it to the goddess.

"Senior, this is your resident status token. You can stay for three days. At this moment after three days, if you are still in the camp, the divine formation will automatically send you here."

"I see."

The deity picked up the jade token, swept it with divine sense, and easily refined it.

Then, he strode to the cyan light curtain, swept across the light curtain with the jade token, and walked into the huge yurt.

"Three hundred million in three days!"

Tang Tian was stunned. This exploration camp is really very profitable. If you enter a person and stay in it for a day, you will pay [-] million!
There are also gods who asked:
"I just heard from Teacher Ji about buying Dongfu, what's the situation?"

The goddess female cultivator smiled politely and said:

"Senior, all the monks who have purchased the cave will automatically obtain the permission of permanent residents. If they enter the exploration camp in the future, they will never have to pay the permission fee."

The God Venerable was quite moved, and said:
"Then may I ask how to buy the Dongfu, and how much do I need to pay?"

The goddess cultivator smiled and took out a jade card:
"Senior, here are the sizes, functions and prices of various cave houses. You can take a look before making a decision."


This goddess used his divine sense to look into the jade card, and his face suddenly turned red, and he said embarrassedly:
"Then I'd better buy a three-day temporary resident permission."

Tang Tianxin said, this God Venerable is not like someone who has no money. He was so frightened that he opened his mouth and said:

"let me see."

"Explore the camp, explain the cave dwelling in detail."

Tang Tian took the jade card, swept it with his divine sense, and was immediately stunned.

"Your uncle's! Even the smallest cave dwelling, with only one quiet room, requires thirty top-quality divine stones!"

"This is too exaggerated!"

Tang Tian stuck out his tongue, but in the end he didn't buy it.

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