Chapter 2143 Go!Meet Die Wu again!


Tang Tian responded, and then walked over!

As he walked over, Tang Tian found that many monks and Taoist couples hugged each other tightly, as well as parents and brothers hugging each other for the final farewell!

Regarding this, Tang Tian couldn't help sighing, because he knew that this trip was quite dangerous. According to the data, only 200 of the 60 people here can survive, and the other 140 people are all dead!
This is no joke!
A farewell is a farewell forever!
"Okay, let's go!"

Teacher Ji yelled loudly and roared angrily:
"Why are you crying, you are not cowards, although the survival rate is not high, but if you have no confidence in yourself, it will be easier to die! If you are afraid, timid, and don't want to go, there is still time to quit now! Official members of the temple , Not everyone can achieve it!"

After speaking, he flew up first:

"Those who want to become true temple members, follow me! Those who are afraid, stay!"

After he finished speaking, the teachers in the other three groups also turned around and shouted:
"People in this group, keep up, you bastard, go back!"

After speaking, they all flew up, and flew directly to the blue-gray mountain in front of them, towards the direction of the secret realm.

Tang Tian also followed the crowd and flew along the 45-degree slope of the mountain.

Of the 200 monks present, none of them were timid, and they all flew up.

Members of the temple, official members, this is everyone's dream!
The 30.00% survival rate is terrible and cruel!But no one backs down. Only by working hard for their dreams can life have its own value.

Tang Tian followed the crowd and flew higher and higher along the slope.

Coming to the mountainside of this giant mountain, there are amazing silver lightning in front of you.

All the 200 monks stopped, Teacher Ji and three other teachers walked over, each released a treasure, and began to practice.

"This is the place where the spirit energy of the gods and the spirit energy mix. Therefore, in the thunderstorm area, we only need some anti-thunder treasures and open a hole to get through it safely."

Next to Tang Tian's ear, there was a voice of a woman explaining to him.

"It's you!"

Tang Tian turned his head abruptly, and found that he knew the female monk who was talking to him:
"Butterfly Love!"

Tang Tian once met a mysterious female cultivator Die Lian when he was earning the Demon Suppressing Medal in the ruins.

I didn't expect to meet here at this moment.

"You are also here to participate in the second-stage assessment?"

Tang Tian's mood immediately improved, the death secret realm was too dangerous, and he also wanted to find a companion!
"That's right, I'm also here to participate in the second-stage assessment."

Die Lian smiled slightly and replied!

At this time, Tang Tian suddenly remembered something, raised his wrist, and took out a small silver knife.

"I borrowed it from you last time, and I will return it to you."

When Tang Tian was in the ruins, he used this ban-breaking knife to break the ban. This knife is very sharp and easy to use.

But Tang Tian always remembered that this knife did not belong to him, but was borrowed from this Dielian girl to use.

"I thought I couldn't meet you."

Die Lian smiled slightly, and took the small silver knife.

While they were talking, the lightning area in front of them had been torn apart by Teacher Ji and the others, and a group of monks filed in.

Tang Tian and Die Lian also flew into the gap.

After entering, I saw an open doorway higher up in the sky, which was the entrance to the secret realm!
Because of the thunderstorm, it is not possible to fly here, and everyone can only walk.

Tang Tian and Die Lian walked side by side, he said with a smile:
"Fellow Daoist Die Lian, do you want us to form a team too?"

In the secret realm, it is too dangerous, so form a small group to explore together, and the survival rate will increase a lot accordingly.

Tang Tian came all the way, no one wanted to form a team with him, and now seeing Die Lian, Tang Tian also moved his mind to form a team.

Unfortunately, just as Tang Tian asked this question, a rough man's voice came from the front:

"Dielian, hurry up!"

When Ding Hao looked up, he saw a middle-aged man standing majestically among the crowd in front of him.

"Brother, I'm here."

Die Lian stuck out her tongue and said in a low voice:

"Let's talk about it after entering the secret realm, my elder brother is very strict."

As she said that, she didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly followed the team in front.

"Well, it looks like I'm still alone."

Tang Tian sighed.

Looking at the front, Die Lian, her senior brother and several other people formed a huge team of six people!
In such an assessment, it is a good choice to form a team to complete.

A team of six is ​​considered very strong!

After Die Lian walked back to the team, she said to her elder brother:
"Eldest brother, this is Tang Tian, ​​a friend I met in the ruins. I chatted with him just now, and he seems to be alone..."

Die Lian really wanted to take Tang Tian with her, not because she fell in love with Tang Tian, ​​but because she had always felt that Tang Tian was a talented person, and Tang Tian's previous explanations about the Eight Diagrams Array moved her.

But her elder brother was not very optimistic about this little monk, he waved his hand and said:

"The six of us are enough, don't drag the oil bottle."

"That's right, Cai Shenzun is going to enter the secret realm of death in the early stage, it's too urgent, isn't it courting death?"

"We have no obligation to protect him!"

Several other monks also voiced their opposition.

Everyone formed a team to better complete the task and to save their lives!Everyone wants to have a strong man who can fight against ten in the team, not a drag bottle in the early stage of the god!
Die Lian's own cultivation is not high, of course she is too embarrassed to continue, so she just bowed her head and said:


These people did not use sound transmission to speak, so Tang Tian behind could also vaguely hear them.

Regarding this, Tang Tian didn't say anything, just smiled!
He didn't blame anyone. In the world of cultivation, it was very realistic!
If you are not strong enough, others will not lead you!On the other hand, Tang Tian himself doesn't want to bring an oil bottle, does he?
The 200 monks walked for a long time before they finally came to the entrance to the secret realm.

Tang Tian looked at the hole in front of him, and then at the foot of his house, a sea of ​​lightning flashing silver, he also let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally came to the secret realm!"

After coming to this world, he went to the high-level area at most, and now he came to the top-level area, which gave him a feeling that he would be the top of the mountain to see all the small mountains.You know, too many people in this world will not be able to reach here in this lifetime!Can't reach this altitude!
"It's still the same sentence, this is not my end, but my starting point!"

Without hesitation, Tang Tian strode out and walked into the hole in front of him.


After everyone entered the cave, the first reaction was to feel good!

All the divine power consumed by climbing the mountain before was instantly supplemented by the rich spiritual energy here!
"The spiritual energy here is too pure, take a few more breaths, it's even purer than in the exploration camp!"

Many monks breathed heavily.

Of course, there were quite a few monks who felt the pressure in the cave immediately, and felt a little overwhelmed.

Teacher Ji smiled and said:

"Everyone stop smoking, you have enough time to smoke slowly in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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