"Yes, this is Dao Wen!"

Shu Qing's remnant soul also nodded and replied.

Tang Tian looked at the remnant soul of God Shuqing and said:

"I once reached the end of the world and saw an astonishing number of them on Tiewei Mountain!"

"What, there are Dao patterns on Tiewei Mountain?"

Shuqing's remnant soul sighed:

"I was looking around to buy Dao Wen, and it turned out to be on Tiewei Mountain in the lower realm. I really didn't expect it!"

Tang recognized the Dao pattern, which made Shu Qing's remnant soul a little interested in this Tang Tian.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Friend Daoist, to be honest, I like you a little bit. If you can pass my three assessments, it will be a happy ending..."

Tang Tian said:
"Try it!"

"Okay, you swear."


Tang Tian didn't really want to swear, he had a thought, and secretly said:

"Mother worm, release a puppet worm into my body and build a false will in my sea of ​​consciousness!"

Puppets enter other people's bodies and can make others obedient.But the puppet worm also has another function, which is to enter one's own body and create an illusion of obedience in one's own sea of ​​consciousness!Then use this level of will to swear!

At that time, as long as the puppet is crushed to death, this oath will not work.

"it is good."

Tang Tian introduced the puppet worm into his body, and quickly established an illusion.

Immediately, his face became extremely pious, and he swore:

"I am willing to accept the suggestion of Shuqing Daoist Remnant Soul. Accept his three assessments. If he succeeds, he will be his teacher and accept all his inheritance; if the assessment fails, I will become his agent for recruiting apprentices. He is looking for a suitable disciple! Before I find one, I must not be delayed by other things! If I violate this oath, I will be hit by thunder and will die, and every level of my cultivation will be troubled by demons. Because you can only descend and not ascend, and finally descend into a mortal, life would be better than death!"


Shu Qing's remnant soul was very satisfied, but she didn't expect that the poisonous oath made by Tang Tian was indeed poisonous.

He didn't know that Tang Tian never thought of obeying it from the beginning.

After Tang Tian swore, he said:

"Fellow Daoist Shuqing, you can assess me now."

"Well, I hope you pass."

Shu Qing's remnant soul said:

"The first is the literary test. I want to test your understanding of the relationship between laws and spells."

In fact, the first question is very difficult. For ordinary god monks, they only know spells, and their understanding of laws is only superficial. This is simply asking the blind.He looked at Tang Tian, ​​his eyes couldn't help being a little teasing, and he thought to himself, as a god in the early stage, it's impossible for you to even answer this question even remotely, it seems that you are going to be doomed in the first assessment!

But he didn't know that although Tang Tian's cultivation base was only in the early stage of God Venerable, his vision was high!
You know, Tang Tian's deity is also a top existence in the void world.Although the deity did not teach Tang Tian any laws, under the long-term influence of the deity, Tang Tian talked about this aspect at all.

"Actually, this question is very simple. Laws are the foundation of spells. The key to why a fire spell can be used is the operation of the rules! As long as we understand the rules, the spells will naturally come handy! Another example, If there is a world without laws, I believe that spells will be completely ineffective! Therefore, the ultimate goal of all the cultivation of my monks is to control the laws! If one day, I can control all the laws in this world, then I will be old sky……"

Listening to Tang Tian's effortless explanation, Shu Qing was dumbfounded.

"Could it be that 1000 million years have passed, and the theoretical level of monks is now so high?"

Tang Tian continued:
"Many people think that the law is the most fundamental thing in this world, but it is not. The law is only a superficial thing, and the more important thing is the elements. Everyone knows that this world is composed of nine elements! Therefore, Shu Qingshen You know, those strong people in the God Realm are all studying the control of the elements! When you completely control the nine elements, even if you go to other worlds, other interfaces, and other spaces with different laws, you can still be popular Drink spicy..."


Hearing this, Shu Qing was completely speechless, because even he didn't quite understand what Tang Tian was saying now!

"Are you really a cultivator at the beginning of the god?"

Shu Qing interrupted Tang Tian and asked.

Tang Tian asked back:
"If I say that I am the reincarnation of a top powerhouse, will you let me pass the exam?"

"Stop bragging, the strong are reincarnated, you have to show evidence!"

Shu Qing's remnant soul groaned.

"Is there any evidence for such a thing?"

Tang Tian snorted coldly and asked:

"Then do I pass the first pass?"

In fact, these claims of the God Realm were all accidentally seen in previous historical records, and combined with Tang Tian's knowledge, now that he brought it up, he even frightened Shu Qing's remnant soul for a while.

"Okay, you passed with full marks!"

Shu Qing's remnant soul finally looked at Tang Tian with a straight eye, but obviously the second test was not easy to pass, he said again:

"Passed the literary test, now it's the military test!"

While speaking, Shu Qing waved her big hand, and a cyan light curtain appeared in front of Tang Tian.

"Okay, now your task is to use spells to destroy this layer of light curtain!"

"Break this layer of light curtain?"

Tang Tian smiled faintly:
"I thought there was a lot of advanced assessment."

Shu Qing's remnant soul laughed and said:
"You can only use spells, you can try it."

"It can also be broken with spells!"

Tang Tian pulled his hands together, releasing a large piece of flame.

The flames turned into countless firebirds, screaming strangely, and rushed towards the blue light curtain. When these fiery red firebirds hit the light curtain, there was a loud bang, the firebirds exploded, and the light curtain exploded. A violent flame explosion occurred.

"It's no use?"

Tang Tian frowned. When the fire bird exploded on the surface of the light curtain, part of the light curtain was damaged.But what is surprising is that there seems to be some power in this light curtain, which is endless!The damaged light curtain will be repaired in the fastest time!

"Give me more power!"

With a thought in Tang Tian's mind, the power of the flames released intensified crazily!

I saw that the size of those firebirds was doubled, and the shape of those firebirds also had the prototype of a fire phoenix.

"Young man, what kind of beast is in your magical mirror world that can release such flames!"

Shuqing God Venerable looked surprised.

The corners of Tang Tian's mouth curled up slightly:
"Friend Daoist, it is not so easy for me to obtain your inheritance; and if you want to see my strange beast, I will not show it to you easily! Your three assessments are capable of stopping me, and I will give it to you when the time comes." Look at my strange beast!"

"Okay! Fellow Daoist, you are so arrogant!"

Shu Qing remnant shouted, and then continued:
"In this case, I don't mind making the light curtain thicker!"

While speaking, he waved his hand, and the light curtain in front of him thickened in vain.

Not only that, the speed of repair after damage is faster!

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