Chapter 2178 The plans of all parties!
Not to mention these assessors, even the life of the gods in the secret realm of death can't sit still.

Two humanoid spirit clans, a man and a woman, and the ancient spirit clan ape named Red Hair, plus many high-level spirit clan leaders, all gathered together.

"This time is an opportunity for us."

The humanoid spirit race man said:

"Last time I could have killed one of Di Wudao and Ding Bajiu, but it's a pity that they both had treasures from the top powerhouses in their hands, blocking my ultimate move! The gathering in the venue happened to be the time when our gods massacred, so if we do well, we will kill all these humans!"

"That's right, if all of these humans can be killed, I think the human race will stop for thousands of years! This will leave enough room for our family to develop!"

Australopithecus Red Hair also agrees with this point of view.

The other gods also agreed.

The human-shaped Eldar man's eyes flashed with hatred and said:
"Human beings are our eternal enemy. Even if we die together with them, as long as we can delay their pace of sweeping up more secret realms, it is worth paying some price! This time, we will inform all the descendants of the spirit race that they will all gather there! Next time we must launch our killing blow!"

The female spirit race life said:

"I didn't go last time, which caused Di Wudao and Ding Bajiu to be let go. Let me go this time!"

The humanoid god spirit man muttered:
"You're right. If you had shot last time, Di Wudao and Ding Bajiu wouldn't have escaped at all! This time we will dispatch together to try to kill them all! As for our children, then Just hide him well and don't let him be caught!"

The Spirit Race woman said:

"I think the flying insect larva of the Spirit Race that came to report last time is good. Let him stay and participate in protecting our children."

"Okay! Let's make arrangements and set off!"

The humanoid god spirit man said with a fierce look in his eyes.


In the evening, the number of black clouds gathered in the sky was already quite terrifying.

These black clouds are located outside the restriction of the secret realm of death, so even the four teachers outside can clearly see them.

"Tang Tian is a good young man!"

Seeing the scale of this calamity cloud, the four teachers were all moved with emotion.

Teacher Ji couldn't help but feel a little worried, knowing that Tang Tian would not listen to dissuasion and insisted on surviving the tribulation in the secret realm of death.

But up to now, Teacher Ji has nothing to do.

According to the regulations of the Crazy League, in order to prevent cheating in the assessment, teachers are prohibited from entering the assessment area.

The other two teachers on the other two sides sighed with emotion:
"Tang Tian is a good seed, but it's a pity, it's a pity that he offended someone who shouldn't be offended! This time he crosses the tribulation, it's his death!"

Having said that, both of them had ruthless sneers on the corners of their mouths:

"Offending the strong, arrogant and conceited, actually wanting to survive the catastrophe in the secret realm of death, you are really courting death!"

While they were talking to themselves, suddenly the Jieyun in the sky changed again.

Originally, the robbery cloud had already been condensed into shape, but at this moment, there was an astonishing number of black robbery clouds coming, and the speed was even crazier.

"What's going on, what's the situation?"

The four teachers were all shocked.

Not long after, the figure flashed, and then the figure flashed again, and the other three teachers all came to the door of Teacher Ji's observation point.

"come in."

Teacher Ji greeted, and the three leading teachers walked in.

"Mr. Ji, the robbery clouds in the sky have already taken shape, but why did they start to increase crazily in the blink of an eye?"

A female teacher asked anxiously.

Teacher Ji sighed:

"Can't you see that? There are a large number of human monks or gods who have entered the tribulation zone! God thought that these people were helping Tang Tian to cross the catastrophe, so Lei Ting was furious and showed great power! An extraordinary catastrophe will be brought down!" Ray, this time there is something to see!"


Another teacher worried:
"But the problem now is that if the Heavenly Tribulation that falls is too great, then our formations outside the Secret Boundary of Life and Death may collapse completely!"

There is a formation outside the secret realm of life and death, which traps the gods and spirits in it.

In a general catastrophe, this layer of formation will be broken, but it will be repaired soon; but if the catastrophe is too terrifying, it is likely to completely destroy the entire formation, and then there is no way to repair it by itself.

Teacher Ji sighed:

"Yes, I am also worried about this, but we can't go in, so we are really anxious."

The female teacher said angrily:
"It's all Tang Tian, ​​why doesn't he come out to cross the tribulation, insists on going through the tribulation in the secret realm, destroying the entire formation, how can he pay for it?"

Teacher Ji's complexion suddenly darkened, and he snorted coldly:

"Why don't you blame those people who entered the tribulation area? Tang Tian was going through the tribulation well there, and these people insisted on getting involved! They are really harming others and themselves! This kind of horrible catastrophe, I will never forget it in my life." I've never seen it before! Even if they kill Tang Tian, ​​they won't end well!"

Another neutral teacher also sighed:
"We haven't seen it before. Is there anyone who has so many people in the Tribulation Area when he is crossing the Tribulation? With so many people entering the Tribulation Crossing Area, I'm afraid the God Tribulation will increase by many times!"

What he said is correct, for ordinary people to cross the catastrophe, they either find a no-man's land deep in the mountains and old forests, or ask their disciples to open up a completely blank area.Some fastidious monks even want to kill all the mosquitoes and cockroaches in the Transcending Tribulation Area!Just in case these creatures cause God's will to be misunderstood!
But Tang Tian crossed the tribulation this time, just the opposite.

I don't know how many monks poured in, and there are even larger numbers of gods and spirits rushing into the tribulation area!

For God's will, of course Long Yan was furious!
God believes that these people are all here to help Tang Tian cross the catastrophe!Therefore, God's will can only send bigger, bigger and bigger tribulation thunders. With the increase of these people, the power of God's will will become more and more terrifying!
In the end, the Jieyun in the sky was terrifyingly large!
Whoosh whoosh.

The lights and shadows kept flickering, and the monks from other secret realms of life and death in the top area all noticed this side and came here one after another.

"Mr. Ji, what's the situation here?"

"A monk crosses the divine calamity."

Teacher Ji sighed.

"How is it possible, is this a divine robbery? I feel that the top divine robbery is nothing more than that!"

Everyone looked at the frightening black clouds in the sky.

Teacher Ji sighed:
"I always feel that many people will die this time."

The faces of the two teachers who sent information to Di Wudao and Ding Bajiu darkened. They quietly walked to the corner, took out their jade cards and sent out a message.

"Tang Tian crosses the tribulation, the thunder is so strong, it is rare to meet in the ages! Don't enter the tribulation area, it is dangerous!"

In the secret realm of life and death.

The wind was surging, and Di Wudao, who was dressed in white with his shoulders turned up, stood under the black clouds, looking at the jade tablet in his hand.


(End of this chapter)

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