From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 2322 Turn against each other, disband!

Yan Lingkang swept across the soul thread with his thoughts, and his face was ecstatic.

Obviously, from Po Kongji's memory, he has already obtained a lot of information!
Hua Tian smiled and said:

"Brother Yan, what's the secret in Pokong's memory, what should we do next?"

Yan Lingkang sneered in his heart, it's good enough for me to bring you here.Do you want me to share the secret with you now?
What's more, Tang Tian's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and this kid seems to know more about this place than me. I absolutely can't go treasure hunting with him again!
Thinking of this, Yan Lingkang said:

"That's right, Pokongji's soul is quite difficult to refine! I need a lot of time to refine it! Now it seems that it is too dangerous for you to explore treasures with me. Now you go backwards, from the previous exit. door, get out!"

Hua Tian laughed in astonishment and said:

"how is this possible?"

Tang Tian sneered, he could see Yan Lingkang's fear just now.

"In this case, our treasure hunting team will be disbanded."

Tang Tian snorted coldly, grabbed at his body, grabbed out the oath made by the heart demon before, and then crushed it.

Afterwards, he raised his hand to collect Po Kongji's body on the ground, and ran forward.

"What's the matter?"

Hua Tian laughed coldly, and said again:

"Brother Yan, let's be together."

Hua Tianxiao knew very well that in this world of the Kongkong clan, with Yan Lingkang, a guy with a spiritual root in space, he would be much easier to walk.

But he didn't expect at all that at this moment, Yan Lingkang's face suddenly changed, and his face became ferocious:

"Unexpectedly, this trap is still useful! Hua Tianxiao, you can follow me if you want, just give me the trap!"


Hua Tianxiao's face changed drastically. He never expected that Yan Lingkang would suddenly turn his back on him and wanted to snatch his trap.

Hua Tianxiao's strength is not as good as Yan Lingkang's.

The superficial strength is not as good as Yan Lingkang, and as for the hidden strength, it is even worse!

Yan Lingkang sneered, unexpectedly he also had the means to break through the air, and the next second, he was standing on the way of Hua Tianxiao's escape.

"Hua Tianxiao, we have hunted treasures many times, I won't kill you! Hand over the trap!"

"Hand over the trap, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Hua Tianxiao changed direction several times, but Yan Lingkang was able to stand in front of him!
"Spells of the space system! How similar are they to Pokongji? Could it be that you just obtained such amazing spells from Pokongji's memory?"

Hua Tian asked with a terrified expression.

"Hahaha, not bad."

Yan Lingkang laughed loudly:
"Let me tell you, the magic space world of the Kongkong clan is my paradise! You don't even want to learn most of the inheritance here! But here I can learn all the spells! Hahaha, I just need to use The trap captures different Kongkong clan pets, and then gets a few more space-type spells, who else can be my opponent?"

Hua Tianxiao's face was horrified, Yan Lingkang could get Pokongji's piercing ability after killing a Pokongj, it was too scary.

If Yan Lingkang killed a few more beasts here, that would really be against the sky!
"Hand over the trap, and I will spare you! When I get the final inheritance, I can reward you with a few treasures."

Yan Lingkang ordered for the last time.

Hua Tianxiao's face changed a few times. He was no match for Yan Lingkang, but now that Yan Lingkang has new skills, he has no power to fight back!
"Yan Lingkang, I hope you remember your promise!"

Hua Tianxiao dropped the trap, turned around and left.


Yan Lingkang grabbed the trap, eyes full of greed:
"The inheritance here is mine. I am the only one with spatial spiritual roots here. Master here, I am your only choice! As long as I kill everyone else, you will definitely choose me!"

Hua Tianxiao walked back for a while, annoyed in his heart, Yan Lingkang, a bastard, even snatched my things!

He was originally a narrow-minded person, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally stopped:
"I can't leave, I want to wait for an opportunity here! Look for an opportunity! Yan Lingkang, if you take my trap, I will definitely make you pay it back a hundredfold!"


At this moment, Tang Tian had already hid in the soul space.

Space monkey Tang Xiaokong can't wait in the soul space:
"Master, did you bring Pokongji's body?"

Tang Tian got Po Kongji's body not because Tang Tian needed it, but because Tang Xiaokong needed it.

"What do you want this corpse for?"

With a thought, Tang Tian threw Po Kongji's body on the ground.

"Lend me a knife."

Pokong's body was very hard, Tang Tian took out the knife transformed into a divine weapon to Tang Xiaokong, Tang Xiaokong took it and cut open Pokong's body, and then searched among the flesh and blood.

Soon, he found something, and soon, he took out all of Po Kongji's internal organs.

"Your uncle, you want to eat five internal organs again!"

Tang Tian almost fainted. Tang Xiaokong always liked to eat the Five Viscera Refining God Soup. He hadn't seen him eat it for so many years. He thought he had changed his ways, but now he had a relapse.

Tang Xiaokong chuckled:
"Hey, master, you made a mistake, I don't want its internal organs."

After finishing speaking, he rummaged through his colorful intestines, and unexpectedly found a huge beast crystal!

This Pokong's body is very big, and the beast crystal is also quite big, Tang Xiaokong immediately looked greedy when he took it out.

"Master, I feel that this is what I like to eat."

Tang Tian was stunned to see the space monkey gobbling up the beast crystal.

This guy's appetite is really different from that of ordinary people.

It was amazing enough to see him eating five viscera refining soup before, but now he is actually eating this kind of hard animal crystal, which is really surprising.

What is even more surprising is that after the space monkey ate all the big beast crystal, another strange thing happened.

Xiaolu asked blankly:

"Master, I feel that Xiao Kong has grown a little taller."

"I feel it too."

Tang Tian's face was a little shocked, the space monkey has really grown taller!
In this way, this kind of beast crystal is really the food of space monkeys!
Otherwise, how could this guy grow taller after eating the beast crystal?
"Xiaokong, how do you feel after eating?"

Tang Tian asked quickly.


Tang Xiaokong burped and said:

"A little full."

Tang Tian almost vomited blood, and cursed:
"What is a little full, do you have any new feelings in terms of mental strength or memory?"

"It seems to have a feeling."

Tang Xiaokong thought for a moment, then said:

"It seems to be gone again, master, you can get me some more beast crystals to try."

Tang Tian fainted:
"You foodie."

He vaguely felt that this space monkey might have some connection with the Kongkong tribe!

However, this matter cannot be clarified in a while.

"Forget it, I'll continue to hunt for treasure."

Tang Tian controlled the soul space to fly forward.

There are tall rocks on both sides, and the soul space is flying fast.

Here, he did not hide anything, because there is no cover here. After all, those who enter here are basically strong people, and it is difficult for a small flying sand to hide.

Simply Tang Tian didn't hide it anymore.

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