From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 2333 Yingzheng successfully joined the temple!

Chapter 2333 Yingzheng successfully joined the temple!

Looking at the radiant monks here, seeing the numerous base buildings here, and looking at the Crazy Alliance Token in his hand, Ying Zheng felt that he had lived a fulfilling life in the past 4500 years!

When he came, the base city of 610 was still very small, but now it is the most important supply station for human beings!

"I have not wasted these 4500 years!"

Ying Zheng can say this proudly.

"The temple examiner is here!"

The examiner of the third group of peripheral members is not a monk like Ji Boyang, but a real invincible powerhouse, a true Taoist!

Buer Taoist arrived in person with the decision of the temple.

"The 500-year assessment has yielded results again. On behalf of the temple, I came here to announce the decision, and welcome Yingzheng, Shengjun, Ding Wuhe... and others to become the latest generation of members of the Kuangmeng! From now on, your responsibility is to Protect the human race! Your mission is to eliminate alien threats! Your mission is to uphold the honor of the temple!"

"Our responsibility is to protect the human race!"

"Our mission is to eliminate the alien threat!"

"Our mission is to uphold the honor of the temple!"

Ying Zheng and others swore loudly.

Then Buer Taoist walked in front of them one by one, and took the outer tokens of the temple they handed over.

Then, Buer Taoist swept the token with his palm.

This ceremony is called entering the temple!
After truly entering the temple, that is to become a real temple member, the so-called temple member, that is, the temple elder!
An organization that can decide the highest affairs of mankind, becoming an elder in it represents the ultimate authority of the human race!
"Yingzheng, the temple welcomes you. As No.1, you have obtained [-]% of the voting rights!"

"Thank you."

When Bu Er Daoist swept the palm of Ying Zheng's token, the ranking list of military exploits on it disappeared.

The only thing left is very simple.

"Name: Ying Zheng."

"The elders of the temple, one percent of the voting rights."

"Battle exploits: 110983768."

This is the real temple token, the entire token is lit up, all functions are turned on, Ying Zheng can communicate with other temple members, and at the same time, he can enter his spiritual consciousness into the temple hall at any time, Discuss and vote on meetings in the temple!

"Thank you!"

Ying Zheng took the token, his eyes ecstatic.

The Buer Taoist said again:

"Yingzheng, I recently took in a disciple, and now he has passed the second-stage assessment of the temple, and is starting to participate in the third-stage assessment of the temple."

After finishing speaking, he pulled a young man beside him and said with a smile:
"This is my new disciple, named Tu Bafang."

Taoist Bu Er introduced Tu Bafang to Ying Zheng, and then gave several other monks to apply for admission to the temple.

Ying Zheng smiled and said:

"Tu Bafang, I really envy you. I don't know how many monks are envious of you to become the disciple of the Perfect Taoist."

Tu Bafang smiled, and then asked:
"Brother Yingzheng, let me ask you about someone. The patriarch of my sect entered here to participate in the third stage of the assessment more than a hundred years ago."

Ying Zheng smiled and said:

"What's the name? There is no one I don't know in the base city of 610."

Huang Hao said:
"My suzerain is called Tang Tian."

"Tang Tian!"

Ying Zheng shook his head with a wry smile when he heard the name.

"100 years, a full 100 years, no news at all!"

Ying Zheng was still very concerned about Tang Tian's affairs.

But on a certain day 100 years ago, Tang Tian suddenly disappeared, and there was no news at all after that!

Ying Zheng also thought of many ways to inquire about Tang Tian's news, but there was no news!
Tang Tian seemed to have evaporated from the world, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead!

"Tu Bafang, to be honest, I also want to know about him, but I really don't know."

Ying Zheng said this, and said:
"However, he asked me about Yan Lingkang back then, and I suspected that he and Yan Lingkang went to search for treasures! I also looked for Yan Lingkang, but in the past 100 years, Yan Lingkang has disappeared. I suspect that they probably went out to search for treasures together , may also be trapped somewhere, but he should still be alive."

"That's it."

Tu Bafang nodded.

His journey along the way was quite difficult and dangerous.

With his aptitude, at most he can become the disciple of an ordinary top expert, but he cannot become the disciple of a powerful and invincible expert like Buer Taoist!

But Taoist Buer saw that he was simple and honest, and he was a very good person, and with Ji Boyang's introduction, he accepted him as a disciple!
In fact, Tu Bafang was most grateful for being able to come all the way here, and the person he most wanted to see was Tang Tian.

It is this suzerain that supports his heart!
How many times when he felt that he couldn't get through the difficult times, just thinking about Tang Tianzong made him feel stronger.

"Sovereign, no matter where you are, I will definitely find you!"

"In the base city of 610, I will work hard to cultivate, and I will also inquire about news."

"Your merit list hasn't changed in 100 years. Obviously, you are trapped in a certain space. I will practice while asking monks who like to explore treasures with Yan Lingkang. One day, I will find you!"

"If you are trapped somewhere, you hold on, and I will definitely rescue you!"

Thinking of this, Tu Bafang looked out of the 610 base city with his eyes, and suddenly had boundless courage.


Twelve years have passed.

The vast darkness, boundless!

In the darkness, a square fragment of square space flew past the camera with a whistling sound.

During these 100 years, Tang Tian encountered a few more beings from the Spirit Race, and successfully drained them dry.

Tang Tian also learned a lot of theories of the Dao Law from the Shuqing Enlightenment Technique, and with the spiritual power he absorbed, although he is only a monk in the late stage of the God Venerable, his strength is not bad at all. Combat power!

Although these 100 years are very long, there are many things they have to do.

So, Tang Tian is still very fulfilling!

"I spent a third of my time refining the black beast card, but the refining failed!"

"It took me another third of the time to refine the Divine Weapon, and now the Divine Weapon in my hand has reached one-third of the Divine Weapon!"

"There is still a third of the time, and I use it to comprehend the Qingwu Tianshu and this law from Tiewei Mountain, and now it is also very effective!"

A dazzling light shot out from Tang Tian's eyes.

"These 100 years, although trapped here, without freedom, but I have not wasted!"

Speaking of this, Tang Tian is quite proud.

For 100 years, not a single day wasted!
In addition to cultivation, it is refining!
Not to mention anything else, just saying that he now owns one-third of the Divine Weapons, which is quite good. One-third of the Divine Weapons can be barely forged into a spear, a pair of double swords, or even a pair of swords. It can be turned into a piece of flying treasure, which has amazing effects!

"As for this law from Tiewei Mountain, I'm about to realize it!"

Tang Tian now has the power of two laws in his hands.

One is the infinite law, which brings infinite possibilities to his future development;
The second is the law of beast fire, which is the avenue of the fire system, allowing him to double his refining and attack;
And on the golden page in his hand, engraved is the power of the third law!
(End of this chapter)

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