From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 2388 Chapter 9 Heavenly Divine Sect

Chapter 2388 Returning to Nine Heavens Divine Sect

A few days later, the cleansing of the Nine Heavens Divine Sect finally came to an end!

All the guarding elders and guarding disciples of Shenfan City have been changed.

On this day, the wind is beautiful and the sun is warm.

Liang Yu changed into a bright yellow shirt, and then said:

"Let's go, everyone go to pick up Master Tang Tian back to the sect!"

Hearing that the suzerain was brought back to the sect, Fang Yu Lei Tingting and others were all excited.

Not long after, in front of the Baojia Pill Workshop, there were all elders of all levels of the Nine Heavens Sect.

This can make the old bag happy.

Because Tang Tian lives in his house, he can't even think about doing business recently.However, in the past few days, his family has grown quite a face, and the people who come and go are either the lords of the major suzerains or the elders, which is amazing!


But Xiaobao was stunned:
"Master Tang Tian, ​​if you want to rebuild the shrine, what about our elixir shop?"

Tang Tian also agreed to this request, and then he laughed, and led a group of people to the Shenfan City Lord Hall, and from there, he went back to Jiutian City through the teleportation array.

"It's fine, as long as the suzerain comes back."

The elders in the courtyard outside heard it and said loudly:

"I want to join the Nine Heavens Sect!"

Now, all the elders, big and small, of the Nine Heavens Sect have arrived!

This spread out layer by layer is quite imposing.

Tang Tian was really furious.

Tiantian took Xiaolu by the hand and led a group of people out of Bao's house, but stopped again.

"Not this way."

"Welcome Elder Tang Tian back to the sect!"

Lei Tingting said again:
"It really poached a lot of people. Originally, you said that only the God King Realm can be an elder, but later you changed it to a god elder. There is no way, there are not enough people!"

Liang Yu, who always laughed when she was happy and when she was angry, now her eyes were a little red.

"Hold on."

When he said this, Liang Yu burst into laughter, stood up and saluted:

Immediately, Fang Yu and Lei Tingting said loudly:

Fang Yu said:
"Brother Tang Tian, ​​we have really had a hard time these past few years. We have internal and external troubles, and we don't know when you will come back. To be honest, the pressure we have received is better. If it doesn't work, I will leave. The suzerain is under great pressure. , if Nine Heavens Shenzong is yellow, she will have nowhere to go!"

"I'm taking my leave now!"

Fang Yu also winked and said:

"Seniors, please please."

"There is such a thing!"

Tang Tian was a little annoyed. These people left as soon as they left, and they left in such a disgraceful way. Before they left, they even stole from me. What the hell is this?

Then, hundreds of Nine Heavens Divine Sect outside also shouted loudly:

"Actually, I'm not angry with you. I'm mainly afraid that you won't be able to rectify the sect and show it to others! Well, now that the sect has been rectified, let's go back to the sect."

But Xiao Xiaobao said loudly again:
"Master Tang Tian, ​​I have one more request."

Tang Tian turned his head to look at the Baojia Pill Shop, and with a sweeping gaze, he found Xiaobao from the crowd, and waved to her.

"The major sects also have ideas about our Shenfan City?"

"You are suffering."

The elixir workshop in Qingdan City is the most prosperous section in Shenfan City!This elixir shop can support a sect of the Qingdan Tianmen, but now it is run by their family. This is a real big deal!I believe that with this industry, the Bao family will soon become strong!

Tian Tian was still upset, and said coldly:
"Hello everyone, Shenfan City is well managed!"

Helping Lao Bao up, Tang Tian said with a smile:

The old man contained tears and wanted to kneel down to Tang Tian. This really accumulated eight lifetimes of virtue. The Bao family is about to prosper!

"Welcome Elder Tang Tian back to the sect!"


So everyone stood outside and let Liang Yu, Fang Yu and Lei Tingting walk into the backyard.

The little girl Xiaobao walked over embarrassedly, since she knew Tang Tian's identity, she became more careful.

"Li Shaotian and Tu Bafang, based on their aptitude and cultivation, why did they take them in as elders? Isn't it because they copied a lot of our exercises and pills!"

The three of them walked into Xiaoxiaobao's boudoir, and saw Tang Tian sitting cross-legged on the bed, and now he had recovered to the cultivation base of the later stage of Godman.

"These white-eyed wolves, go well, get out!"

Tang Tian already knew that the tablet in the shrine was actually the exit left for Great God Jiang Wen!

Tang Tian nodded and said with a smile:

"These people from the major sects are even more poisonous! They are planning to inherit our skills! Last time you asked senior Ji family to send you a large number of ancient skills and pills. You don't know how to let the outside world know. These are incomparably precious and unique copies! Then these sects poach our people, and then let our people copy a large number of ancient exercises and pill recipes before leaving!"

"Thank you Tang Tian for your kindness!"

Tang Tian originally wanted to lose his temper with them, but when he saw this situation, he said nothing.

"Oh, what?"

"Brother Tang Tian."

"Welcome Lord Tang Tian back to the sect!"

"You don't need to thank you. This is what you deserve. After all, you can't repay your life too much."

Liang Yu laughed lightly and said:

"Welcome Elder Tang Tian back to the sect!"

The business in Qingdan City is free of rent, my God, the pie is too big!
Lao Bao was so happy that he was about to faint!

"This is my savior!"

Fang Yu said:
"Brother Tang Tian, ​​those who killed a thousand swords should be killed! But don't blame the suzerain. These years, your life and death have not been known, and the life of the Nine Heavens Shenzong is not easy! Which one of the 99 big cities in the high-level area does not miss ours? Immortal City? Including the major sects, who doesn't want to get involved? Sigh, these years are really exhausting!"

"Xiao Xiaobao, don't worry about that. Didn't the elixir workshop in Qingdan City just vacate? I will sell elixir for you in the future, and the rent is also free."

The small black tower is in his hands, and he will go in and out in the future, so this shrine needs to be rebuilt.

Tang Tian frowned and said:

Thunder said:

Liang Yu sighed:

Lao Bao welcomed everyone into the door, Bao's house is not big, so many people can't stand there.

Liang Yu walked over with a smile.

Xiaobao said loudly.

The little girl Bao Yujing was about to cry. She finally saved someone. She was still a strong man. She thought life would be easier, but this strong man wanted to tear down his elixir shop and build a shrine!

On the way Tang Tian walked out, countless people watched.

As he said, someone will come in the future, knock down the Baojia pill workshop, rebuild the shrine, and enshrine the memorial tablet there!

"Master Tang Tian, ​​you're back."

Xiaoxiaobao's big black eyes widened out of nowhere.

Tang Tian laughed and introduced. With his words, the life of the Bao family in Shenfan City will be much easier in the future!
Tang Tian asked again:
"Xiao Xiaobao, take out that shrine tablet in your home, the original small shrine here needs to be rebuilt for me!"

At the same time, an astonishing number of passbooks and communication tokens sent messages to the outside world.

"Tang Tian is back!"

This shocking news finally spread from Shenfan City to the whole city.


(End of this chapter)

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