From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 422 Life dominates a breakthrough?

Chapter 422 Life dominates a breakthrough?
After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and a tower shaped like Nether Mountain appeared. It had nine floors in total. There was a Thunder Abyss Bead on the top of the tower, which scattered hundreds of millions of chains.A strong breath of death made everyone present (except Tang Mingyao and the proprietress of the Nether Hotel, of course) feel suffocated.

The proprietress next to her was also slightly taken aback when she saw this supreme artifact, but when she came back to her senses, she smiled indifferently!
Because, the supreme artifact that Linley is going to use to change the master's godhead was once the artifact of her own master of death, but later she exchanged the power of rules with the master of fate, and it was obtained by Linley again in the battle of planes!

Unexpectedly, after tossing and turning this supreme artifact, it finally found its way into the hands of Senior Tang. Thinking of this, the proprietress couldn't help but sigh in her heart!
"Hmm! That's fine. By the way, what attribute do you want for the main godhead?"

Tang Mingyao nodded and asked after putting away the Supreme Divine Artifact that Linley handed over to him!
"Senior! I want the master godhead of wind attribute and fire attribute, is that okay?"

Linley looked at Tang Mingyao, and asked cautiously!

"Well! No problem!"

Hearing this, Tang Mingyao nodded and said!

After finishing speaking, Tang Mingyao waved his hand, and a crack in space appeared in front of Linley, and two crystals, one green and one red, flew out of it!
Looking at the main godhead in front of him, Linley's face was filled with joy, and he immediately reached out to catch it!

"Well! These two main godheads are also the last ones I have left, and you won't have to change them even if you want them in the future!"

At this time, I heard Tang Mingyao say again!

Tang Mingyao is also taking precautions for everyone present. You must know that this world was created by the primordial spirit. When he opened up this world, he set the rules that there can only be a maximum of 77 main gods in this world!

And these two master godheads are the last two master godheads that were lost. If someone changes the master godhead next time, then Tang Mingyao can only make it himself!

However, Tang Mingyao didn't want to break the rules that Hongmeng set at the beginning, so he said this first now, so that everyone would not ask him to change the main godhead in the future!
Hearing this, everyone present was also slightly taken aback, and then all smiled!

Because they all understood that this senior Tang seemed to be speaking to Linley, but in fact, he was also speaking to everyone present!
It means that these two main godheads are already the last two, and if there are people who want to change them in the future, there will be no more, so, don't come and change the main godheads with me in the future!
Although everyone didn't believe Tang Mingyao's words, because the proprietress of Youming Hotel said just now that this senior still has many main godheads.

But since Senior Tang has said so, no one has refuted it. After all, even if someone has it, it is their property. If they don't want to exchange it for you, you can't force them to exchange it, right?
"Thank you senior!"

Seeing the shimmering Lord Godhead in his hand, Linley couldn't help but said to Tang Mingyao with a grateful face!

"Okay! You can go back and refine them!"

Hearing this, Tang Mingyao waved his hand, and then Linley said!

Seeing this, Linley did not hesitate, and immediately walked towards the Nether Hotel!

"Hehe! It seems that another supreme power will be born!"

Seeing Linley's disappearing figure, Tang Mingyao couldn't help but said with a smile!

"The strongest?"

The proprietress next to her was also slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then took a look at Tang Mingyao!
"Little girl, it seems that Linley has surpassed you!"

Seeing the proprietress looking at him, Tang Mingyao couldn't help jokingly said!
"Better than me? Impossible?"

Hearing this, the proprietress couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and then replied with some dissatisfaction!

"Haha! Don't be dissatisfied. This time, when Linley is refining these two main godheads, his cultivation must be at least at the same level as your deity. Therefore, it is certain that he surpasses you!"

Seeing this, Tang Mingyao couldn't help laughing out loud, and said!
"Better than the deity? Senior Tang, are you joking?"

The proprietress shook her head, and then said with an unbelievable expression!
Others may not know what level her real deity belongs to now, but she knows a little about this god avatar. She is an existence beyond this world. Her true self has been thrown away by thousands of miles!
And the current Linley is nothing more than a clone of two main gods. Not to mention the death of her real deity, she can easily crush him to death with one hand!
But Senior Tang now said that as long as Linley refines these two main godheads, he will surpass her and reach the level of existence of the deity. How can she believe this!

"Don't believe it? Let's wait and see!"

Seeing that the little girl didn't believe his words, Tang Mingyao couldn't help but glanced at her, and said!


At this moment, Tang Mingyao suddenly turned his head and looked towards the peak of Nether Mountain, as if something big was about to happen there!
"what's wrong?"

Seeing this, the proprietress couldn't help asking strangely!

"It's nothing, it's just that a supreme being was born!"

Tang Mingyao said!

"Another strongest person is born?"

Hearing this, the proprietress looked at Tang Mingyao, she also thought of something in an instant, her face was also happy, and then asked Tang Mingyao uncertainly: "Could it be the master of life?"

"Hmm! You are here to help Linley protect the law first, I'll go and have a look!"

Tang Mingyao nodded, and said!

After finishing speaking, a dodgy person has disappeared!
In the palace on the top of Nether Mountain!
The Lord of Death, who was sitting on the throne, also noticed something strange, and his face couldn't help showing joy at the moment!
"It seems that Vivia has succeeded!"

The master of death muttered to himself!
After finishing speaking, she waved her hand, and a huge barrier appeared instantly, and then enveloped the entire Nether Mountain!
the other side!
In a secret room, the master of life, Vivia, sat cross-legged, suspended in mid-air, with a gray light constantly flashing on her body!

At this time, a powerful aura continued to emanate from her body. In an instant, the palace was shattered under this aura. If there was no barrier laid by the Lord of Death, this powerful aura might have spread to the entire underworld. , or even the whole world!
Looking at the shattered palace, the Lord of Death couldn't help but smile wryly, but now she has no time to care about these things, her eyes are fixed on Vivia, the Lord of Life suspended in mid-air, in case she has any accidents!
At this time, a figure silently appeared beside the Lord of Death!

"Ah! I've seen Senior Tang!"

It was none other than Tang Mingyao who came. After seeing Tang Mingyao, the death master hurriedly saluted!
"Hehe! We've known each other for so long! You don't have to care about these red tapes!"

Tang Mingyao waved his hand, then said with a smile!

After finishing speaking, Tang Mingyao also looked towards Vivia, the master of life in mid-air!
(End of this chapter)

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