Chapter 708 Depressed little girl!

"It should be around here!"

Hearing the woman's question, the captain couldn't help but frowned slightly at this moment!

Because the position given to them by the captain is near here, but they have searched for it several times, but they couldn't find it!
"What should be around here, Captain! We have searched here several times! I haven't seen Sister Longxi, maybe you got the address wrong!"

Hearing what the captain said, the woman suddenly said with a depressed face!

"Will you get the address wrong?"

Just as the woman finished speaking, a voice came from behind them!
Hearing the voice suddenly coming from behind, the group of people were stunned for a moment, then turned around, seeing a beautiful woman standing behind them at some point, Qinqin's face was filled with joy again!
"Sister Longxi!"

Qinqin shouted in surprise, and then ran over and hugged the beautiful woman's hand!


The others saluted respectfully, and then called out!

"Hehe! You don't need to be too polite outside!"

The beautiful woman first touched Qinqin's head, then waved to the team leader and said!

"Sister Longxi! Where did you go? Let us search here several times, but we couldn't find you?"

Qinqin pouted, and then asked the beautiful woman!

"Hehe! Just now I felt the aura of the divine knight and the shadow guard, so I went over to investigate!"

Longxi explained with a smile!
"God knight? Are they coming too?"

Hearing Longxi's words, the captain and his party also frowned slightly!
"Well! Not only the divine cavalry, but also the apostles!"

At this time, Longxi's expression also became serious, then he nodded and said!
"Sister Longxi, what is the mission this time? Even the divine cavalry and apostles appear here?"

Qinqin looked at Longxi curiously, and asked!
"This time it's not a mission sent by the headquarters, but our boss is entrusted by an old friend, so let's protect someone!"

Longxi thought about it, and then explained!
At the end of the talk, I was afraid that they would be worried, so I added another sentence: "But don't worry, there shouldn't be any danger in this mission!"

What Longxi meant was that this task was not issued by the royal family, but by their boss, who was entrusted by an old friend, so he entrusted them to help protect a person!

In other words, this mission will not be recorded, and if something happens to me and others, the royal family will not care!
"Our boss?"

Hearing this, the team leader and his party couldn't help being stunned!
Of course, they knew about the boss that Longxi said, the only one who could make the captain of the entire Lingwei to be called the boss was the leader who controlled the entire Lingwei!

At the same time, I am also curious, who is the one who can make the boss send them privately to the Yunling Empire so far away to protect a person!
"Sister Longxi! Then where is the person we are going to protect this time!"

And Qinqin doesn't care about so many things, she just wants to complete her own task now, as for other things, they are no longer in her scope of consideration!

"The person to be protected this time should be familiar to you, and that is Princess Ling'er of the Yunling Empire!"

Long Xi said with a smile!

"Princess Ling'er? Is it the rumored Princess Ling'er who is rare in a hundred years and has amazing talent?"

Qinqin said with a surprised face!

She also has some understanding of this Princess Ling'er, she has the cultivation base of a great swordsman at a young age, how can she not remember this!
"Well, it's her!"

Long Xi nodded and replied!

"Then where is she? Let's go find her in the palace now?"

"Stupid! If we go so rashly, I'm afraid we will be arrested directly!"

The captain standing aside gave her a blank look, and then said angrily!

"Hehe! There's no need to go to the palace, she's outside right now! Let's just go over and explain to her directly!"

Longxi explained with a smile!

Hearing this, not only the captain and others, even Qinqin frowned this time!
Even they knew that someone was going to harm the princess. How could the royal family of the Yunling Empire not know about it and let her come out in such a blatant way? Could it be that they wanted to catch them all, or did they have something to rely on?
"Sister Longxi, doesn't she know that she is in danger? Why do you come out so brazenly?"

For Qinqin, who has always been unable to hide her words, whenever she has doubts, she will ask directly!

"I don't know much about this either! Maybe the royal family of the Yunling Empire has something to rely on!"

Hearing this, Long Xi also shook his head and said!
After all, with such a talented princess, it is impossible for the royal family of the Yunling Empire to just give up!
What's more, according to the news they got, the emperor of Yunling Empire loves this princess very much, how could he put her in danger!

Therefore, in Longxi's mind, it may be that the royal family of the Yunling Empire must have something to rely on, so that this princess is placed in front of everyone!

"Okay! We don't have to think so much, our task is to protect her and prevent her from being captured or harmed! Let's go and find him directly!"

Thinking of the end, Long Xi shook his head, and then said to everyone!

After speaking, he took Qinqin's hand.Go forward!

Seeing this, the others quickly followed!

At this moment, Xiaonannan and Linger were sitting in a small booth, watching Qiqi who kept destroying the food on the table!
"Kiki! Is it delicious?"

Lian Qiqi kept sending delicious food to her mouth, the little girl couldn't help swallowing, and then asked!

"Hmm! It's delicious! Sister Nannan, why don't you eat it!"

Hearing the little girl's question, Qiqi also nodded, and then asked!

Hearing this, the little girl touched her belly, then pouted sullenly!

She wanted to eat too, but she couldn't take it anymore!

Seeing this, Ling'er next to her couldn't help laughing to herself!

She has never seen the little girl sulking alone like this, even if it usually makes her angry, it is only a few minutes at most, but it has been an hour, no, to be precise, it is since Qiqi started eating When she woke up, the little girl looked depressed!

That's right, Qiqi has been eating here for an hour, and she doesn't want to eat slowly like others, but gobbles it up!
Now not only the stall owner was a little dumbfounded, but even the passers-by who passed by were staring at this place, but they left again after a while, otherwise, Qiqi might be too shy to continue eating!

"Ninny! How about you eat some too?"

Ling'er knew that the little girl couldn't eat anymore, but seeing her like this, she wanted to tease her, so she asked her jokingly!

Hearing this, the little girl couldn't help feeling even more aggrieved!
"Hello! Are you Princess Linger?"

At this moment, a voice came from the side!

Upon hearing the sudden voice, Xiao Nannan and Ling'er couldn't help being taken aback, even Qiqi stopped, and then looked in the direction of the voice!
(End of this chapter)

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