From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 732 The panic in the heart of the saint of Auger!

Chapter 732 The panic in the heart of the saint of Auger!

"Hehe! I didn't expect that one day, I, Longxi, would be able to enter the family land of the elves because of you two little fellows!"

Seeing that the little girl didn't seem to be lying, Long Xi couldn't help sighing!

"By the way! Who is that sister Audrey you mentioned just now? Could it be that she is more powerful than the Elf Queen? How could the Elf Queen admire her so much?"

At this time, Longxi suddenly thought of what Xiaonannan said just now, so he asked curiously!

"Sister Audrey is Sister Audrey! Who else could it be!"

Hearing Longxi's inquiry, the little girl also looked at her with a strange face!

Hearing this, Long Xi was also speechless for a while, but she didn't continue to ask. Anyway, when she gets to the elves, she will naturally know who Audrey's sister is!
the other side!
Beast God, Qiangmu, and the popes of the two Holy Sees entered the mist, and after walking for a while, they were instantly lost in it just like the little girls before them!

But they didn't feel surprised, if the mist was so simple, they wouldn't come here in a team!

But when they released their mental power, they panicked instantly, because they discovered that their mental power was useless here!
You know, in this place where you can't see your fingers, if you can't even use your mental power, then they are as blind as they are!

"How to do?"

Several people looked at each other, and they all noticed the solemnity in each other's eyes!

"What else can I do? Look behind you!"

At this time, Qiang Mu next to him suddenly said!

After hearing this, the Beast Emperor and the others hurriedly looked behind them, only to see that behind them were also surrounded by thick fog, and they could not see the situation outside at all, which meant that they themselves had been cut off from the rear!

"It's impossible for us to go back now! So we can only keep going forward!"

Seeing this scene, the Beast Emperor also had a difficult look on his face, so he couldn't help but continued:
"I don't care what hatred you two have, but this time I hope you put it down temporarily, and after you get out, I don't care if you kill or die!"

"Indeed! Also, there is no need to keep it private! Use whatever skills you have, and see if you can get through a difficult time!"

Qiang Mu nodded in agreement after hearing the words of the Beast Emperor, and then said!
Hearing what the two of them said, the Popes of the two Holy Sees also nodded. Now is not the time to settle their grievances!
Although they hadn't been in for long, they always felt that there was a dangerous brother around them!
"it is good!"

The two nodded!

After finishing speaking, several people continued to move forward!

And on a glacier in the Far West, Tang Mingyao was lying leisurely on a couch, watching all this!
Not only Qiangmu and the others, but even the little girls are under Tang Mingyao's investigation!
"They actually broke in, so teach them a lesson! Lest they think that this is a place where they can come and go whenever they want!"

Looking at Qiangmu and the others who continued to walk forward, Tang Mingyao couldn't help showing a playful look on his face, and then stretched out his hand to move forward!
Immediately, following Tang Mingyao's point, there was a ripple in the space!
"Hehe! If you can make it through, why not let you meet me!"

After finishing all this, Tang Mingyao muttered to himself!
After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to wipe it, and the water spell in front of him disappeared immediately, and then he continued to lie down again!

Besides, after getting Wendy's consent, Xiaonuan and Qiqi took Longxi, Ogg Saint and others, followed behind Wendy, and flew towards the clan of the elves together!

After flying for a while, Xiaonuan and the others came to the elf forest again!
Looking at the elf forest in front of him, Saint Aoge couldn't help but sigh with emotion!

Since a hundred years ago, I never expected to come here again. Thinking of the scene when I came here for the first time, Saint Aoge suddenly felt a little guilty!

At the same time, his eyes are also aimed at Elder Dandi not far away from time to time!

He remembered that when he broke into the elf forest for the first time, he was caught by that woman. Although he was taught a lesson, the woman finally let him go!
Although she is no longer her former self, and her cultivation level is also a saint, not much worse than her, but when the saint Ogg sees her, he will inevitably feel a little guilty in his heart!

Seeing that Elder Dandi didn't notice him, Saint Aoge was also relieved!
"It seems that she should have forgotten it!"

Saint Ogg secretly guessed in his heart!

Elder Dandi, who was flying in front, seemed to have suddenly noticed a gaze staring at him, and immediately followed the gaze, only to find that Saint Aoge turned his head away, pretending not to look at her!

Elder Dandi couldn't help but frowned at the moment, thinking, why does this person keep staring at him, moreover, this person is a little familiar to him, he always feels like he has seen it somewhere before, but he can't remember it for a while!

"never mind!"

In the end, he really couldn't figure out where he had seen him before, so Elder Dandi couldn't help shaking his head, and then continued to fly forward!

And Saint Aoge saw that Elder Dandi turned his head and looked at him, although his face pretended to be nonchalant, but his back was already soaked in cold sweat? Was he afraid that Elder Dandi really remembered what happened back then? !

But when he felt that Elder Dandi looked away from him again, Saint Aoge heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time couldn't help secretly rejoicing that Elder Dandi didn't see anything!
And the Great Patriarch, who was flying next to the Aoge Saint, naturally also noticed the strangeness of the Aoge Saint, and couldn't help but look at him suspiciously, and then asked:

"Second! What's the matter?"

"'s okay, it's okay! I just remembered some things from the past!"

Hearing the Great Ancestor's inquiry, the Saint Aoge quickly shook his head and replied!
Seeing this, although the Great Patriarch knew that Saint Aoge must have something to hide from him, he did not continue to ask!
The group flew for a while, and finally came to the clan of the elves!

I saw a huge enchantment, which surrounded the entire area within a hundred miles. The enchantment was constantly shining with colorful lights, which looked very spectacular, and people were amazed to see it!

When the group came to the barrier, Wendy stretched out her finger and pointed at the barrier. In an instant, the barrier split open!
Looking at the hole in front of her, Wendy walked in without any hesitation!
Seeing this, the others followed suit!

As for Xiaonuan and Qiqi, after entering the enchantment, they disappeared in a flash, and they didn't know where they went!

Wendy wasn't surprised at the disappearance of Little Nannan and Kiki, because she knew that these two little guys couldn't be going anywhere other than the orchard!

"Everyone, I will ask Elder Dandi to take you to find some places to rest for a while, and then go to see the Mother Goddess!"

Wendy smiled at everyone, and said!

"Thank you Your Majesty! I will understand!"

Hearing this, everyone present respectfully replied!
(End of this chapter)

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