Chapter 743 Humph!Really stubborn!

But she said that Ling'er had passed the waterfall, and came to a huge canyon. The cliffs on both sides of the canyon stood up, slightly concave inward, shaped like scallops, and became narrower as she went up; The light of pearls and jade happened to be a ray of twilight slanting into the gorge, shining on the wall, and reflected repeatedly. For a while, the gorge was full of gold and color, making people dazzled!
At the end of the canyon, there is a palace floating in mid-air!

But although the floating palace could be seen with the naked eye, Ling'er didn't know how long she had been walking, but the palace still didn't get any closer!
"What's going on? I should have walked a long distance! Why haven't you gotten closer?"

No matter how stupid Ling'er is at this moment, she still knows that the scene in front of her is not what she sees with her own eyes at all!
Gritting her teeth, Ling'er continued to walk forward. Now she doesn't know what to do other than keep walking!

After entering this place, Ling'er knew that she might not be in Tiancang Continent anymore!

"I hope that Nannan, Qiqi, and Father Huang will know that they have disappeared!"

Ling'er secretly prayed in her heart, praying that her father and the others would find a way to save herself after learning that she had disappeared!
Time passed bit by bit, Ling'er didn't know how long she had been gone, one month, two months, one year, two years, ten years, or even longer!
Anyway, she kept walking, but what surprised her was that she didn't know she was hungry or thirsty after being here for so long!

During this period, she didn't know how many times she wanted to give up, but there was always a voice in her heart reminding her that as long as she walked this distance, she would get there!
Moreover, every time Ling'er wanted to give up, the faces of her father, grandpa, nannie and Qiqi would subconsciously appear in her mind, so she gritted her teeth until now!
"It's almost there! It's just one o'clock! I should be able to get there by just one o'clock!"

Ling'er was muttering as she walked, hoping to use this to support herself to go on!
Time passed slowly again!
In an extremely tall canyon, the cliffs on both sides can't see the end at a glance, and there is a huge floating palace on the other side of the canyon!
And in the middle of the canyon, there is a small black spot, which is slowly moving towards the palace!
But from a distance, although the little black dot is moving, but after a long time, the little black dot seems to be standing still forever!
At this moment, a ripple suddenly appeared in the space, and a white light shot out from the ripple, and then rushed directly towards the palace!

And after this white light entered the canyon, the palace also emitted bursts of light, and the surrounding space seemed to be pulled, infinitely pulled away!
But this white light seems to be able to penetrate time and space, no matter how far the space of the palace is pulled, it will approach the palace at a faster speed!

And this palace seems to have its own consciousness, knowing that the method of infinitely stretching the space is not enough, so it turns the white light emitted by itself into a shield to wrap itself up!
But what people didn't expect was that this white light, which came from nowhere, ignored the shield, directly penetrated the shield, and rushed towards the palace!

In the blink of an eye, the white light had already hit the palace, but unexpectedly, after the white light hit the palace, it did not damage the palace in any way, instead it directly entered the palace!
And after the white light entered the palace, the shield covering the palace also turned into small light clusters and slowly dissipated. Only the small black dots that seemed to be moving, but were actually spinning around in place, the scene continued again. It fell into silence!

But at this moment, I saw that the originally silent palace suddenly trembled violently, no... not only the palace was trembling, even the entire canyon was trembling!

At this time, Ling'er, who was walking towards the palace, naturally felt something strange, and looked up in the direction of the palace with a blank face!
I saw that the palace that was trembling violently suddenly shot out a huge beam of light, and the beam of light directly broke through the space above, and there was a burst of waves around the beam of light, and it spread to the surroundings!
"This... what the hell is going on here?"

Ling'er stammered and said!
Since she entered this canyon for so long, this scene has never happened!

As the wave marks spread, the sky of the entire canyon gradually became gloomy, and violent thunders flashed, instantly illuminating the entire canyon!
At this time, the entire canyon was like the end of the world, countless walls fell off, and huge stones fell one after another!
And the huge river next to it also had shocking waves, as if it was going to submerge the entire canyon!
Looking at this scene like the end of the world, Ling'er instantly felt a burst of despair!
"Are you going to die here?"

Ling'er couldn't help but think, faces flashed in her mind!

"Father, grandpa, nannie, Linger, little white snake, and big brother, goodbye! You will never see Linger again!"

Seeing the huge waves approaching her, although Ling'er is a person who has the cultivation of a great sword master, but facing the wrath of the sky, she also seems very powerless at this moment!

What's more, Ling'er is very weak at this moment. If she hadn't supported her with her strong willpower, she might have collapsed at this moment, let alone be able to block the huge wave, so she closed her eyes immediately , Prepare to die!
Just when Ling'er was in despair, a voice suddenly resounded throughout the canyon!
"Hmph! How stubborn!"

With the sound of this sound, the time and space of the entire canyon seemed to stand still!
The falling walls, falling stones, and the huge waves rushing towards him were directly frozen in midair, unable to move at all!
Ling'er, who had her eyes closed, opened her eyes hastily when she heard his sudden appearance. Seeing the fixed walls, rocks, and huge waves around her, she was also stunned!

But when she raised her head and looked at the floating palace in the distance, she was suddenly stunned!

The palace at this moment, how can there be such a magnificent palace that exudes light like the one she saw before!
Now the entire palace seems to have been destroyed by a powerful force, and the whole palace looks shattered!

"What's going on here? Wasn't it fine just now? How did it become like this in the blink of an eye?"

Ling'er looked at the shattered palace with a confused face, and couldn't help muttering to herself!
"Wait! It must be the owner of the voice that sounded just now. But why did he destroy this palace? Besides, why does that voice feel so familiar to me?"

At this time, Ling'er suddenly remembered something, her eyes lit up, and she said excitedly!
But after the excitement, Ling'er fell into a moment of confusion again. Although she felt that voice very familiar, she really couldn't remember where she had heard that voice before!
(End of this chapter)

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