Chapter 750 Linger's Return!
"By the way, with such a good thing, I'm going to share it with my father, my grandpa, my daughter and Qiqi!"

In addition to being happy, Ling'er certainly didn't forget to share this with others!
She disappeared again, and when she reappeared, she returned to the small hill behind the palace!

"By the way! I don't know how long I've been in! Grandfather and the others are still retreating in the back mountain?"

Looking at the small hill in front of her, Ling'er couldn't help muttering!

But as soon as she finished speaking, the entire imperial city immediately appeared in her mind!

"Huh? What is this?"

Feeling that the entire imperial city came to her mind, Ling'er was slightly taken aback, but then she was overjoyed, because she knew that this might be her awakened special power!

"What's going on? Why is the father the only one? Why are grandpa, little girl and Qiqi gone?"

"Did I enter that unknown space for too long and they left?"

But after Ling'er felt it carefully, she found that among the people she was familiar with in the entire imperial city, only her father was there, and no one else was there!
"Forget it, let's go to Father Huang and ask him!"

In the end, Ling'er, who couldn't think of a result, could only shake her head, and then quickly flew towards the emperor!
Because Ling'er was anxious to meet everyone, before she could react for a while, she could fly!
In the main hall of the palace!

"Your Majesty! For some unknown reason, the divine knights, apostles, and spiritual guards all withdrew from the imperial city!"

A figure knelt on the ground, then looked at the emperor sitting on the throne and said!
"Well! I see! Well, you go down first!"

The emperor waved his hand and said!
Of course the emperor knew why these people retreated!

Hearing this, the troubled figure responded, and then disappeared!
"Hey! It seems that we still can't hide it! They should also find out that Ling'er is missing!"

"I don't know if Dazu and the others have seen the so-called Senior Tang, and whether Senior Tang has a way to rescue that girl Ling'er!"

The emperor muttered to himself with a dark face!

Just when the emperor sighed secretly, a voice that he was very familiar with suddenly sounded!



Hearing this, the emperor was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head to follow the prestige!
At some point, Ling'er was already standing in the hall, looking at her with a smile on her face!

"Ling'er? Could it be that I have hallucinations?"

When seeing Ling'er, the emperor thought he was hallucinating!
So she shook her head, and then looked over, but Ling'er was still standing there, looking at herself with a smile!

"Ling'er? Is it really you?"

After feeling it carefully, the emperor found that it was not an illusion at all, so he hurriedly stood up, but he was still a little uncertain, and asked Ling'er!

"Father! Who else can it be if it's not me? Why haven't you seen me for a while? You forgot to save Ling'er!"

Seeing this, Ling'er suddenly pouted, and then said with a dissatisfied face!

"Haha! It's really you? Could it be that the great ancestors saw Senior Tang and asked Senior Tang to rescue you?"

"By the way! Why are you the only one? What about Dazu and the others? Didn't come back with you?"

Seeing Ling'er staring at him dissatisfied, instead of being angry, the emperor asked in surprise! !

"Father! Why are you so surprised? And grandpa and little girl went to see big brother?"

Seeing her father's surprise, Ling'er also looked puzzled, so she continued to ask!
"Huh? Why, didn't Senior Tang rescue you?"

Hearing this, the emperor was also slightly taken aback, and then asked!
"What happened? Why did you ask Big Brother to save me?"

After hearing her father's words, Ling'er was also a little stunned, so she asked with a puzzled face!

Seeing this, the emperor knew that he might have guessed wrong, Ling'er was not rescued by that senior Tang at all, so the emperor told the ins and outs of the matter!
"Oh~ So that's how it is!"

After hearing her father's explanation, Ling'er also suddenly realized!
Aritong, then she vaguely felt that she was suddenly in that unknown space, and just when she was about to be unable to hold on, there seemed to be a very familiar voice telling herself that as long as she kept walking, she could go out. up!

"That voice sounds like Big Brother! Could it be that he saved himself?"

Hearing the emperor's mention, Ling'er suddenly remembered something vaguely in her head, so the memory was very vague!
"By the way! Ling'er, where have you been all this time?"

The emperor asked with some doubts!
"Hee hee! Let's go, father, I will take you to a good place!"

Hearing her father's question, Ling'er directly pushed the fuzzy memories in her mind to the back of her mind, and then said with a smile!
"Go to a good place? Where is it?"

After hearing Ling'er's words, the emperor also asked with a confused face!

"Hee hee! You'll know when you go! Let's go!"

Hearing this, Ling'er showed a mysterious smile on her face, then ran to the emperor, grabbed his hand and said!

After finishing speaking, the two of them disappeared, leaving only an empty hall!
In unknown space!
Suddenly two figures appeared here out of thin air!
Needless to say, these two figures are Ling'er and her father!

After the emperor was pulled by Ling'er, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he closed his eyes consciously, but when he opened them, he found that he had come to a strange place!

"Huh? Such strong elemental power! Ling'er, what kind of place is this?"

Moreover, in this strange place, the power of the elements is unusually strong, and he was puzzled at the moment, and asked Ling'er next to him!
"Hee hee! Aren't you always curious, where did I go before? Well, I've been stuck here before, and I only recently found a way out!"

Ling'er pursed her lips and said!

"So that's it! By the way, this place should not be within the territory of my Yunling Empire! Otherwise, I would have known about the place with such strong elemental power!"

After hearing Ling'er's words, the emperor also had a face full of enlightenment, he couldn't help but look around, and then said!
"This is indeed not within the territory of our Yunling Empire! It is even said that we are no longer in the Tiancang Continent!"

Ling'er nodded, and then said!
"Huh? Not on the Tiancang Continent anymore? What do you mean?"

The emperor looked at Ling'er in confusion, and then asked strangely!

"Father, the place we are in now is an unknown space, and there is no one here except the two of us!"

"And, unless I get my consent, no one can enter here except me!"

Seeing her father's confused face, Ling'er couldn't help explaining with a smile!
"Wait! You mean to say that we are now in an unknown space, and this space is not in the Tiancang Continent at all!"


Ling'er nodded!
"And besides the two of us, there is no one else here at all? And, unless you agree, even a god-level powerhouse can't get in? Is that what you mean?"

After hearing Ling'er's words, the emperor asked again uncertainly!

(End of this chapter)

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