Chapter 770 Shameless Tang Mingyao!

"No! We can't let you take it back! Otherwise, big brother and sister Qingxian will never see us again, and they will be very sad!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing the words of the goddess of nature, the two little guys actually took it seriously. Qiqi shook her head and said!

After finishing speaking, he stared at the goddess of nature warily, for fear that she would really take him away!

"Puff! Haha! I can't do it, my stomach hurts from laughing, and I haven't eaten yet! Maybe I won't be able to eat later!"

Seeing Qiqi's true appearance that day, everyone laughed again, especially Audrey, who laughed even more exaggeratedly. I saw her holding her stomach with one hand, and the other hand on the shoulder of the goddess of nature. , Laughing non-stop!

Seeing Audrey's exaggerated smile, Xiaonuan and Qiqi couldn't help but look at her blankly!
"Beautiful big sister! What happened to Sister Audrey?"

The little girl tugged at the sleeve of the God of Life who was sitting next to her, and then asked with a puzzled look!

"Hehe! It's okay, your sister Audrey just thought of something very happy, that's why she's so happy! Let's eat our meal, just leave her alone!"

Hearing this, the God of Life smiled, then patted the little girl's head and said!

After hearing the words of the Lord God of Life, the two little guys also nodded, and then they didn't give Audrey another chance, and turned their eyes to the delicious food on the table!
"Okay! Everyone can start! Audrey, don't laugh anymore, let's eat!"

The Lord God of Life said to everyone, and then gave Audrey a hard look, signaling her to pay attention!
"Hey! It's time to eat! It seems that I came at the right time!"

Just as the myth of the Lord of Life finished, a voice came from outside the door!
After hearing this voice, Xiaonannan and Qiqi suddenly looked happy, and then shouted loudly:

"Big Brother! It's Big Brother's voice!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped off the chair and ran outside!

"It seems that Senior Tang is here! Come on, let's go out to meet him!"

Seeing this, the God of Life also stood up, and said to everyone!

After finishing speaking, he put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and then took the lead to walk outside!

Seeing this, the others followed suit and walked out!

Xiaonannan and Qiqi ran outside, and they saw Tang Mingyao and Lang Yun standing outside, looking at them with smiles on their faces!

"Big brother!"

Seeing this, the two little guys rushed towards Tang Mingyao!

But in the middle of the jump, the little girl stopped, then snorted and turned her head to the side, looking very angry now, and doesn't want to talk to you, big brother!
And Qiqi had already thrown herself into Tang Mingyao's arms, and asked happily:
"Big brother, you came to see us!"

"Haha! Yes! Big brother misses Qiqi and your sister, so I came to see you!! Did Qiqi miss big brother!"

Tang Mingyao laughed out loud, then patted Qiqi's little head and said!

"Yeah! Qiqi wants you to come, big brother!"

Qiqi nodded her head fiercely and replied!
"Hey! Who on earth has offended our little princess and made her so angry? Tell big brother, let big brother help you teach him a good lesson!"

Tang Mingyao couldn't help laughing when he saw the little girl sneaking glances in his direction, but she didn't come over!

"Hmph! Big brother is a big villain, you are the one who provoked my daughter!"

Hearing Tang Mingyao's words, the little girl snorted a few times with a proud face, and then said!

"Oh! Didn't the big brother just arrive? Why did he offend our little princess!"

Hearing this, Tang Mingyao couldn't help laughing, but he pretended to be ignorant, and asked!

"Hmph! Nannan, Qiqi, and Sister Longxi want to find you, but you don't see us!"

Seeing Tang Mingyao's ignorant look, the little girl also turned her head and said!

"Ah~! Is there such a thing? But Tang Mingyao is in retreat recently! I don't even know what happened! Little wolf, little girl, have they come to look for me?"

Who would have thought that Tang Mingyao still had a puzzled expression on his face after hearing what the little girl said, and then asked Lang Yun next to him!
After finishing speaking, he glared at Lang Yun, as if saying, if you don't cooperate well, you will be finished!

"Huh? Is that so?"

After hearing Tang Mingyao's explanation, the little girl also stared at Lang Yun suspiciously, and then asked Tang Mingyao again:

"Then big brother, why do you still want to create those fogs in retreat? Why can't we go back?"

"Ugh! Isn't it that big brother is afraid of being disturbed during the retreat? You know, if you are disturbed during the retreat, you will easily go crazy! If you don't believe me, you can ask little wolf to see if big brother is lying!"

Hearing this, Tang Mingyao was taken aback for a moment, and then explained!
After finishing speaking, he looked at Lang Yun, who was already a little dumbfounded, his eyes seemed to say, what are you still doing in a daze, it's your turn to play!
And after hearing Tang Mingyao's words, the little girl also looked at Lang Yun, wanting to hear what he had to say!

But Lang Yun was a little confused at this moment, and he never thought that his master would be so shameless!

You were in retreat at that time?Why didn't I know this, you obviously watched it with the water environment technique, and even commented on it, and I remember standing next to you to watch it!

But why are you opening your eyes and talking nonsense now?

Lang Yun looked at Tang Mingyao in disbelief, as if saying, how could you do this!
But seeing the dangerous light in Tang Mingyao's eyes, Lang Yun didn't dare to tell the truth, so he had to bite the bullet and say cooperatively:
"Little master, master, he was indeed retreating at that time! And those fogs were indeed set up by the master because he was afraid of being disturbed by others! And he was afraid that you would disturb the master, so he didn't notify the master!"

"Little wolf! Didn't I explain it to you? If Nannan and Qiqi come back, do you have to notify me?"

At this time, Tang Mingyao gave Lang Yun a hard look, and then said reproachfully
But in a place where the two little guys couldn't see, they secretly gave Lang Yun a thumbs up!
"Oh~ it's my fault, I didn't notify the master in time! I won't do this next time!"

Seeing that Tang Mingyao actually blamed himself for all the faults, Lang Yun also looked at him in disbelief, but finally he sighed and said!
If there was no one at this time, Lang Yun might have cried bitterly, what kind of master did he have to be, to be so shameless!
At this moment, Lang Yun didn't want to have a word in his heart, 'in the end, I know that people have carried everything'.

"Ah! That's right! Brother, I'm sorry, it's my daughter who blamed you!"

Hearing Lang Yun's explanation, the little girl also said to Tang Mingyao apologetically!

"Woo! Little master, you didn't blame him at all! He just doesn't want to see you!"

Seeing the little girl apologizing, Lang Yun couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, but he didn't dare to say this, so he could only keep it in his heart silently!

(End of this chapter)

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