From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 790 The fox clan recruits people?

Chapter 790 The fox clan recruits people?

But they said that when they came to the prehistoric world, after Tang Mingyao left, they headed in the direction of the sun star, but after flying for a while, they saw a town, so they went to find an inn to inquire about the news!
Not long after entering the inn and sitting down, they heard the people at the table next to them chatting, and then heard the fox clan recruiting peripheral members, which made the eyes of the three Gods of Life shine!
After all, coming to this strange world, the most important thing is to find out the information of this world, and how to quickly find out the information of this world, apart from joining forces, there seems to be no way faster than this Bar!
And isn't the fox clan recruiting people just what they need now?
As for the conditions for recruiting, the three of them are not worried at all. Although they don't know what level their cultivation is in this world at this time, the three of them are absolutely confident that their cultivation will not be lower than that of the fox clan. conditions of!

The three of them looked at each other, and they all realized the meaning in each other's eyes, so they nodded slightly!

But the little girl and the others who were frantically sweeping the food on the table didn't know that the three of them had already made a decision in just a short while!

"Two fellow Daoists!"

At this time, the God of Life stood up, and then hugged the two people at the next table!
"Ergouzi, Wangcai has met senior!"

And the two who were talking, when they heard the words of the Lord God of Life, they also stood up quickly, and then saluted respectfully!

After all, it is a world where the strong are respected in the prehistoric world, and they just can't see clearly the cultivation of the God of Life at this time,
"I don't know what this senior wants to do with this junior. If this junior knows, he will definitely talk endlessly!"

After saluting, both of them asked in doubt!
"Oh! It's not a big deal! I just want to ask, where is the fox family you just mentioned!"

The Lord God of Life nodded and asked!
"Fox clan?"

Hearing this, both of them looked puzzled, they didn't understand why this senior didn't even know where the Fox Clan was!
You know, since the fox family experienced the last Buddhist event, it can be said that the name of the fox family has spread throughout the prehistoric world!
And actually ran to the far west to ask where the fox clan is, how could this not make the two of them feel confused!

"Senior, the Fox Clan is in Qingqiu Mountain in the east!"

Although puzzled, the two answered honestly!

Hearing this, the God of Life was also slightly taken aback, and then continued to ask:

"Can you point me in the right direction?"

"Senior, this is a compass! As long as you follow the east direction pointed by the compass, you will be able to reach the east!"

Hearing the God of Life asking again, one of the two people took out a strange thing, handed it to the God of Life, and said!


After the God of Life took it over, he carefully looked at the strange little thing in his hand, and then said to the two of them:

"Thank you! By the way, I will give you this token. If you are in trouble in the future, you can come to the Fox Clan to find me!"

After finishing speaking, he handed over a token to the two of them!
Hearing this, the eyes of the two of them lit up, and they hurriedly took the token from the Lord of Life, and thanked respectfully:
"Thank you senior!"


The God of Life nodded to the two of them, then walked back to his table and sat down again!

And after the God of Life left, the eyes of the two were still joyful!

Although they didn't know what the previous senior's cultivation was, but from just now, the two of them didn't have the slightest feeling that any cultivation of this senior, this senior was at least above Jinxian's cultivation!

"Sister! How's it going?"

After the Lord God of Life came back, Audrey and the Goddess of Nature couldn't wait to ask!
"Well! Done!"

The Lord of Life nodded, and then handed the compass to the two of them!

After taking the compass, the two looked it over carefully, and found that they couldn't understand what it was at all, so they asked suspiciously:

"Miss, what is this?"


"Compass? What's the use?"

Looking at the strange little thing in her hand, Audrey couldn't help asking again!
"The compass is to point out the direction. As long as we keep going east, we can reach the Fox Clan!"

The Lord of Life explained!
"Give me directions? Hey! This little thing is pretty good!"

Hearing this, the eyes of Audrey and the Goddess of Nature also brightened, and they said!

"Fox clan?"

And Qiqi, who was sweeping the food on the table, suddenly moved her ears, as if she heard the conversation between the three Gods of Life, so she asked:
"Sister Audrey! Are you going to the Fox Clan?"

And after hearing Qiqi's words, the little girl also stopped, and then looked at the three of the Lord of Life with a puzzled expression!

"Yeah! What's the matter? Do you know the way to the Fox Clan?"

Hearing this, the three of them also looked at Qiqi with strange faces, and then asked!
"Of course Qiqi knows it! Not only Qiqi knows the way to the Fox Clan, but also my daughter! Because Qiqi is everyone in the Fox Clan!"

Before Qiqi could speak, the little girl next to her couldn't wait to say it!

"What? Qiqi is a member of the fox clan?"

After hearing the little girl's words, the three of Audrey couldn't help but exclaimed!

Seeing the surprise of the three of them, Qiqi raised her head proudly!
Seeing this, the three of Audrey couldn't help but look at each other, with wry smiles on their faces!

He has done so much by himself, and his preparations to join the Fox Clan are all in vain. If he had known that the two in front of him were thighs, why bother them so much!
"Sister Audrey! You haven't told Kiki yet, why are you going to the Fox Clan?"

But Qiqi tilted her head and asked the three of them!

"Why go to the Fox Clan? Of course it's to join the Fox Clan!"

Hearing Qiqi's question, the three of them rolled their eyes when they arrived, and then replied angrily!

"Join the Fox Clan?"

Hearing this, Qiqi couldn't help being taken aback, and then asked again:

"But none of you belong to the fox clan, how can you join the fox clan?"

Qiqi was originally a member of the Fox Clan, so it was a rule of the Fox Clan. The Fox Clan never recruited anyone other than the Fox Clan!

"Huh? Aren't you a member of the Fox Clan? Don't you know that the Fox Clan is also starting to recruit people now?"

Hearing this, Audrey couldn't help but looked at Kiki with a strange expression, and then asked!
"Kiki doesn't know!"

Seeing Audrey and the other three looking at her strangely, Kiki also shook her head in confusion!

"Anyway, with you as a member of the fox clan, it should be much easier for us to join the fox clan!"

Seeing Kiki's confused face, the three of Audrey also said with a smile!

Based on their guess, although Qiqi's status in the fox clan may not be high, at least having this relationship is better than going here by themselves!

Although they have the absolute information that they can definitely pass the test and join the fox family, but with Qiqi leading them, maybe they will get more resources!
In this way, they can also improve their cultivation faster!
"Then let's finish eating quickly, and then head to the Fox Clan!"

At this time, the God of Life said to everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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