Chapter 798 The mysterious golden book!
However, Tang Mingyao returned to the small world he created from Chaos Avenue, because Ye Qingxian still hadn't left the customs, so Tang Mingyao stayed in the small world alone for more than 100 years, and couldn't help feeling bored, so he planned to travel to the small world again. In other worlds, see if you can find a chance to break through!
So he came to the edge of chaos, directly opened the space-time channel, and walked in!
Since this is not the first time Tang Mingyao traveled to other worlds, after entering the space-time channel, he flew straight forward and quickly!
But just as he was flying forward, a golden light suddenly appeared in the deepest part of his sea of ​​consciousness, but Tang Mingyao didn't feel it!
The golden rays of light are slowly getting bigger, and then gather together. After a while, these gathered golden rays of light turned into a book!

If Tang Mingyao read this book, he would definitely be shocked, because this book is the one he got when he traveled through the chaotic world for the first time, after a narrow escape!

Originally, Tang Mingyao was the only one, and the book disappeared after passing the exercises and some questions to him, so I didn't care about it!
But what he didn't expect was that this book reappeared in his sea of ​​consciousness!
But Tang Mingyao didn't feel the slightest thing about the situation in his own sea of ​​consciousness!

At this moment, the golden book suddenly trembled, and a phantom ripple emanated from it, and began to spread outward. In the blink of an eye, the invisible ripple rushed out of Tang Mingyao's body, heading towards Tang Mingyao again. Spread around!
You must know that Tang Mingyao is in the space-time tunnel at this moment, and there are countless space-time storms and world-destroying god thunder inside. As this invisible ripple spreads to the surroundings, countless time-space storms and world-destroying god thunder They rushed towards Tang Mingyao frantically, and surrounded Tang Mingyao in the blink of an eye!
Originally, even in the space-time tunnel, the space-time storm, together with Mieshi Shenlei and Tang Mingyao's body as hard as the treasure of chaos, couldn't hurt him at all, at most it could only make him a little embarrassed!
Although he didn't understand what happened, seeing that he was surrounded by these time-space storms and world-destroying god thunders, Tang Mingyao immediately mobilized the energy in his body, preparing to resist these time-space storms and world-destroying god thunders rushing towards him !
But when he was about to run the energy in his body, he suddenly found that the energy in his body was enveloped by an invisible ripple. What shocked him even more was that the energy in his body was being enveloped by this invisible ripple. After being shrouded, he couldn't function!
In other words, even if he couldn't adjust the energy in his body at all, Tang Mingyao couldn't help but panic at the moment.

But these time-space storms and World-Destroying God Thunder rushed in front of me. If I couldn't mobilize the energy in my body, although these time-space storms and World-Destroying God Thunder couldn't do anything to me, at most I could only make myself embarrassed. I fell into a passive state, and I might be drawn into the unknown world by then!

Sure enough, Tang Mingyao was directly swept up by those space-time storms, and countless world-destroying god thunders crazily struck down on Tang Mingyao!

Although these things couldn't hurt him, they made him extremely uncomfortable!
And at this moment, a time-space rift suddenly appeared next to Tang Mingyao. Because the time-space rift appeared so suddenly, Tang Mingyao was sucked in by the time-space storm before he could react!

An unknown place!

A palace, the entire palace exudes a faint strange light, and above the main entrance of the palace, the two large characters of Jiedian emit a dark light.

In the center of the hall of the World Hall is an 'ancient well', which is not so big that a person can almost embrace it.But it is deep enough, and the description of bottomless may not be enough to describe its depth.

At this time, the bottomless 'ancient well' suddenly flashed with various lights, and bursts of mist overflowed from the 'ancient well'.

In this way, a moment later, a person rose up from the 'ancient well', and this person was none other than Tang Mingyao who was caught in the time-space crack by the time-space storm.

After letting Tang Mingyao come out of the 'Gujing', he shook his head first, because he was dizzy by the storm of time and space just now, and then he looked around curiously!

It's really weird that I was involved in the 'ancient well' by the space-time storm.

The front of the hall is a wall like a water curtain, and under the water curtain wall is a platform that looks like a stone but not a stone. The platform is only about three feet in size.

Except for these two and the strange 'ancient well', other places are very simple.However, although there is nothing to display, the whole hall has a strange and simple atmosphere, which is very strange.

"What's the matter with this water curtain wall? It looks weird here. I don't know what's the meaning of appearing here?"

Tang Mingyao muttered to himself while staring at the water curtain wall in front of him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Tang Mingyao finished speaking, the water curtain wall flickered for a while, and rows of weird script scripts appeared.

Tang Mingyao was very surprised to find that he didn't know those seal scripts, but he understood the meaning strangely, which is really weird.

If you have any questions, you can ask it, don't ask people, just ask things, otherwise you can't answer, this is the general meaning of those weird seal characters.Although Tang Mingyao didn't know those strange scripts, he understood what it meant.

Since this is the case, then I will try to ask, Ouyang Yayu thought about this, turned to the weird water curtain wall, and asked tentatively: "What is this place?"

As soon as the voice finished, the walls of the water curtain flashed light, and the original rows of seal characters disappeared, and a row of seal characters reappeared.

Nothingness?After Tang Mingyao understood the meaning of the seal characters on the water curtain wall, his mind was shocked!
"The world of nothingness? Why have I never heard of it before, and it seems that there is no world of nothingness among the landmarks given by the Dao of Chaos! Could it be that this world is the most remote corner of the world?"

Just when Tang Mingyao was secretly wondering, he suddenly remembered why he couldn't mobilize the energy in his body in the space-time tunnel before, and what was that invisible wave!
Thinking of this, Tang Mingyao quickly sank his spiritual consciousness into his body, and began to check if there was anything wrong with his own body!
But when he checked his body inside and out, he found that there was nothing wrong with his body at all!
"Strange! There is obviously nothing wrong with my body, but what happened to the invisible wave that imprisoned my energy just now?"

Tang Mingyao couldn't help thinking in doubt!
"No! There is still one place that hasn't been checked yet!"

Suddenly, Tang Mingyao seemed to think of something, and saw that he sank his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness again.

That's right, Tang Mingyao thought that there was another place that he hadn't checked, and that was the sea of ​​consciousness that he couldn't fully understand!
(End of this chapter)

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