From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 884 The backhand of the Elf 1 family!

Chapter 884 The Elf Clan's Backhand!

Of course, after each generation of elf queens leave, they will leave behind their own successors, that is, share half of their cultivation base, and then pass it on to the next generation of elf queens, but this inheritance will take some time!
And this generation of elf queens, before they had time to digest the inheritance left by the previous generation of elf queens, the Henry family and the Green family led people to attack, which led to the current crisis situation of the elves!
But now Tiancang Continent has undergone more than one billion years of evolution, and the realm of cultivation has also changed, namely: Dou Pu, Dou Zhe, Dou Master, Dou Ling, Dou Wang, Dou Zong, Dou Zun, Dou Sheng, Dou Shen!

And the nine realms correspond to the realms of magicians and swordsmen in the past. The magicians in the past were: magic apprentices, bronze magicians, silver magicians, gold magicians, magicians, magisters, great magisters, and magic saints. ,Act of God!
The previous swordsmen were divided into: swordsman apprentices! , Bronze Swordsman, Silver Swordsman, Gold Swordsman, Great Swordsman, Sword Master, Great Swordsman, Sword Master, Sword God!

But now, due to the aura of the prehistoric world pouring into the Tiancang Continent, the world level of the Tiancang Continent has increased accordingly, and finally several realms have been added above the Battle God!

They are: the original god servant realm, the original small god realm, the original great god realm, the original god-human realm, and the original god-heaven realm.

Corresponding to the prehistoric world: human immortal, earth immortal, heavenly immortal, mysterious immortal, golden immortal and other five realms!
And the gods, demons, and beasts on the Tiancang Continent added a few more realms to these five realms!
They are: the Realm of the Original God, the Realm of the Master God, the Realm of the King of the Origin God, and the main god comparable to the Da Luo Jinxian!
And the reason why the Beast God, the God of Light, and the God of Darkness were more powerful than the other main gods back then was because the three of them passed the test of this world consciousness, received the blessing of the world consciousness, and were able to temporarily raise their combat power to quasi Saint realm, but it is only comparable to ordinary quasi-sages!

And each generation of queens of the elves will leave the Tiancang Continent and go to the prehistoric world after they have cultivated to the original gods and heavens!

And after leaving, he will cut off half of his power as a legacy, and leave it to the next generation of elf queens!
And after the next generation of elf queens absorb the inheritance, they can quickly raise their cultivation to the original god-human realm!
This is why, after more than one billion years of changes in the Tiancang Continent, many races and forces have been annihilated in the torrent of time, but the elves can survive!

"My Lady Queen, why don't you go back and refine the inheritance left by the previous Lady Queen, we are here to see if we can buy you some time!"

A flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the Great Elder of the elves, and he said to the elf queen!

"It's too late. It will take at least a month for me to refine and inherit, and this enchantment will probably last less than a day!"

The elf queen showed a wry smile on her face, then shook her head helplessly and replied!
"Damn it! I don't know how they got the news that the previous Queen has left! If I know who spread the news, I will definitely crush him!"

Hearing this, the second elder next to him also shouted angrily!
"Hey! What's the use of saying this now! Let's think of a way to see if there is any way for our elves to survive this catastrophe!"

Hearing this, the Elf Queen couldn't help but waved her hand, and said!

After all, what's the use of knowing who spread the news, it's better to find a way to survive this catastrophe, and then find out this traitor!
"Could it be that the mother tree or so many generations of queens have left without leaving behind?"

At this time, a gleam flashed in the eyes of the third elder on the other side, but he quickly restrained himself, and asked the elf queen!


Hearing the inquiry from the three elders, the elf queen suddenly remembered that the previous elf queen had looked for her the night before she left and told her that if the elves were in the most dangerous moment, they would go to the mother tree, where there was an artifact, It can enhance the power of the enchantment, but this artifact is only one-time, once used, it will be gone!

Thinking of this, the elf queen told all the elders about it!
Hearing this, the faces of the elders of the elves could not help showing joy, because as long as the barrier is strengthened to resist the outsiders for a period of time, and when Her Majesty the Queen refines the inheritance, then these people will have nothing to fear!

Hearing this information, the Great Elder immediately said:

"So, then I will go and get that artifact myself now!"

"Great Elder, wait, let me and the Fourth Elder take this matter! Apart from you and Her Majesty, we also have the Second Elder with the highest cultivation base. If anything happens, you can also stabilize it in time." Barrier, buy some time for Her Lady Queen!"

Just when the first elder turned around and was about to fetch the artifact, the third elder next to him suddenly said!
"Oh... that's fine! I'll leave the matter of the artifact to you and the fourth child! Remember, get the artifact as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, the Great Elder and the Elf Queen thought about it too. After all, the most important thing now is to stabilize the barrier, and before the barrier is broken, there will be no danger in the elves, so they nodded and agreed. The opinion of the three elders!

"My lord, don't worry, First Elder, Fourth Elder and I will get the artifact as soon as possible!"

The third elder patted himself on the chest, and then said reassuringly!

After finishing speaking, he turned around and flew towards the direction of the ancient elf tree!
Seeing this, the four elders of the elves also hurriedly followed!

But none of the elders of the elves and the queen of the elves found it. The moment the third elder turned around, a stern look flashed in his eyes!

And Angus, who was outside, suddenly seemed to have received some information, and a disdainful smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth!

"Give me an all-out attack on the barrier! After the barrier is broken, I'll let each of you choose a beautiful woman from the elves!"

Angus yelled at the Henry family and the Green family who were attacking the barrier!
Hearing Angus' words, the servants of the two major families who were attacking the enchantment also had their eyes lit up, and then used all their strength to attack the enchantment frantically, as if the enchantment belonged to them It's like killing your father and your enemy!
After all, the elves of the elf clan are recognized as beauties in the Tiancang Continent, especially the elf queen, who is the number one peerless beauty in the Tiancang Continent!

In order to meet the queen of the elves, many young heroes broke into this elf forest despite the danger!

And now I heard Angus say that as long as the barrier is broken, each of them will be allowed to choose a beautiful woman from the elves, even if it is not a peerless beauty like the eyes of the elves, but it is not much different when I think about it, how about this? Don't get them excited!
Looking at the crowd who were madly attacking the enchantment, Angus couldn't help showing a smug smile!
These people did not join their family for money, resources, and beauties. Therefore, Angus was very satisfied with his way of manipulating people!
(End of this chapter)

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