Chapter 1002 Upheaval
Yuan Gai Suwen's old father is seriously ill, and now he is dying with ginseng soup.

Will die any moment.

If Yuan Gai Suwen's father passed away at this time.

The crazy Yuan Gai Suwen can do anything.

After preparing everything, Yixin bid farewell to Yuan Gai Suwen briefly on the grounds that she was going to Guanzhong to purchase goods.

After leaving Pyongyang, Yixin found the messenger.

Yuan Gai Suwen has many enemies.

More people dare not speak out.

If there is a chance to take revenge on Yuan Gai Suwen, those people whose families were ruined because of Yuan Gai Suwen will definitely do it.

Handing the messenger a pack of medicine powder and a few pieces of silver cake, Yixin said in a low voice, "Just a little medicine powder can kill Yuan Gai Suwen's father."

The messenger whispered, "Do you need me to do it?"

Xin Xin shook her head and said: "I can't contact anyone directly, you go to find people, once you succeed, leave Pyongyang immediately, and you go back to the Central Plains."

The messenger nodded and said, "Understood."

Yixin continued to instruct: "Be careful in everything, after finishing this matter, you can tell Chang'an Ling that everything is ready on my side."

After instructing everything, Yi Xin got on the horse and hurried away all the way.

The powder is not a deadly poison, but a powder made of veratrum.

If you buy poison in Pyongyang, it will be easy to be discovered by the people of Yuan Gai Su Wen.

But this kind of stuff is easy to find and doesn't raise suspicion.

Because veratrum is not a poison at all, when mixed with ginseng, the weak toxicity of veratrum will be amplified.

But to a dying person, that's a deadly poison.

If the ignorant Goguryeo people encounter intractable diseases, they hope to ask God to do a way to save the disease.

But for Yuan Gai Suwen's old father, as long as the toxicity occurs, it is enough to kill him.

Nor does Yixin really want to leave Pyongyang.

Riding all the way to the north of Pyongyang, I entered a mountain forest, where few people set foot.

Yixin took out a compass, identified the direction, took the rein of the horse, and headed eastward, and traveled for half an hour to a small hill.

There is a dilapidated hut on the top of this hill. Yixin turned over and dismounted. This is the residence he prepared when he first came to Pyongyang.

Enter the dilapidated hut, which contains several cylinders of spirits, as well as many letters and some tools.

Yixin first burned all the letters to and from Chang'an Ling, and then tidied up the small house.

At night, Yixin simply ate something to satisfy his hunger, and took a telescope to the other side of the hill. From here, he could see the entire city of Pyongyang with the telescope. The closer to the palace, the more lights there were.

The first night passed, and the city of Pyongyang looked peaceful.

After returning to the hut to rest for two hours, Xinxin came to the top of the mountain again and continued to observe the situation of Pyongyang City with a telescope.

The binoculars were given to him by Chang'an Ling, along with some gunpowder.

In case things come to light, the gunpowder is used to die with the other party.

During the day, the lens of the telescope must be wrapped with a piece of burlap to avoid reflections.

Because of the reflective light before, I almost exposed my position.

Yixin took a bite and sat on the top of the hill, continuing to observe Pyongyang City.

Looking at the palace in Pyongyang City, a group of people have just entered the palace.

According to my own understanding, the city of Pyongyang has not been courted for many years.

Yuan Gai Su Wen held great power, and the officials also reported directly to Yuan Gai Su Wen.

It seems that it should be related to the envoys from the Tang Dynasty coming to Pyongyang.

After an hour, a large group of people came out from the palace. The binoculars could see the situation of the imperial city, but it was still impossible to know the people, and they could only vaguely see the movement of the crowd.

After coming out of the palace, a group of people entered Yuan Gai Suwen's residence again.

Yuan Gai Su Wen's residence is very conspicuous, just beside the palace, and besides the largest house in Pyongyang City, it is Yuan Gai Su Wen's residence.

Although there was some movement in the palace the next day, the city of Pyongyang still seemed to be in peace.

On the third day, there was still no movement in Pyongyang City.

Xin Xin put down the binoculars and relaxed her eyes.

On the fifth day, Yixin sat on the top of the mountain and planned to take a nap, and saw a fire in Pyongyang city at night in a trance.

Excited by it, Yixin picked up the binoculars and looked at the burning place. After several confirmations, it was the residence where Goguryeo entertained the envoys of the Tang Dynasty.

problem occurs!
Yixin continued to use binoculars to look at various places in Pyongyang.

There are soldiers and horses moving outside Pyongyang, as if they are blocking the city gate.

There are also many torches shaking in the city.

Many soldiers and horses broke into the houses of ordinary people.

until the second day.

At dawn, Xin Xin came to a village at the foot of the mountain.

Villagers here like to discuss things in Pyongyang in private.

Listening to their words with satisfaction, Goguryeo's local dialect is somewhat incomprehensible, but it can be roughly understood.

An old man said: "After finishing the work, the city of Pyongyang is scary."

An old lady hurried over and said, "Have you heard? Yuan Gai Suwen's father died."

The old man quickly made a silent gesture and said, "I dare not call the general by his name directly."

"He doesn't understand." The aunt said nonchalantly, her tone lowered a little, then she turned her head and saw Xin Xin who was feeding the horse. The aunt's eyes lit up and she said, "What a handsome young man, he's from outside?"

Xin Xin nodded with a smile, and said politely: "Hello, Auntie."

Hearing this, the aunt covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Where are you from?"

Yi Xin took another look at her and said, "It's for business."

The more she looked at it, the more she felt more comfortable, the aunt said in a low voice, "It's the first time I've seen such a handsome young man."

The old man looked at the aunt strangely, "You woman, be careful that your man beats you."

The aunt let out a cold snort and turned to leave.

Seeing that the villagers do not shy away from strangers, Xinxin stepped forward and asked, "What happened to Pyongyang City?"

The old man stomped his feet and said: "Last night, many people died. The general went crazy. He killed many people with a knife. I heard that he sent people out of the city to arrest and kill them."

The villagers on the side also trembled when they heard this.

Satisfied to return to the hill, the following days will continue to observe the situation of Pyongyang City.

After five days, I counted the days to come.

The spirits in the big tanks in the hut were filled into small wine jars.

Pulled down the mountain with a horse.

When I walked near Pyongyang City, I saw many soldiers and horses wandering outside the city.

Going forward, there are officers and soldiers shouting and coming forward.

Someone recognized him and hurriedly saluted.

It is not difficult to enter Pyongyang City as one's own identity. After staying on the mountain for more than ten days, things should have calmed down a lot now.

Walking into the city of Pyongyang, the first sight is a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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