People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1004 News to Chang'an

Chapter 1004 News to Chang'an

"No!" Ying Xin waved her hands and said, "It's easy to be a general, but it's not easy to be a king. First of all, a general needs the support of the people and achievements!"

The envoy of the Tang Dynasty died, although it was a manslaughter or the envoy himself hit the knife, this kind of thing is unclear.

If the envoy died in Pyongyang, he died in Pyongyang.

Even if there is a misunderstanding, His Majesty of Datang will never listen to this kind of explanation.

Xinxin said in a low voice: "First of all, the king of Goguryeo needs to be alive, and he also needs to use the envoy of the Tang Dynasty to poison the old general so that the king can ask the Tang Dynasty for an explanation. If the Tang Dynasty doesn't give a good explanation, then we will go to war."

"Once the war starts, as long as the general wins the Tang Dynasty, the general can take the position of the king of Goguryeo, and all this will be justified."

Yuan Gai Su Wen fell into silence, as if he was digesting the words Xin Xin said.

Xin Xin said again: "I'm just casually saying that the general doesn't care."

Yuan Gai Suwen laughed again, "If this general can ascend to the position of the king of Goguryeo, you will be my national teacher of Goguryeo."

Satisfied and saluted, "I will do my best."

These are all beautiful words, and the people who should be killed these days are almost the same.

The wild horse without the rein will also run forward without hesitation.

Just like what Chang'an Ling said, if you want to destroy him, you must first make him crazy.

Let Yuangai Suwen start a war for the dream of being the king of Goguryeo, this is the result that Datang wants.

As for keeping the little monarch of Goguryeo alive, this is also Datang's moral reputation.

You Yuangai Suwen coerced Goguryeo's little monarch to issue orders, and Datang could attack under the banner of saving Goguryeo.

After all, Yuan Gai Su Wen is a fool.

There are no real counselors around him at all.

Now it's time for the battle.

The death of the envoy of the Tang Dynasty in Goguryeo is on the way now.

To the west of Goguryeo and across Changbai Mountain is the boundary of Liaodong.

A fast horse set off from here and headed towards Chang'an all the way.

Starting from Liaodong, passing through Youzhou, we changed people and ran without passing a post station, ensuring that we will not stop all the way.

After half a month, the news was quickly sent to Chang'an.

Jingyang, Guanzhong has reached the season when spring is most abundant.

After the long rainy season in spring, the books at home are going to be moldy.

Li Lizhi and Xu Hui are reading books at home.

Wu Mei struggled to hold a pile of books and said, "There are so many books in Chang'an Order."

Li Li said with a smile: "Young slaves read a lot of these books."

Now the books in Jingyang have been replaced by paper books, which are not as heavy as bamboo slips.

Naihe has a lot of books in the study.

After moving the books, Wu Mei relaxed her arms and looked at a book casually.

A picture drawn on this book caught Wu Mei's attention.

Wu Mei picked up the book and looked at it. The pattern on it was a human body. Could it be that the human body really looks like this?
Beside the stables, Daniel took out the things he had just made and said, "Teacher, take a look at this."

Li Zheng picked up the small wooden barrel in front of him, which was about the length of a thick bamboo knot.

Daniel explained: "According to the previous method of dropping the cannon, the students made this, adding a delayed detonation, but in terms of safety, they are a little uncertain, and it is easy to explode early."

Gunpowder is a very low security thing.

Researching gunpowder is a very dangerous job.

Daniel opened the lid of the wooden barrel, then threw the small wooden barrel into the distance, and after a while, there was a crisp explosion.

Looking at the results in front of him, Daniel said with a sad face: "This is the case, the killing and delayed explosion are not easy to control."

Talking about it, Daniel took out the design drawing again, "I always feel that something is wrong."

Li Zheng looked at Daniel's design drawings. The knowledge Daniel now has access to has involved grenades.

Putting away Daniel's drawings, Li Zheng whispered to him: "During this time, don't study firearms anymore, the more you do, the more dangerous you will be."

Daniel knew what Li Zheng meant, and said in a low voice: "The students understand, so the research on gunpowder ends here?"

Li Zheng nodded, "At least don't touch gunpowder now."

"Students understand."

Daniel is already 15 years old, and he is almost as tall as himself.

He is not a child anymore.

He must also understand the stakes.

Li Shimin naturally wanted gunpowder.

The tens of thousands of soldiers and horses outside Jingyang Village have not been withdrawn yet, which shows that Li Shimin has to say that Gunpowder will not let it go.

Li Yifu came in a hurry, "Chang'an Order, Your Majesty is here."

Daniel looked around and said, "The student went home first."

Li Zheng told him: "Spend more time with your family during this time, don't do experiments all day long, relax your body and mind, it won't do you any harm."

Daniel nodded and left.

Sometimes I'm really worried that Daniel will go crazy.

Especially when it comes to firearms, a weapon with great destructive power, I'm afraid that the more anxious Daniel is, the more he will go to extremes.

I was also worried that if Daniel succeeded in making a grenade, Li Shimin might attack him.

At least until it can compete with the imperial power.

As soon as Daniel walked away, Li Shimin walked to the horse pen.

Needless to say, he came uninvited, Li Shimin in Jingyang came whenever he wanted.

Whoever makes him the emperor, bear with it first.

Li Zheng poured himself a cup of hot tea leisurely, "Your Majesty, you can do whatever you want."

Li Shimin also sat down, but he was not polite. He put tea in the cup beside him and made a cup of hot tea.

The monarch and his subjects sat beside the stables, holding teacups and taking a sip of tea at the same time in a very tacit understanding.

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Li Shimin said: "The court is going to be full of noise today, so I come to you to hide here."

Before putting down the teacup in Li Zheng's hand, he said in a low voice, "Your Majesty has so much going on every day, and it is indeed too hard to deal with state affairs."

Li Shimin supported his forehead and said, "Why does it sound like you are scolding me?"

Li Shimin took another sip of tea and said, "The news from Goguryeo has arrived."

Looking at Li Shimin's expression, Li Zheng said, "What happened?"

"The urgent news sent last night, Yuan Gai Su Wen's father is dead, Yuan Gai Su Wen's frame is the Tang envoy, the envoy I sent is dead, the little king of Goguryeo has also been killed by Yuan Gai Su Wen controls."

Li Zheng said with emotion: "Yuan Gai Su Wen has caused a catastrophe."

Li Shimin said with a smile: "Now the court is arguing over whether or not to attack Yuan Gai Suwen."

Li Zheng looked at Li Shimin with great interest and said, "What result does Your Majesty want?"

Li Shimin said: "Of course what I want is the best."

The monarch and his subjects smiled thoughtfully.

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Things are getting worse."

Li Zheng poured some hot water into his teacup and said, "What heat?"

(End of this chapter)

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