People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1007 Don't Dare Anymore

Chapter 1007 Don't Dare Anymore

The streets of Dongshi are considered the busiest place in Chang'an City, and the market is very crowded in the morning.

And every time the Dongshi market is over, it is also the most messy time here.

After people sell vegetables and shop, they are full of garbage.

Where did Su Woli have been wronged like this, and then looked at the officials who were chatting leisurely, did they still look at themselves.

I had to lower my head and continue sweeping the floor.

He kept sweeping the floor until it was dark, and returned to his post after dark.

Su Woli was lying on the ground exhausted. These officials were too bullying, and every leaf on the ground would have to be swept again.

I don't know how I fell asleep that night.

When Su Woli woke up, he felt pain in all his bones.

After struggling to get out of his room, Su Woli looked up and saw Li Chongyi standing outside the door.

Step by step back to his room, Su Woli looked at Li Chongyi and said: "What else do you want to do, I didn't sue me for robbing me last time. I dare not."

Li Chongyi looked at Su Woli's expression and it seemed that he was really scared.

If he hadn't gone home and asked his father again, he really wouldn't know what Li Zheng, his father and Xu Jingzong were planning.

As it involves the future between the Wa Kingdom and the Tang Dynasty, it is natural to keep an eye on the Prince of the Wa Kingdom.

Li Chongyi took out a dossier and said: "This dossier will be handed over to you, and it will record your crimes. Of course, our government office will also keep a copy for you."

Seeing Su Woli's expression, Li Chongyi continued: "As for whether Xu Jingzong robbed you, we are still investigating."

"No need to check!"

Su Wo immediately said.

Li Chongyi smiled and said: "Your envoy, don't worry, our Jingzhao Mansion will definitely judge the case impartially."

Su Wo immediately wanted to cry, "I really don't need to look it up, I must be confused and remember wrong!"

Li Chongyi looked at Su Woli with great interest, "Really remember wrong?"

Su Woli nodded vigorously and said, "I really remembered wrongly."

Li Chongyi thought about it and said, "It's not a trivial matter if it involves a noble envoy."

Su Woli cried and said, "It really doesn't matter."

Li Chongyi looked conflicted, "An envoy from a country came to our Tang Dynasty and was robbed by someone. This is not a trivial matter, and it also affects the reputation of our Tang Dynasty. How does this make the envoys of other neighboring small countries think? Our Tang Dynasty is not so good." What a country of tigers and wolves."

Su Wo immediately sniffed, "Then what do you want?"

Li Chongyi had a rough idea of ​​what to do, and said, "Since this is the case, we must take care of our Datang's reputation, right?"

Su Woli nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, yes."

Li Chongyi walked into his room and said: "In this case, you should write a self-report and make it clear that the things you were robbed were all made up by yourself and have nothing to do with Datang."

Su Woli nodded vigorously.

"And you have to make it clear that the people of Tang Dynasty are simple and honest, it is a good place for people to linger, and explain that our Tang Dynasty will treat envoys from all countries with courtesy."


Su Woli was tangled in his heart.

Li Chongyi said: "Can you write?"

Su Woli quickly said again: "I will write!"

Li Chongyi asked people to prepare pens and inks, and Su Woli started to write on the spot, one part was written in Japanese characters, the other was written in Central Plains characters.

The matter of being robbed has nothing to do with Datang, it is all his own false accusation, made up and made up.

And Datang is a good place with simple folk customs, and will treat envoys from various countries with courtesy.

Li Chongyi looked it up and down, and after confirming that there was no problem, he said, "Your envoy has worked so hard, and your envoy has a good rest."

Li Chongyi left the room with his hands.

Su Wo stood up tremblingly, closed the door of his room, looked out the window, and found several people staring at his room.

Immediately retracting his head back, Su Woli was terrified that the surroundings were all their people.

The past few days have been too...

Su Woli sat alone in the room, thinking about the past few days, tears flowed unconsciously.

It has only been a month or two since the prince of the Wa Kingdom came to Datang, and he is crying...

It was noon in Chang'an, and the early morning still hadn't dispersed.

According to the current hour, he should have retreated long ago.

In the court at this moment, the verbal and verbal swords still have not stopped because of the Goguryeo matter.

Li Shimin was very interested in listening to the quarrel between the Korean and Chinese officials and generals.

Old-fashioned bureaucrats still do not want war.

On the contrary, many new faces in the court advocated war.

The generals on the other side seemed a little silent, only occasionally responding a few words.

Li Shimin watched Niu Jinda and the others calmly.

It's no wonder that Cheng Yaojin is not here right now.

If Cheng Yaojin was here, it must be another scene.

When this Cheng Yaojin came to court last time, he seemed to be a bit unable to remember.

Li Shimin held his forehead in distress, what's wrong with this guy, he asked for leave and didn't come to court.

Cheng Yaojin, who was eating kebabs in Jingyang at the moment, sneezed loudly.

Qin Qiong looked at the mutton skewers in the basin with a numb expression, "Can you not point at the food when you sneeze."

Cheng Yaojin smiled embarrassingly, "He is a rough man, how can you be so particular about it?"

Qin Qiong pushed the mutton skewers in front of him to Cheng Yaojin and said, "Let's eat these for you."

Cheng Yaojin said with a smile: "Then you're welcome."

Qin Qiong looked at Li Zheng, "Boy, are you alright?"

Li Zheng brought up the freshly grilled mutton skewers and said: "It's not enough, but it's enough."

Cheng Yaojin ate the mutton skewers and said, "I don't know who is talking about this old man."

Qin Qiong said in a low voice: "You old guy has been on leave for so long and hasn't gone to court. I must have talked about you a lot."

Cheng Yaojin took a sip of his drink and said, "I heard that because of the recent expedition to Goguryeo, the court hall is very lively."

Qin Qiong said: "Without you, no one would find it lively."

Cheng Yaojin still smiled brightly, took a gulp and said, "Boy, it's not spicy enough, why is it so rare to come to your place to have a meal like this!"

There is plenty of mutton, because the border has been peaceful recently.

The area around the Yinshan Mountains was again grazing for the Turkic people, and the price of mutton was much cheaper.

Li Zheng glanced back in distress. The mutton roasted in three stoves probably wouldn't be enough for Cheng Yaojin right now.

Looking at Qin Qiong, Li Zheng said, "General Qin Qiong's body cannot eat too much spicy food."

Qin Qiong ate the mutton skewers and said: "Actually, it's okay. Although it's spicy, it's very comfortable to eat."

Li Zheng said again: "I have prepared some herbal tea. After eating, you can take a sip of herbal tea to dispel the fire."

Qin Qiong also took a sip of wine and said, "You must have been involved in the recent Koguryo incident."

(End of this chapter)

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