Chapter 1015 Lishan Outing
Li Zheng soon received news from Xu Jingzong.

Now that Xu Jingzong is in Chang'an, he dare not act rashly.

Li Zheng was standing in the yard of his home, while Xiao Sizi was reciting the article to Li Lizhi in the house.

To say that Xiao Sizi's talent in mathematics is really good, but to understand articles and recite some famous works of ancestors, this kind of thing is a bit too difficult for Xiao Sizi.

Li Zheng glanced back at the little sizi who was reciting the article intermittently.

Sitting in front of her was Li Lizhi.

Who made Li Lizhi a strong woman? Li Lizhi still had high demands on her own sister.

Although Xiao Sizi is good at mathematics, he must keep up with other aspects.

It was getting late at night, and Xiao Si went back to the room to sleep with his face on his back.

Li Zheng was eating peaches and watching the lights in the village go out one by one.

Li Lizhi walked up and said, "On weekdays, little Si is studying mathematics in the academy, right?"

Li Zheng said helplessly: "If she has enough attainments in numerology, then she can't be stopped."

Glancing at Li Lizhi's expression, "You should also read more about the articles. I support you very much."

Hearing this, Li Lizhi's expression improved a lot, "Being a big sister can only be a little more troublesome, but Sizi's health is indeed much better, and she hasn't been sick for a long time, it's hard to be Sizi's Is it really not necessary to take medicine for illness?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Taking medicine is actually another matter. Xiao Si's body has not fully grown up yet. Some medicines are indeed poisonous to a certain extent, and many soups and medicines have been boiled for a long time. Boiling and steaming, whether taking too much of this medicine is of any use to her body is the same thing, and it is more likely to cause a great burden on her body."

Seeing that Li Lizhi listened very seriously.

Li Zheng also said: "In fact, the main reason is that the air in Chang'an is not very good. Every time the wind blows, it will bring up some dust. Under such circumstances, it is not good for the growth of Xiaozi."

Li Lizhi agreed with these words on the expression.

"In the words of Dr. Sun, Xiao Si's disease is a congenital deficiency. I think it's just that many organs and organs were not fully developed when Xiao Si was young. For example, some people suffer from anemia when they are young, but when they grow up There will be no anemia, and in the process of growing up, some congenital deficiencies can be improved as the body grows."

After listening to Li Zheng's words.

Sitting beside him, Li Lizhi said: "Tomorrow, my father and my mother arranged a spring outing and asked if we would like to go together."

Li Zheng held the thermos cup and said, "Where do you go for an outing?"

"Go to Mount Li."

While speaking, Li Lizhi moved towards Li Zheng.

The two sat very close, their bodies almost touching.

If others see it, they will definitely think that Chang'an Ling and the princess are a very loving couple.

Li Lizhi deliberately leaned her body against Li Zheng's body, observing Li Zheng's reaction.

Smell Li Lizhi's body.

Feel her leaning against her own weight.

Li Zheng raised his spirits, he was young and energetic, this woman was playing with fire!
Looking at Li Lizhi's smile, she seemed to be smiling very proudly.

After coughing, Li Zheng said, "I'll think about whether to go or not."

Li Lizhi still leaned on Li Zheng's shoulder and didn't say anything more.

Xu Hui came up and said, "Your Highness, the hot water is ready."

Li Lizhi smiled and said, "I'm going to take a bath."

After speaking, Li Lizhi stood up.

I have to say that this woman is really getting more and more temperamental when she smiles.

A gust of cold wind blew past, and Li Zheng finally came back to his senses, and continued to look at the night.

At home, Li Lizhi soaked her body in warm water.

Xu Hui looked at the smile on Li Lizhi's face and said, "His Royal Highness seems to be in a good mood today."

Li Lizhi said: "Actually, Li Zheng is not..."

Xu Hui added some hot water and said, "It's nothing?"

Li Lizhi smiled and said, "It's nothing."

Standing up again, Li Lizhi was wearing her clothes with a smile on her face, and Li Lizhi was confident in her appearance.

Sometimes I can see Li Zheng's eyes.

You can see where his eyes are looking.

Li Lizhi looked at herself in the mirror.

It is said that Li Zheng is not a womanizer.

But seeing Li Zheng's eyes.

Li Lizhi was a little proud again.

Back in the room, Li Lizhi combed her hair.

After covering the quilt for the little son, he also fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Li Zheng was listening to Xu Jingzong's report.

Despite the ups and downs in Chang'an, courtiers impeached him before, and Wei Zheng blocked the way later.

But road work still needs to be done.

In order to be able to retire with peace of mind for the rest of my life, if the roads are not repaired, there will be no business.

Xu Jingzong said after the report: "Isn't Chang'an Ling looking very good?"

Li Zheng stared at the dark circles under his eyes and sighed, "I didn't sleep well last night."

Xu Jingzong said again: "Chang'an Order also needs to pay attention to the body, do you need Dr. Sun to come and see?"

Li Zheng shook his head and said, "No need, I just got a little angry."

Xu Jingzong nodded slightly and said: "Then I will go to work first."

The carriages are all ready.

Both Xiao Sizi and Li Zhi are planning to go to the academy today, and the whole family is going out for an outing.

Lishan is not too far from Jingyang,

The escort sent by the palace already exists.

Li Ke rode a horse and walked in the forefront, and Li Ke personally escorted him.

The whole family got into the carriage, and Li Zheng also got on the horse.

Riding a horse, Li Zheng said to Li Ke, "How is His Royal Highness the King of Shu?"

Li Ke said in a low voice: "It's all the same."

This guy still has a poker face and a reticent look.

Li Ke said again: "I heard that the court will send troops to attack Goguryeo?"

Li Zheng replied: "It should be about this period of time."

Looking at Li Ke again, Li Zheng said, "How is our Jingyang?"

Li Ke said: "You can do it at any time. General Li Ji said that my father asked me to take Jingyang's soldiers and horses to go to Goguryeo."

Of course Li Shimin will let Li Ke lead the army.

As for who to trust, Li Shimin would trust his son no matter what.

Moreover, Li Ke is honest and upright.

You can be friends with Li Ke, but you can't be friends with Li Shimin.

The team moved slowly.

Li Zheng didn't like this kind of royal outing very much.

Who made him Li Lizhi's son-in-law.

It's impossible for Li Lizhi to go for an outing. If her husband doesn't go, it's obviously outrageous.

There is a palace of Li Shimin on Lishan Mountain.

Most of the kings of all dynasties built their palaces in Lishan.

The team walked for a long time and arrived at Lishan at noon.

There are many soldiers and horses at the foot of Lishan Mountain.

Just arrived at the foot of the mountain, Li Tai waited here with Gao Yang.

As soon as Princess Gaoyang saw Li Lizhi, she rushed forward, hugged her imperial sister's waist and acted like a baby.

Li Zheng put his arm around Li Tai's shoulder and said, "Do you know about the court affairs?"

Li Tai nodded and said, "Understood, there are certain rules that cannot be explained clearly for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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