People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1026 Gao Yang and Li Shimin Negotiate Conditions

Chapter 1026 Gao Yang and Li Shimin Negotiate Conditions

If Su Woli became a fool, he would naturally not become a threat, nor would people feel the need to stare at him.

Li Xiaogong thought to himself, if he really had such thoughts, this Su Woli would be really too dangerous.

What should be prevented is still to be prevented.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Xiaogong hurriedly went to the Tai Chi Hall to make an apology.

The early court was still the same as before, and Li Zheng was impeached from time to time.

Li Xiaogong has become numb to the impeachment of Li Zheng.

It is estimated that His Majesty is tired of hearing it.

Li Shimin looked at the ministers in the hall expressionlessly, and only said lightly that the impeachment of Li Zheng should be thoroughly investigated by Dali Temple.

Li Xiaogong knew in his heart that His Majesty would not touch Li Zheng now.

To say that Li Zheng is not a heinous person, and he has never done anything that violates the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

As long as the bottom line is not touched, His Majesty will fine Li Zheng several years of salary at most.

As for Li Zheng's salary, it has not been given for several years.

Besides, with Li Zheng's financial resources, this little salary doesn't look down on him.

The soldiers and horses to conquer Liaodong have also been dispatched.

If there is nothing else to do in the early court, I will go to court early.

Li Xiaogong followed a group of ministers out of the Tai Chi Hall, then walked quickly towards Chengtian Gate.

Walk out of the palace gate and come to the lively Suzaku Street.

Walk along Zhuque Street all the way to the gate of the city, and there is a wine shop here.

Xu Jingzong was sitting here drinking.

Li Xiaogong sat in front of Xu Jingzong very naturally, and asked the staff to order a plate of mutton and a bowl of wine.

Xu Jingzong was still devouring the soup cakes.

Li Xiaogong picked up the wine bowl before taking a sip, then put it down again.

He picked up a piece of mutton and ate it.

The two sat opposite each other and didn't speak for a while.

Until Xu Jingzong finished eating the soup cakes, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The soup cakes here are very good, King Hejian can try it."

Li Xiaogong ate the mutton and said, "The mutton here is not salty enough."

Xu Jingzong also picked up a piece of mutton and took a bite and said, "It's not bad. The salt has become a lot cheaper recently, and the store will not spare it."

Li Xiaogong loosened the collar of his official uniform and said: "It may be that a certain family got angry recently, and their mouth is dull."

Xu Jingzong paid the clerk, and said: "The people in the Ministry of Rites are busy these days."

Li Xiaogong said: "You are very clear about Su Woli's itinerary these days. I heard that you paid for the drinks in Pingkangfang last night."

Xu Jingzong grinned and said, "A little money for drinks is not enough."

Li Xiaogong said again: "He is an outsider, if he doesn't understand the rules of Pingkangfang, he won't cause trouble."

"Pingkangfang is my acquaintance, even if there is a trouble, it can be settled."

Xu Jingzong spoke very calmly.

Li Xiaogong glanced at his expression, sometimes he disliked Xu Jingzong's expression.

After taking a sip of the drink, Li Xiaogong said: "The people in the Ministry of Rites are worried that this Su Woli will become a useless person if he spends his days wandering around."

Xu Jingzong said: "The Ministry of Rites still cares about this?"

Li Xiaogong glanced at him, "Su Woli is now in Chang'an, and he promised the monarch over there that he would send it back intact. He was fine when he came, but it will not be good for our reputation if he becomes a useless person in a few years. "

Xu Jingzong nodded slightly, "I will watch him."

Li Xiaogong finished the drink in the bowl, "I will tell you as soon as there is anything."

Xu Jingzong raised his wine bowl to show respect.

Li Xiaogong left the restaurant and walked into the crowd.

Xu Jingzong sat here for a while, and left after half an hour.

Gao Yang returned to the palace again.

In Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin felt a headache for a while listening to Gao Yang's narration.

Li Shimin supported his forehead and said, "What do you, a princess, go to the household department for?"

Gao Yang raised his chin and said proudly: "My daughter should share the worries of my father."

"Worries?" Li Shimin smiled bitterly, "If you can stay in the palace obediently, you will be able to share your worries when you get married."

Gao Yang seemed to know what Li Shimin would say, so he said confidently: "Jingyang has become the richest village in Guanzhong now, and the income earned by the residents of Jingyang is several times that of the surrounding counties. .”

Hearing the meaning of his daughter's words, Gao Yang said well, Jingyang's tax is indeed very high.

It is even higher than the annual tax of Chang'an City.

Gao Yang said again: "Does the father want to continue like this forever? Sit back and enjoy the benefits? If there is a second village like Jingyang, it will only be beneficial to the court."

Li Shimin sneered: "You have such ability? Do you think Datang can produce a second Li Zheng?"

Gao Yang said again: "I don't know if my daughter has this ability, but she will definitely do her best."

Li Shimin raised his eyebrows and smiled instead of anger, "Are you negotiating conditions with me?"

Gao Yang said: "If my daughter can't do it, she must obediently marry according to Father's arrangement."

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "Besides you, I can let others do this."

Gao Yang became more confident with a smile, "My daughter's sister Huang holds the financial power of the entire Jingyang, who is richer than sister Huang?"

Li Shimin looked at his daughter without speaking for a long time.

Is this a conspiracy?

Gao Yang teamed up with Li Lizhi to fight against Zhong?

Li Shimin smiled bitterly, "None of my sons and daughters can really worry."

Gao Yang still had a smile on his face.

In the face of higher taxes, creating a second Jingyang really moved Li Shimin's heart.

Who doesn't want Datang to be prosperous?
Gao Yang almost didn't say that this matter was Li Zheng's idea and Li Lizhi's arrangement.

Li Shimin was very clear in his heart, but he couldn't say much.

On the contrary, Gao Yang was confident.

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "I can let you try."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Thank you, Father."

"But!" Li Shimin said in a heavy tone, "The household department holds a very important position in the court, and I will not give you any position in the household department, but I will arrange a few people to help you."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said: "Father doesn't need to give my daughter any manpower, if she needs it, just give her the right to dispatch it."

Li Shimin looked at Gao Yang's attitude and said, "Just such a request?"

Gao Yang said: "Just such a request."

The tone is very positive.

Li Shimin looked at Gao Yang with great interest, "I can tell you, you will get married sooner or later, the success or failure of your affairs has nothing to do with your marriage."

Gao Yang smiled again, "Father must not let his daughter marry easily in the future."

Having said that, Li Shimin was quiet for a while.

Seeing that the father didn't say anything, Gao Yang bowed and said: "My daughter will make arrangements first, and my daughter will leave."

Gao Yang left the Ganlu Hall after speaking.

Sitting alone in the Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin was still thinking about Gao Yang's words, but he didn't expect Gao Yang to have such a means.

(End of this chapter)

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