People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1032 say 1 half stay 1 half

Chapter 1032 Saying Half and Keeping the Half

Just two steps away, Li Xiaogong said again: "Any other arrangements?"

Li Zheng waved his hand and said, "That's all for now, there are no other arrangements."


After Li Xiaogong finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Li Zheng glanced at the credentials beside him again.

Give some benefits to those Tubo people who were relocated, and they moved back.

These people hated Songtsen Gampo, and took the benefits from the Central Plains, so there must be a gap in their hearts.

If we give them a better life in the future, then these Tubo herdsmen who have been relocated can develop into the most solid supporters in Guanzhong.

Li Shimin is not a fool.

Certainly not without thinking of the stakes.

Those capable people in Li Shimin's hands are very good at manipulating people's hearts.

The mutton on the iron rack is sizzling under the grill.

Li Zheng picked up a bunch of mutton and ate it in silence.

Looking at the leisurely horse in the distance, he rested his feet on the stool and relaxed his limbs.

There are many places that can be used in the land of Tubo, what Li Shimin wants in his heart.

What is wanted is more money in the treasury.

You need to be cautious when negotiating business with the emperor, and the emperor is also a selfish person.

When discussing conditions with Li Shimin but not the premise, it is best not to talk too much.

We have not yet negotiated how much the account is.

Otherwise, the emperor will resign.

Unless you rebel.


When they came to Ganlu Hall, Li Xiaogong repeated Li Zheng's words.

Li Shimin roughly understood what Li Zheng was going to do.

After thinking for a while, Li Shimin said: "Your Ministry of Rites will send money to the treasury to give some benefits to those Tubo tribes who have been removed."

Li Xiaogong nodded and said, "Understood."

Li Shimin asked again: "What else did Li Zheng say?"

Glancing at Li Shimin's face, Li Xiaogong bowed his head and said, "I didn't say anything else, Li Zheng just said to do this first, as for what to do later, Li Zheng didn't say anything."

"He didn't say?"

Li Shimin was also a little surprised.

Li Xiaogong said in a low voice: "It's true that I didn't say anything."

Li Shimin pondered, "Why didn't he say anything?"

Facing Li Shimin's doubts, Li Xiaogong really wanted to say how do I know.

But he didn't dare to offend Li Shimin, Li Xiaogong bowed and said: "I'll go and ask again."

Seeing that Li Shimin kept a straight face and said nothing, Li Xiaogong bowed and said: "The minister will take his leave first."

Walking out of the Ganlu Hall, Li Xiaogong murmured in his heart, this Li Zheng didn't say anything about his next plan, which caused the old man to be winked at by His Majesty.

This Li Zheng is really hateful.

After speaking, Li Xiaogong left quickly, intending to find Xu Jingzong for a drink.

Li Shimin stood alone in front of the window of Ganlu Hall, feeling a little conflicted and conflicted in his heart.

Originally, it was best to bypass Li Zheng and let Chaozhong handle this matter by himself.

But from the beginning to the end, Li Zheng was responsible for this step.

Don't worry about handing it over to others, and you can't let too many people know about the weapon business.

After thinking for a while, Empress Changsun walked into the hall and said, "Your Majesty, the meals are ready."

Only then did Li Shimin sit down again, and the maid brought out all the dishes.

"The dishes are much lighter than before." Empress Changsun said in a low voice: "People from the Imperial Medical Office said that it is better for His Majesty to eat lighter food during this time."

Li Shimin looked at the dishes on the table without moving his chopsticks, and turned to look at Empress Changsun.

Empress Changsun smiled and said, "Your Majesty has something on your mind?"

Li Shimin frowned and said: "I asked Li Zheng to do something, why do you think this Li Zheng said to keep half of it?"

Bringing food to Li Shimin, Empress Changsun said: "You two, Weng and son-in-law, have been fighting for so many years, don't you know each other?"

Li Shimin picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of the vegetables, chewed for a while, then put down the chopsticks, as if he was savoring the taste of the vegetables, and seemed to be thinking.

Empress Changsun sat aside and poured another bowl of soup for Li Shimin, and said in a low voice: "The maid in Jingyang reported that Sizi hadn't fallen ill for a long time, and the medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office said that I would go to Jingyang to see my son in a few days. Si's condition, it seems that little Si's condition is really cured?"

After saying this, Empress Changsun lowered her eyebrows and said: "When I saw my little son fell ill, I was very worried and uncomfortable, and everyone said that this illness could not be cured."

Li Shimin suddenly slapped the table and said, "I understand!"

This slap on the table made Empress Changsun stunned, "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Li Shimin put down his chopsticks and said: "Li is just waiting for my benefits, no wonder this brat said to keep half."

Hearing that Empress Changsun glared at Li Shimin, "Your Majesty is thinking about Li Zheng, whether he doesn't even care about his own daughter."

Li Shimin's expression recovered, he cleared his throat and said, "I heard from Xu Zhaolin that Xiao Si's illness is a congenital deficiency, and medicine stones can only relieve it."

After finishing the meal, Li Shimin said to Wang Ding: "Tell Li Zheng what I have said, and he will make a few profits on the matter of the Tubo Kingdom."

Wang Ding bowed and saluted after receiving the words, "I understand."

After Wang Ding finished speaking, he bowed to Empress Changsun again, and left the Ganlu Hall with small steps.

As for the things about Tubo, of course we can't tell Li Shimin all about it.

Now the weapon business has also stopped, and Li Shimin has not earned money from the weapon business for a long time.

Presumably after stopping for so long, Li Shimin's treasury is probably short of money again.

Talking about business and Tubo's credentials are two different things.

It is often right to talk about dividing the spoils before doing bad things.

The nursery in the yard of the house has grown a lot of weeds again.

Li Zheng patiently weeded the grass, "This year the rainy season is long, and the spring comes early and the grass grows more."

Xiao Sizi shook his little hoe vigorously while nodding.

Today is a sunny day, the little girl has beads of sweat on her forehead and her cheeks are flushed by the sun.

The little sizi said in a low voice while working: "Shouldn't Tubo's credentials be handed over to the emperor? Why is it in your hands?"

The little girl would know that she probably heard from Li Lizhi.

The national book was placed on the table at home, and Li Lizhi even opened it to read it.

Just as they were talking, Wu Mei and Gao Yang walked out of the house with Xu Hui.

After finishing the work in the nursery, Li Zheng sat down in the yard.

Xiao Si also sat down and took a sip of hot tea with her cup in her arms.

Li Lizhi walked up with a bowl of fruit and said, "Melons from the Western Regions."

Li Zheng glanced at it and said, "Isn't this a cantaloupe?"


Li Li asked puzzledly: "A melon is a melon, what is a cantaloupe?"

The little sizi ate the melon and said, "I know that there is a place called Hami in the Western Regions."

In fact, cantaloupe has nothing to do with Hami.

"I'm right." Xiao Si raised his chin and said proudly.

Apparently, she thought it was right.

Li Zheng smiled and didn't expose it. He kept her in the dark for a few years. After a few years, when she grew up, she understood the dangers of the adult world.

(End of this chapter)

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