Chapter 1057 Regret

After getting off the boat, Yixin said to Su Woxin, "Do you know what the Wa country needs most?"

Su Woxin thought for a while and said, "Food?"

Xin shook his head and said: "Wa is an island country, the most important thing for Wa now is the land."


Su Woxin said puzzledly, "We only have these lands in the Wa country."

Yi Xin sneered and said, "All the emperors in the Central Plains have the will to expand their borders. Doesn't the Crown Prince of Japan have one?"

"Explore the territory? The emperor?"

Hearing these two words, I felt inexplicably excited in my confidence, and looked at the satisfied eyes in front of me with even more admiration.

Yixin also observed Su Woxin, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart. The Chang'an Order really arranged well, and this Su Woxin seemed extremely easy to control.

Su Woxin said again: "Your Excellency, please come to my Wa Palace and meet my father."

Xin Xin nodded and said, "Okay!"

Wa country looks very poor, and does not even have a war horse.

The horse in front of him is also very short, if you don't look carefully, you may think it is a donkey.

Thinking about the next plan in his heart, Xin Xin went to the royal city of the Wa Kingdom under the escort of the Wa people.

Goguryeo is not far from Wa Kingdom, and ships can travel between Goguryeo and Wa Kingdom in less than ten days.

Outside Pyongyang, Dahu led a team of people in ambush in a forest.

Waiting until the sound of horseshoes approached, a group of soldiers and horses came towards here.

Wait until the other party is about to arrive in front of you.

The tiger pulled up the tripping rope, and the horse in front was tripped immediately.

Seeing that the Goguryeo soldiers and horses were in chaos, the Jingyang guards shot arrows from both sides of the road.

Seeing the Goguryeo people falling down one by one, they fell into chaos.

Dumb rushed forward with his men.

I have to say that the training of these Goguryeo people is really very poor.

Nowadays, many soldiers and horses in Goguryeo are strong laborers captured from various places to fill the army.

Not to mention how many official soldiers and horses there are in Goguryeo, even the official soldiers and horses of Goguryeo are far worse than those in Guanzhong in terms of combat effectiveness.

Compared with the soldiers and horses of Goguryeo, the soldiers and horses of Guanzhong have much higher combat effectiveness.

Not to mention that Yuan Gai Su Wen forced a lot of strong labor.

Most of these strong laborers are farmers in various villages in Goguryeo.

These strong farm laborers can't even hold a knife well.

Compared with the well-trained Jingyang guards, they have no room to resist at all.

Two or three hits and you'll be knocked down.

There are more than [-] officers and soldiers in this team in front of us, and some of these people will be taken away by Wang Wu to give the King Goguryeo's troops a boost.

Some of them were imprisoned and released after the war ended.

After clearing the road and doing all these things, Duhu took his people to another road to wait for the opportunity to ambush.

As Niu Jinda's army got bigger and bigger, more and more people came out to patrol the soil city.

Clean up the road, sweep it into a trace that no soldiers and horses have stepped on, so that the second ambush can be carried out.

After sweeping away all the horseshoe prints along the road, Dui led his men to another place to ambush.

Until it was getting dark, the tiger ambushed three soldiers and horses, and captured nearly a thousand Goguryeo soldiers.

These days, Dahu and his people have been doing this, ambushing so many teams of Goguryeo officers and soldiers. These officers and soldiers are poorly equipped. It seems that there must not be many armaments in Pyongyang.

Some people even came out with sticks.

Soldiers are expensive, and most of the soldiers and horses in Pyongyang are strong laborers recruited by force.

These strong laborers are not soldiers at all.

It was forced to recruit again, and the morale of the army was already poor.

In addition, after so many days of being trapped in a city, I have long been tired of it.

After dark, Du Hu returned to the camp and reported to Xue Rengui the situation around today, "It seems that the defenders in Pyongyang City are a bunch of mobs."

Xue Rengui looked at the map in front of him and said, "How many prisoners have you taken today?"

Duo calculated, "A total of 300 prisoners were captured, and more than 900 of them were willing to surrender and handed over to the prince, and the rest were taken into custody."

Xue Rengui said: "So many people are willing to surrender?"

Dahu sat down and relaxed his muscles and said: "It is true that many people are willing to surrender. Most of them are soldiers recruited by Yuan Gai Suwen, and they are all farmers who are unwilling to fight. The Great Tang that they talked about was originally Goguryeo’s upper kingdom, and if they want to fight our Tang army, they don’t want to fight at all.”

Xue Rengui thought about it and said: "Yang Guang forced Goguryeo several times in the Sui Dynasty. Goguryeo's military strength has been reduced a lot since then. Now it seems that Goguryeo's only military strength is less than [-]."

Du Hu said: "Goguryeo's [-] defenders, only less than [-] are regular defenders, and the rest are just some old farmers."

Wang Xuance came with the military report, "General Niu said they would come back at any time, let us make preparations early."

Goguryeo, inside the city of Pyongyang, Yuan Gai Suwen was very anxious at this moment, because Niu Jinda's army was only one day away from Pyongyang.

And now he also talked about a self who made people even more angry. Under the protection of the Tang army, the king of Goguryeo gathered many people and planned to attack him.

Hateing that he didn't kill the Goguryeo king, Yuan Gai Suwen angrily punched the table.

There is also a very bad news at this moment, that is, there is almost not enough food and grass in Pyongyang.

Moreover, the soldiers and horses sent out these days are often attacked.

It made the officers and soldiers feel anxious every time they went out.

Often come back very embarrassed.

The morale of the army in Pyongyang was turbulent, and many deserters even appeared to join the fleeing king of Goguryeo.

The soldier who had just returned from patrolling the city outside said: "General, the Tang army outside is like a ghost. Our people disappeared as soon as they went out, and those Tang troops also disappeared."

Yuan Gai Suwen said in a low voice: "What the hell? Will they disappear?"

Facing Yuan Gai Suwen's anger, the soldier knelt tremblingly.

If you don't find the Tang army lying in ambush, the army will be trapped in the city and cannot move.

"General!" A soldier hurried over and said, "There is a new call for action outside."

Another call for thieves was sent. Yuan Gai Suwen looked at the content of the letter, but anyone who left Pyongyang to seek refuge with the King of Goguryeo could get food, and they could also get rewards for quelling civil strife.

This is clearly intended to disintegrate the morale of the military in Pyongyang.

There are too many intrigues and tricks of the Guanzhong people.

IQ crushing is the most tormenting.

I don't know where the Tang Jun ambushed, nor what methods these Tang Jun used, and I don't even know the number of Tang Jun.

They are like ghosts, patrolling soldiers who will ambush at any time.

The soldiers who made the city inspections were all on tenterhooks.

(End of this chapter)

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