People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 106 5 Lines of People Who Are Short of Money

Chapter 106
Putting away the accounts in distress, Li Chengqian comforted himself that it was all worth it, it was all worth it!
We must take advantage of Li Tai's absence in Chang'an to compare Li Tai.

I just need to spend less in the future, so determined in my heart, I picked up a book of Warring States Policy and read it.

Jingyang County

Li Tai was sitting next to Sun Simiao with a bowl of noodles. From here, he could see Li Zheng talking and laughing with an official of the East Palace from a distance.

Sun Simiao sorted out the herbs and said, "His Royal Highness, Li Zheng's life must be very comfortable."

Li Tai slurped the noodles and nodded, "There are still people rushing to give him money, can he have an uncomfortable life?"

Sun Simiao looked at the situation, Li Zheng seemed to have rejected the money sent by others.

After a while, I saw the other party pulling the money and leaving.

Sun Simiao looked curiously and asked, "Why did Li Zheng refuse?"

Li Tai saw that things must not be simple.

Sun Simiao nodded again, "I won't be bought by money, it seems that Li Zheng is a good boy, and his poor vision is right."

After eating a bowl of noodles and drinking the soup, Li Tai said, "Doctor Sun, you think highly of Li Zheng."

Li Tai walked towards Li Zheng with an empty bowl and asked, "You don't want any money from the crown prince. This is not like your style, Li Zheng."

Waving the cattail fan in his hand, Li Zheng said, "Fatty, do you think my character is so bad?"

Li Zheng loves money and Li Tai knows that if someone sends money, he will probably burst into laughter.

There are only two possibilities for this kind of thing to happen, one is hell.

There is also a possibility that Li is holding back his strength, and his moves are not yet finished.

Li Tai looked at Li Zheng suspiciously, "Li Zheng, did you eat something dirty?"

"That's the prince's money, can I take it casually?"

Li Tai nodded, "It's true, it's fine if you don't accept it."

Keep things steady, yes.

East Palace
Li Chengqian listened to the reports from the officials of the East Palace.

He didn't want the money sent over, Li Chengqian asked anxiously: "Did he say why he doesn't want the money?"

The official of the East Palace reported: "Li Zheng asked us to bring back the words that His Royal Highness misunderstood him. He Li Zheng is not that kind of person, no matter how much money His Royal Highness sends, he will not accept it."


Li Chengqian analyzed Li Zheng's words in his heart.

After thinking for a while, Li Chengqian said again: "Send another five thousand guan."


The officials of the Eastern Palace went to work immediately.

Li Chengqian's heart is bleeding, five thousand.

This is how long it takes to save enough.

On the second day, the officials of the East Palace came to report again and said: "His Royal Highness, Li Zheng still does not accept."

"Why don't you accept it?"

Li Chengqian walked back and forth anxiously, gritted his teeth in his heart and said, "Send ten thousand guan to Gu."

Wait until several officials of the East Palace came with cart after cart of money.

Li Tai was also dumbfounded, knowing that Donggong must have more money than himself, but he didn't expect that this move was [-] guan.

The official of the East Palace said to Li Zheng: "Xianhou, this is some wish of the prince, please accept it."

Li Zheng cleared his throat and said, "Since His Royal Highness is so sincere, I will reluctantly accept it, and I won't do it next time."


The subordinate officials of the Eastern Palace smiled and nodded.

Li Zheng took out a bamboo slip and handed it to him, saying: "I am a person who pays attention to courtesy and reciprocity. This is my return gift, please give it to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

The officials of the Eastern Palace took the bamboo slips with great care.

After the people from the East Palace left, Li Tai stared at Li Zheng who was counting the carts of money.

"Fatty, help me count too, I can't finish counting so many at once."

Li Tai was a little dazed, recalling the past, "Li Zheng, you really don't see the rabbits and don't scatter the eagles."

"you flatter me."

"You, Li Zheng, are still Li Zheng!"

Li Zheng cupped his hands slightly, "Be polite, be polite, you should be happy that the prince lost his money."

Li Tai: "..."

As soon as his mind was distracted, Li Zhenghui thought, "Hey, where did I just count?"


Li Zhengyi still didn't finish, "Forget it, I'll count it again."

Li Tai walked back to the yard, returned to his room and closed the door with his hands.

East Palace
Li Chengqian looked at the bamboo slips sent by the officials of the East Palace, read them over and over again and sighed: "This Li Zheng is really a master of the world, so all the problems can be easily solved."

But that [-] guan was really a bit distressed.

Li Chengqian copied the policy theory on the bamboo slips.

All the way to Ganlu Hall, handed over the policy theory to Li Shimin.

Seeing his father concentrating on the policy theory, Li Chengqian was secretly sure that his father would definitely adopt it.

Li Shimin handed it to Fang Xuanling after reading it, and then fell into deep thought, staring at Li Chengqian for a long time.

Fang Xuanling took the bamboo slips and looked at them for a long time and said: "The wages of workers should not be lower than [-]% of the selling price of the goods. If the price is balanced, the wages can also be balanced. The merchants dare not sell too expensively, and the wages of the laborers are also guaranteed. It is indeed a good way.”

"That way it's easier to handle."

Du Ruhui looked at the policy and wrote, "The Ministry of Households manages merchants and opens a reporting office."

"In this way, there is also regulation."

"All workers must have a contract to work in the workshop. If the workers are dismissed by the workshop, they must pay workers' compensation."

Seeing this, Du Ruhui nodded in admiration, "In this way, the workshops are also restrained from replacing workers at will, and the wages of workers are made more stable. This can promote competition among workshops, and the workshops will offer more benefits to keep workers. Down."

As long as there is security, the workers will come back.

Merchants dare not wantonly raise prices.

Fang Xuanling said: "Your Majesty, this strategy can make the constraints between merchants and workers better, and the upper and lower will complement each other."

What worries workers most today is the instability of wages.

Sometimes it will be replaced by the workshop owner at will.

I did this one today, and I will find another one tomorrow.

If you find a job one day, you may not find a job the next day.

Now it seems that the workers will not have any worries.

The wages are not set arbitrarily by the workshop, which also increases the wages of laborers.

Du Ruhui said: "The policy of His Highness the Crown Prince really solves the urgent need."

Li Shimin said: "The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China formulated the regulations and issued them, and selected a few workshops to try."


Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui resigned.

Li Shimin glanced at Li Chengqian again and said, "Retire too."

Li Chengqian left the Ganlu Hall with a secret joy in his heart, Li Zheng's strategy was really useful.

In Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin asked the eunuch beside him, "Is this policy really what the prince thinks?"

The eunuch replied in a low voice: "The eyeliner of the East Palace came to report that the crown prince gave Li Zheng ten thousand coins."

Ten thousand!Li Shimin frowned, "Is my prince so rich?"

The eunuch told the whole story, "He also said that Li Zheng's five elements are short of money, and the prince is treating Li Zheng's illness."

Li Shimin's old face darkened after hearing this.

 Starting tomorrow, if you update less than five chapters a day, just spray me.

  If you supervise Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang will not be lazy.

  Xiao Zhang also supervises you, cough cough...

  Tickets, it depends on fate.

  Look at fate.

(End of this chapter)

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