Chapter 1090 Cat and Mouse
Songtsan Gampo sighed, "You have no idea how powerful Li Zheng is."

Lu Dongzan said with a sneer: "There is a saying in the Central Plains called self-willing to fall, just like what Zanpu is doing now."

Songtsen Gampo closed his eyes again and sat cross-legged.

Lu Dongzan turned around and walked outside the hall, took a deep breath of fresh air and walked down the Potala Palace.

With several warriors from the Tubo tribe, Lu Dongzan began to gather herdsmen and went to the pledged land.

After several days of convening, some herdsmen who had no pastures gradually gathered.

There are also many women and children, totaling more than 3 people.

The vast majority of these people are people without pastures and some people who originally grazed near Qinghai.

Even though Songtsan Gampo no longer asked about these matters, Lu Dongzan still tried his best to let the people of Tubo live a stable life.

Bring the herdsmen to the pledge land boundary.

Lu Dongzan met a group of people.

This team looks like people from the Western Regions.

The leader is a middle-aged man, his temples are already gray and he looks quite old.

Looking at each other vigilantly, Lu Dongzan said, "Who are you?"

Mou took out a contract and said, "I'm doing things for Chang'an Order. This is a copy of the contract. Please verify it."

Lu Dongzan checked that there was not much difference between this contract and Li Zhengdi's contract.

Mou took out another seal and said: "This is the seal of the Chang'an Order, does the Prime Minister of Tubo believe it now?"

After confirming it, Lu Dongzan said, "What should I do now?"

Mou looked at the Tubo herdsmen behind Lu Dongzan and said, "The land has been drawn to house them."

Mou took out a huge map and said: "We divide these herdsmen into five areas, and they work in these areas, and there is no need for Tubo to intervene in the future."

Lu Dongzan said, "I know the rules."

Mou said again: "Then please come back, Prime Minister, these herdsmen are handed over to me to resettle."

Lu Dongzan looked at the hands behind Mogao again. These people looked like people from the Western Regions, but some of them didn't look like people from the Western Regions, they seemed to have everyone.

It is certain that these people are Li Zheng's people.

When did Li Zheng have such a team outside the pass?

There are roughly two thousand people.

Even if such an army is anywhere in the Western Regions, they dare not underestimate it.

Seeing that Mo Wei still had a smile on his face, Lu Dongzan got off his horse and explained to the herdsmen behind him.

After a while, Lu Dongzan said to Mou, "I'll leave it to you."

Mou nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, Prime Minister."

After reorganizing the herdsmen, Lu Dongzan watched as Mou led the herdsmen all the way to the depths of the pasture.

The pastures near Qinghai are very lush.

This is a good place for grazing.

Such fertile pastures are rare in Tubo.

Such a good place was pledged to Datang.

Lu Dongzan secretly vowed in his heart to take this land back.

Mou replied all the way from Tubo, passing through Longyou, and sent it to Jingyang.

Li Yifu handed the letter to Li Zheng and said, "Chang'an Order, this is a silent reply."

Li Zheng looked at the contents of the letter, and silently talked about the current situation of mining silver mines, and had already begun to resettle the herdsmen in Tubo.

Li Yifu said in a low voice: "Xu Jingzong's people did cover and found a few eyeliners, but they have already avoided them."

Li Zheng said, "Who are those eyeliners?"

Li Yifu said: "After checking for a while, these people are very experienced, and they should be the eyeliner of that person."

Li Zheng said with a smile: "It's nothing, you can go on with your business."

Li Yifu nodded and left.

I looked at the watermelon seedlings in the field again.

The growth period of watermelon is a bit slow, and the grafting technology also needs to be studied carefully.

Cultivate the watermelon seedlings first.

Now the watermelon seedlings are growing well, and Li Zheng came to the other courtyard.

Li Shimin looked at Li Zheng and said, "It's really rare to see you take the initiative to come to another courtyard to see me."

Li Zheng said to Li Shimin: "I didn't want to come to His Majesty at first, but there have been rats at home recently."

Li Shimin frowned and said, "Trouble with rats?"

Li Zheng said again: "And the rat is very big, so it can hide."

Li Shimin nodded clearly and said, "Then you have to raise a cat."

Shaking the cattail fan in his hand, he said, "I am kind-hearted, and I don't want to put those mice to death. I can bear it for a while, but I can't bear it for too long."

Looking at Li Shimin, Li Zheng said in a low voice: "The cat still bites people after driving it into a hurry. I hope those rats won't get in the way."

Li Shimin also stared at Li Zheng's expression, "Really?"

Li Zheng said: "Since Your Majesty is clear in his heart, I will say a few more words. If anything happens to your Majesty's mouse, don't blame me."

Li Shimin looked at Li Zheng and said, "How can you teach me to rest assured of you?"

Li Zheng looked at Li Shimin for a while, then turned and walked out of the other courtyard.

A conversation broke up badly.

Even with the exception of those eyeliners, there will still be a second batch.

Li Shimin will also keep staring at himself.

This situation cannot be resolved in a few words.

When he came to the stables, Li Zheng said to Xu Jingzong: "Does anyone know how many eyeliners there are along the way?"

Xu Jingzong stood up and replied: "It will take some time to find out."

Being targeted by rats can be annoying, even if it's something that doesn't get in your way.

Li Zheng said to Xu Jingzong: "Find out who those eyeliners are, and all the details of the other party."

Xu Jingzong said: "Are you going to kill them?"

Li Zheng said: "No, there will be a second batch after killing them, and there will be a third batch. Doing so will only make us exhausted."

Xu Jingzong said: "Is that to arrest them?"

Li Zheng looked at the horses in the stables and said: "It's a drop in the bucket to catch them, but there will be a steady stream of people to replenish them. It's better to play Infernal Affairs."

Hearing this, Xu Jingzong said curiously: "What is Infernal Affairs?"

Li Zheng said to Xu Jingzong: "First of all, you cultivate some trustworthy people, and take the opportunity to break into them. These people can infiltrate every aspect of the other party."

Xu Jingzong nodded and wrote down these words in a booklet.

Li Zheng also said: "It takes time to train manpower. The quickest way right now is to instigate the opponent's manpower, study the opponent's situation clearly, find the entry point, and instigate the opponent's manpower."

Xu Jingzong immediately understood, "In this way, we can not only ensure the concealment of our own personnel, but also know the opponent's every move."

It's fine if you deal with others, although Xu Jingzong didn't say it clearly, but Xu Jingzong also knew that the person who was staring at the delivery line was Li Shimin's eyeliner.

Those who are now instigated by Chang'an Ling against His Majesty have to say that Chang'an Ling is really daring.

Moreover, the relationship between His Majesty and Chang'an Ling is so tense.

Xu Jingzong was also very disturbed.

And there are some thrills.

If things are done according to Li Zheng's method, it seems to be paving the way for rebellion.

Has the conflict between Chang'an Ling and His Majesty reached this point?
(End of this chapter)

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