People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1095 Kong Yingda Enters the Academy

Chapter 1095 Kong Yingda Enters the Academy
Li Tai led a carriage into the village.

Li Zheng stood at the gate of the academy, watching the carriage stop in front of the academy.

Li Tai helped Kong Yingda get off the carriage, and Kong Yingda came with a whole family.

Seeing Kong Yingda's smiling face, Li Zheng bowed and said, "I've seen Kong Yingda, old master."

Kong Yingda stroked her beard and said, "Li Zheng, I am indebted to you for taking care of me."

Li Zheng nodded and said, "Old Master, you are being polite."

Li Tai said, "Old Master, let's go in and talk."

Today's moonlight is good, under the moonlight the Academy is somewhat hazy and mysterious.

Kong Yingda said, "That's fine, that's fine."

Li Zheng also looked at the academy, why did he feel eerie when he saw his academy under the moonlight.

Walking into the academy, Chu Suiliang had already prepared tea.

Li Tai patted Kong Yingda and sat down.

Looking at the academy, Kong Yingda said, "It looks like it's very busy here."

Li Tai explained: "This is our office. It is quite busy here on weekdays. The masters who teach are all busy with their own affairs, and there is no one to clean up."

While talking, Li Tai hurriedly picked up a stack of papers and put them on the table and said, "After coming to the academy, I will do all the tidying up, tidying up, and cleaning up."

Kong Yingda smiled and said, "The dignified king of Wei is actually doing chores here."

Li Tai smiled awkwardly and said, "Actually, I don't know how to do anything. The academy lacks someone who does chores."

Kong Yingda looked at Li Zheng and said, "Wang Ding has already told the old man about the matter. This time, the old man is suing the old man, so he will not teach the students of the academy."

Li Zheng nodded and said, "I understand."

Kong Yingda said in a low voice: "Then what do you want from Lao Shi? Confucian students can sneer at your academy. Although Lao Shi has some appeal, there is really nothing you can do about your academy."

After pouring Kong Yingda a cup of tea with his own hands, Li Zheng said, "Master's affairs are not in a hurry for now. Inviting Mr. Kong Yingda to Jingyang is actually inviting you to take care of yourself."

Kong Yingda nodded and said: "It's okay, it's okay, if there is anything that needs the old man to come forward, you can just tell me."

Li Tai looked at the night and said, "It's getting late, the old master should go to bed early."

Li Zheng also said: "Let's rest first."

After speaking, Li Tai took Kong Yingda to the residence in Jingyang.

When people walked out of the academy, Chu Suiliang said: "It would be good to invite Kong Yingda, but the Confucian students and our academy have always been at odds."

Li Zheng said, "I know."

Chu Suiliang looked worried, "Once the Confucian students from the outside world find out, there will be many Confucian students to denounce you. The last thing they want to see is a representative of Confucianism like Kong Yingda entering the academy."

Li Zheng looked at Chu Suiliang and said, "I just want Old Master Kong Yingda to take care of his old age. I don't want to interfere too much with outside affairs."

After speaking, Li Zheng also left.

Chu Suiliang stood there and couldn't figure it out for a while.

When Li Zheng returned home, Li Lizhi stepped forward and said, "Did you invite old Master Kong Yingda?"

Sitting on the reclining chair, Li Zheng said, "It was invited by Li Tai."

Li Lizhi said again: "Do you want to use Kong Yingda's reputation to promote the academy?"

Li Zheng shook his head and said, "I won't use Kong Yingda's reputation for anything."

Seeing Li Zheng's expression, Li Lizhi respected Kong Yingda in his heart.

But Li Zheng has a problem with Confucianism.

Many Confucian scholars even listed Li Zheng as the number one enemy.

In fact, Li Zheng invited Kong Yingda, even if he used Kong Yingda's reputation to do something, it would be fine.

Don't use Kong Yingda's reputation for anything.

Judging from this sentence, Li Zheng is still the same Li Zheng.

Li Lizhi nodded in satisfaction, "Just to let old master Kong Yingda take care of himself?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "That's all."

Kong Yingda came to her residence and listened to Li Tai's introduction that this is a residential area in Jingyang.

Li Zheng divided the entire Jingyang into six areas, one is residential area, the other is field, industrial area, breeding area, college area, and guard camp.

Keep everything separate and tidy together.

In this way, people's housing will not be one piece in the east and one piece in the west, and industrial areas can also be centralized and integrated.

Seemingly some inexplicable regulations.

In fact, there is wisdom hidden in it.

Li Tai said: "Li Zheng likes this. Special affairs are handled specially. This is not only convenient for overall planning, but also less likely to cause any trouble."

Kong Yingda smiled and nodded, "In fact, many counties in the Central Plains can do the same, but..."

Without saying a word, Li Tai also knew what Kong Yingda meant.

Li Zheng's management method is indeed very useful. When dealing with some matters, he can quickly and conveniently find out where the problems are, and it is very convenient to deploy manpower and deal with them in a unified manner.

But Jingyang's method is not suitable for other places.

Because of the relationship with the land, the land is related to the interests of many dignitaries.

Because Jingyang is just a blank sheet of paper, on which Li Zheng can arrange things arbitrarily.

But what about the entire Central Plains?For nearly a thousand years, the Central Plains has been carried out according to the ancient method.

In particular, every reform and innovation will have pains and risks.

After tidying up the house, Li Tai said: "The old master rested earlier, so I will go back first."

Kong Yingda nodded and said nothing more.

On the second day, Kong Yingda arrived at Li Shimin's other courtyard early.

Li Shimin was not surprised by Kong Yingda's arrival.

Facing Li Shimin, Kong Yingda bowed and said, "I thank Your Majesty for agreeing."

Li Shimin practiced Taijiquan in the yard and said: "You don't need to thank me, you should thank Qingque and Li Zheng, Qingque will invite you, Li Zheng and I negotiated terms, these two children put a lot of effort into it."

Kong Yingda still bowed and said: "I still want to thank Your Majesty."

Li Shimin sat down and said: "I know that you didn't want to go to the Imperial College at the beginning. You didn't like government affairs, and you didn't like people's sophistication. I have known it for so many years. Now that you are old, you should spend your old age well."

Kong Yingda said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, in fact, Jingyang's governance model is not a new kind, and there is more than one or two hidden wisdom in it."

Li Shimin said: "How can it be so simple."

Kong Yingda nodded and said: "Your Majesty, everything is difficult at the beginning, and there is always a first step."

Li Shimin sighed, "It's not that I can't understand. There are many stubborn diseases in the Central Plains. It is already very risky to get rid of the five surnames. This is still a risk with Li Zheng's head."

When Li Zheng had just become famous in Chang'an, the five surnames attacked Li Zheng the most.

Even now that the five surnames have collapsed, the attacks on Li Zheng still exist.

(End of this chapter)

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