Chapter 112 Wheelchair
Du Ruhui thought for a while and said: "Princess Changle's marriage has been postponed again and again, and now it's time to get married. You should think about it. All the civil and military officials in the court are watching this marriage, marrying Changle Your majesty's favor from the princess is immeasurable."

Seeing Li Zheng's troubled face, Du Ruhui said again: "What? You still don't want to get married, do you?"

Picking up the water bag and pouring cold water into his mouth for a while, Li Zheng said, "Old Du, this is not a matter of marrying or not."

"What's the problem?"

Li Zheng sighed: "It's too young, I can't do it."

Du Ruhui said: "What's the matter, getting married early is not a bad thing, the old man's son should be married at your age."

Getting married at the age of 12 is too beastly.

The ancients were indeed terrifying.

Du Ruhui: "What did you say about me just now?"

Li Zheng came back to his senses with a puzzled look on his face, "Did I just speak?"

After smiling wryly for a while, Du Ruhui continued to ask: "But it's right to think about it, you kid has been refusing to marry all the time, and the whole village is all about your marriage."

Li Zheng sighed and said, "Marry a princess? I'd better forget about it, drink more hot water and less dream."

After listening, Du Ruhui patted Li Zheng's shoulder and stood up.

"2 people, is there any other way?"

Du Ruhui said with a smile: "How can the civilian households be moved casually, let alone 2 people."

"Help me as promised just now, your words don't count."

Du Ruhui smiled meaningfully, "This old man will help you tell His Majesty, whether it will be successful or not depends on His Majesty's will."

After speaking, Du Ruhui took a look at the situation of the wounded soldiers in the shed, and then left.

After Du Ruhui left, Li Zheng went back to the shed to change the dressings for the wounded soldiers.

Daniu is helping carefully from the side.

The wounded soldier with a broken leg woke up, grabbed Li Zheng's clothes and said, "Genius doctor, I don't want to live anymore, don't treat me."

Looking at his expression, Li Zheng said: "Don't die, you have to die and die in another place."

The wounded soldier said with tears in his eyes, "I don't want to be a useless person lying in bed for the rest of my life."

"I know, I know." Li Zheng nodded to him and said, "Don't worry, you won't be a useless person, I promise you won't lie in bed for half your life."

The wounded soldier choked up and closed his eyes.

Daniel looked very touched.

I have never experienced war, but looking at these wounded soldiers can also feel the tragedy of the war in Liangzhou.

It is said to be a great victory, but it is not known how many people died in Liangzhou.

It took another hour to change the dressings of these soldiers.

There is no need to hang the normal saline anymore, put these away.

Daniel was a little puzzled when he saw that Li Zheng put all these things into the fire and burned them.

There must be a reason for the teacher to do this.

Daniel thought to himself.

Pull all the black cloth covering the greenhouse to let the air in the greenhouse circulate, so that the soldiers can be more comfortable.

Daniu asked in a low voice: "Teacher, can those wounded soldiers be healed? Aren't their legs..."

Touching Daniel's small forehead, Li Zheng said: "Of course I can still live well."

Daniel nodded with a half understanding.

In the afternoon, some rice porridge was fed to the wounded soldiers.

Watching them fall asleep, Li Zheng took out a book "Illustrated Carpentry Operation Technique" from the library of the system

Open the first page is the preface, and then look at the second page is the table of contents.

Another page, safety rules.

"Well! Sure enough, we still need to read the safety rules first."

Seeing Li Chongyi approaching, Li Zheng put away the book again and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Chongyi lowered his head and thought for a while and asked: "I just heard from Li Yifu that you want to take in these wounded soldiers."

Li Zheng nodded.

Li Chongyi took a deep breath and knelt down on one knee, "I thank the Marquis of Jingyang County on behalf of these wounded soldiers."

Quickly helped him up, Li Zheng said: "I'll call you Brother Chongyi, you are older than me, in fact, these people are a burden to other people, but these veterans are really useful to me, you have to pay attention Don't do that."

Li Chongyi still knelt on one knee, "Thank you for saving the lives of these robes, if you need my help in the future, just ask."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Li Zheng helped him up and said.

Li Chongyi said: "I want to go back to Chang'an to do some things, so I'll go back first."

"Brother Chongyi, go slowly." Li Zheng saw him off.

After they left, Li Zheng began to sketch the drawings of the wheelchair according to the content in the book.

Handwheels, handles, rivets, locks.

There's a lot to do.


Li Zheng read it for a long time and put away the book. He has a specialization in art, but he really can't understand it...

Let's start with the drawings first.

It took a long time to draw a rough drawing.

Sun Simiao came with a bamboo basket of herbs and asked, "What are you painting?"

"The drawing." Li Zheng said without turning his head.

Looking at the blueprints drawn by Li Zheng, he asked again: "Is this a chair you drew? Why are there wheels? It's a bit nondescript."

Li Zheng shouted at Li Yifu who was guarding not far away: "Li Yifu, come here!"

Li Yi's mansion came in a hurry, "What is the order of the county lord?"

"Go and call some carpenters for me. They should be good at craftsmanship, preferably those who have made carriages."

Li Yifu nodded and went to work immediately.

After drawing the blueprint, Li Zheng stretched his muscles and said, "This is called a wheelchair. Haven't Dr. Sun heard of it?"

"I haven't heard of it, but I have seen the appearance of this kind of car in some ancient book." Sun Simiao thought about it.

When did wheelchairs come into existence?

Li Zheng thought about it.

I remember that it existed in the pre-Qin or Eastern Han Dynasty.

Du Ruhui returned to Ganlu Hall and reported to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, Li Zheng has cured those wounded soldiers very well, and with Dr. Sun here, there shouldn't be any major problems."

Li Shimin nodded slightly, "There should be a lot of wounded soldiers coming back from Liangzhou, let the Imperial Medical Office also prepare to leave Chang'an City to receive wounded soldiers."

Du Ruhui said again: "Your Majesty, Li Zheng mentioned something."

"whats the matter?"

Du Ruhui thought for a while and said, "Li Zheng said he wanted 2 people."

"Twenty thousand? What does he want so many people for?"

Du Ruhui shook his head, "I don't know, he didn't say anything, but he wanted the households in Princess Changle's fief, and said it was convenient because of the proximity."

Li Shimin thought about it and said, "Did he say anything else?"

"Not anymore."

2 people...

It is not that no one has moved.

But never on such a large scale.

With 2 people at every turn, do other counties need more people?

The movement of population brings changes in taxes.

The size of the population determines the amount of taxes.

Li Shimin wondered what Li Zheng wanted so many people to do.

Is it not enough for so many people in Jingyang County to build a house for Li Zheng?
Du Ruhui said again: "Your Majesty, the son of Prince Hejian, Li Chongyi has returned."

(End of this chapter)

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