Chapter 122 The next work
Lu Dongzan looked at Li Ke who was standing next to Li Zheng and said, "His Royal Highness, please forgive my offense."

Li Ke turned his head to look at Li Zheng, seeing that Li Zheng was expressionless.

Also stood aside silently.

Fu Ni said: "His Royal Highness the King of Shu, County Marquis, Lu Dong praised this person for being extremely hypocritical, if the County Marquis forgives him at this moment, he will definitely bite the County Marquis back.

Lu Dongzan shouted loudly: "You talk nonsense, my apology to the county lord is sincere."

Fu Ni said: "The county lord, the Tibetan wolf is ambitious!"

Lu Dongzan did not back down and said loudly: "Xianhou, Tuyuhun will perish sooner or later, why not form an alliance with us Tubo."

Fu Ni pointed at Lu Dongzan and cursed in Tuyuhun dialect.

Lu Dongzan also replied in Tubo dialect.

Listening to the quarrel between the two, Li Ke took a look at Li Zheng's expression.

It was found that Li Zheng was not only unmoved.

On the contrary, the quarrel between the two people is still a bit unfinished.

The two exchanged curses in each other's native dialect for a while, and it seemed that they stopped when they ran out of words.

After finishing his work, Li Zheng put the replaced gauze into the fire and burned it.

"Stop making noise?"

Lu Dongzan was anxious, and he came to admit his mistake to Li Zheng and the king of Shu, what was this funi mixed with.

No matter which side is in the Tuyuhun battle, as long as it can get the assistance of Datang, it will be a threat to the other side.

Realizing his gaffe, Fu Ni straightened his clothes and said with a smile instead of responding to Lu Dongzan: "I didn't expect the county marquis to know medical skills. Everyone said that the county marquis is good at helping the world. Now it seems that his reputation is really well-deserved."

Hearing this, Li Zheng thought for a while and then said: "The diplomatic relationship between the two countries has always been a very important event. I am a kind person, and I don't want to lose my life."

Don't want to lose your life?

Hearing this, Fu Ni immediately regained his spirits, "Xianhou Renyi, the same is true for us Tuyuhun."

Li Zheng then said with compassion: "I wish the world peace."

Fu Ni nodded again.

Li Zheng continued: "There is a way to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately."

Fu Ni asked, "Could it be that the county prince also believes in Buddhism?"

Put away his posture and expression, Li Zheng cleared his throat, believe in Buddhism?Don't make trouble, it is impossible to believe in Buddhism in the previous life and in this life. It is too metaphysical. It is more reliable to believe in money.

After all, it was actually in his pocket.

Li Zheng sighed again: "The so-called belief means there is no belief. The so-called form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. If you are too attached to belief and unbelief, you will follow the Tao. The Tao is to drink more hot water and less dreaming."

Fu Ni took a breath when he heard this, saluted Li Zheng slightly, and said respectfully: "The county marquis has such a state at such a young age. His Majesty of the Shang Kingdom is indeed known for knowing people, and I admire him very much."

Li Zheng smiled awkwardly, "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, I'm not like what you said, I just said it casually, don't take it seriously."

Lu Dongzan looked aside blankly.

What's happening here?Obviously he came to apologize by himself, this Fu Ni of Li Zheng and Tuyuhun looks like you talk to each other.

Li Zheng and Fu Ni chatted happily.

From the sophistication of the world to people's livelihood and employment, from astronomy and geography to the truth of the world.

Although Li Zheng couldn't speak well, no matter what the topic was, Li Zheng could add a few words.

He also helped Funi to eliminate illiteracy with modern knowledge.

Of course, there were some differences as well.

Take geography for example, Fu Ni really can't figure it out, the world is actually a sphere.

Everyone lives on a sphere.

"How is it possible? If we really live on the ball, why don't we fall off." Fu Ni asked immediately.

Li Zhengzheng explained worriedly: "This is a long story. Once upon a time, there was a child named Niu who liked to read under the apple tree when he was free."

He told a story with Fu Ni with great emotion.

After hearing this, Fu Ni pondered: "The realm of the county marquis is really high, and the subordinates can't understand it at all."

Li Zheng cupped his hands and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome."

Lu Dongzan looked at the two people who seemed to be chatting very well.

There is even a feeling of seeing each other late.

We've only met a few times now, and I'm afraid that if Li Zheng talks to Fu Ni any more, he won't have anything to say.

Lu Dongzan quickly said: "His Royal Highness Shu King, Marquis of Jingyang County, I am here to make amends!"

Li Zheng and Li Ke looked at each other, they knew what they were talking about and they reached a consensus that they couldn't just keep chatting about major issues between Tuyuhun, Tubo, and the Tang Dynasty.

As soon as Lu Dongzan opened his mouth, the previous harmonious atmosphere disappeared immediately.

Back to the topic, Lu Dongzan said: "Our Tubo army is strong and strong, and our respected Zanpu is a man with a broad mind."

Li Zheng asked lazily: "So?"

Lu Dongzan sorted out his words and said: "I also ask His Majesty the County Marquis and the King of Shu to forgive me for my rudeness before. As long as the Tang Dynasty forms an alliance with us, we can manage Tuyuhun together and form diplomatic relations for generations."

Hearing this, Fu Ni immediately lost his composure, pointing at Lu Dongzan and yelling in Tuyuhun words, with a stern look on his face, his eyes almost swallowed Lu Dongzan.

Lu Dongzan responded to Fu Ni and cursed in Tubo dialect.

Li Zheng and Li Ke listened to the two cursing in their own languages.

I don't know if they can understand each other's words.

It is rare in life to be able to chat so heartily across servers.

But that's fine too, of course the bigger the smell of gunpowder between Tuyuhun and Tubo, the better.

If you don't quarrel, where will Datang go to reap the benefits of the fisherman?
If Tuyuhun and Tubo were harmonious like a family, how peaceful would the border of the Tang Dynasty be?

But they were quarreling, Li Zheng still smoothed things over and said: "Don't quarrel, both of you, let's talk calmly if we have something to say."

Lu Dongzan said loudly to Fu Ni: "Fu Ni, I, Lu Dongzan, want to fight you!"

Hearing Lu Dongzan's words, Fu Ni also responded: "Okay! Whoever wins will withdraw from this alliance."

Seeing the two fighting, Li Ke asked in a low voice: "Is it just watching?"

"Of course, they have nothing to do with us." Li Zheng said.

Li Ke nodded slightly, "You are right."

There are many nomadic herds in Tubo, although there is farming, but not much, and the customs between the two places are not much different.

A challenge among Warriors is serious business.

Seeing that the two sides opened up, Lu Dongzan punched out, Fu Ni dodged to avoid grabbing his arm, and pressed him to the ground.

With Lu Dongzan's roar, he struggled to get up.

The two wrestled together on the ground.

Lu Dongzan tugged at Fu Ni's beard.

Fu Ni pulled Lu Dongzan's hair.

The two of them grimaced and were deadlocked in an extremely awkward posture.

Li Zheng looked at the place where Lu Dongzan was grasping with the other hand, and took a breath, "Lu Dongzan's move is so low."

Li Ke nodded, expressing his great agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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