People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 133 Movable Type Printing

Chapter 133 Movable Type Printing
Li Shimin threw the memorial in front of Li Xiaogong and said, "Look, who is your son hanging out with all day long?"

Li Xiaogong picked up the memorial and looked at the content in puzzlement, as if he wanted to do business with His Majesty.

Li Shimin said anxiously: "Chongyi is a good boy. I also watched him grow up. You said that a child like him will be able to occupy an important position in the court in the future."

Li Xiaogong understood the contents of the memorial, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Li Zheng dared to bargain with the current emperor for business, which is really courageous.

It's so kind.

"Li Zheng is messing around, and he is messing around with him! And let me do business with him, Li Zheng? Who am I? How can I do business with Li Zheng?"

After receiving such a drink from Li Shimin, Li Xiaogong quickly said: "It's because I have no way to teach my son."

Li Shimin calmed down his emotions, "Li Chongyi is too upright, Li Zheng lives like a ghost! If Chongyi gets along with Li Zheng here, I'm afraid his temper will be spoiled by Li Zheng."

Li Xiaogong bowed and nodded, "I will definitely teach that kid Chongyi a lesson after I go back, don't worry, Your Majesty."

After calming down, Li Shimin said to Li Xiaogong: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't we have a drink together."

After struggling in his heart for a while, Li Xiaogong said: "The minister takes orders."

That night, Li Xiaogong and Li Shimin drank until late at night.

Putting aside the grudges of the year, the two talked about the past.

Speaking of galloping heroically together.

It was already late at night when the banquet was over after drinking, and he was escorted home by the guards in the palace.

Li Chongyi hurriedly supported his somewhat drunk father.

Lee Hyo-gong sobered himself up with cold water and closed the house.

"Father, why did His Majesty summon you?"

Li Chongyi asked worriedly.

Li Xiaogong took a sip of hot soup and said, "Are you and Li Zheng getting very close these days?"

Li Chongyi nodded.

Li Xiaogong asked again: "What kind of person is Li Zheng?"


Li Chongyi hesitated.

"Say!" Li Xiaogong shouted.

"Yes." Li Chongyi replied: "Li Zheng is not a gentleman, but he is not a bad person, but sometimes he is too philistine."

Li Xiaogong nodded slightly, "Cheng Yaojin, an old man, can't make a mistake. If he likes a kid like Li Zheng, then Li Zheng won't be bad."

"Father, what's the matter?"

Li Xiaogong asked again: "Do you want to stay in Chang'an in the future?"



Li Chongyi lowered his head and said, "I don't want to stay in Chang'an, Chang'an is too troubled and entangled."

Li Xiaogong knew best what his son was like, and he buried many things in his own heart, and he didn't want to tell outsiders or himself.

Li Xiaogong patted Li Chongyi's shoulder and said: "From tomorrow on, you will spend more time fooling around with Li Zheng. You should take care of the affairs of the court and remember the words of your father! Don't worry about anything, even if you get into trouble, your father will support you."


Li Chongyi is a good boy, knowing that he can't worry about himself, Li Xiaogong said again: "Don't worry, the old man's body is strong and he can live for decades without any problem."

"The child understands."

Chang'an is a place full of disputes, and now it seems that the court is clear and bright, but Li Xiaogong knows very well that there has been an undercurrent in the court.

This Chang'an will not be peaceful, nor will it be peaceful in the future.

After giving these instructions, Li Xiaogong went back to his bedroom to sleep, thinking that this guy Cheng Yaojin's eyes were really vicious, so he was the first to take a fancy to such a kid.

The other side of Chang'an.

"A chirp!"

Cheng Yaojin, who couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and was practicing the axe, sneezed loudly. He glanced at the night and wondered if the weather was going to fall.


More than half of the modules for movable type printing have been fiddled with.

The strokes of characters in Datang are much more complex than those in Simplified Chinese, and this kind of handicraft is not so fast to do.

Li Chongyi came to Jingyang again.

"Your Majesty read my memorial, what do you say?"

Li Chongyi said, "Don't think too much about what I said."

"Don't worry, I won't think too much about it."

Are you kidding me, would Li Shimin do such a good business?
Moreover, doing business with the royal family can also become the biggest protection umbrella for him in the future.

It's not that they haven't considered other people, Li Tai, Cheng Chumo, and even the crown prince.

The influence of movable type printing is huge, and it can bring the number of books in Datang to another level.

Most of the books in the Tang Dynasty today are stereotyped rubbings, or they are not copied by people.

Many people in the Imperial College are doing this job now.

Doesn't he, Li Shimin, not want more scholars in the Central Plains?

If this business was handed over to Cheng Yaojin's family, would Cheng Yaojin want to dangle in front of Li Shimin in the future?

To the prince and Li Tai?
Don't even think about it.

So after thinking about it, it is safest to cooperate with Li Shimin.

There is nothing more secure than the royal umbrella.

There is also Li Shimin's family.

Li Chongyi said slowly: "It is said that His Majesty was very angry after reading your memorial, and even summoned my father."

The expectation on Li Zheng's face was wiped away, leaving only a face of silence.

Li Chongyi said again: "How can you find His Majesty if you want to do business?"

"That's not right." Li Zheng scratched the back of his head, could it be that he didn't understand clearly enough.

Sitting cross-legged on the grass, Li Zheng thought in his mind, if Li Shimin didn't do this business, who would he do it with?

Want to find Changle?
Forget about this little girl.

Guessing to give it to her, Li Shimin refused to agree.

Li Zheng gritted his teeth, and his heart sank!
Then do the business yourself.

Daniel helped to collect the paper that had been dried.

These papers are very thick, and the ink drips will not spread on the paper.

There is no sign of loose ink at all when writing a word.

good paper!

Sure enough, I still need to read more.

The book has its own house of gold, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu.

Honestly don't deceive me.

Li Zheng smiled happily, as if seeing a large pile of silver cakes beckoning, "I'm going to get rich!"

Li Chongyi looked at Li Zheng's expression, why did he feel that this person was neurotic.

Bring some ready-made modules, and Li Zheng compares them one by one.

First print a Three Character Classic.

Arrange the words in rows, and put the small wooden blocks with engraved words in a frame.

Datang is still using engraving rubbing, which is a cumbersome method of engraving an article on a board first.

If there is a missing stroke or a defect in it, the whole board will be scrapped.

It is particularly troublesome to re-engraving, and most of them are still transcribed manually.

Movable type printing can be typeset by itself, and can be combined and used freely, which is much more convenient.

Movable type printing was first used in the Song Dynasty, and it was not popularized until the late Song Dynasty.

 There's more may be a bit late, let's watch it tomorrow morning, eh!

  Ask for a monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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