People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 155 The Bad Uncle and the Children

Chapter 155 The Bad Uncle and the Children

Xu Jingzong smiled and said: "The other dignitaries either don't accept aides, or they already have aides. Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others look down on me even more. The reason why they choose the county marquis is because the county marquis has no Power, the county marquis is very clean."

Li Zheng took a sip of soup and said, "Xu Jingzong, people who are too smart will not end well."

Xu Jingzong also said: "If the subordinate officials do not tell the truth, the county marquis will not take him in."

Sure enough, it's still too smart.

Li Zhengjiao gave Xu Jingzong a piece of mutton and said, "Eat slowly."

Seeing Li Zheng standing up, Xu Jingzong held the bowl and asked, "What is the county lord doing?"

"I'm going fishing."

Seeing Li Zheng leave, Xu Jingzong poured all the mutton left on the plate into the hot pot, and began to enjoy himself.

Back home, just picked up the fishing rod Li Zheng saw a guy talking to his father.

Look at this person again.

Take a closer look, isn't this His Majesty today? !I rely on...

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to notice him, Li Zheng turned around and was about to leave.

"Come here, brat!" Li Daxiong shouted suddenly.

Li Zheng's footsteps stopped in mid-air.

"Stinky boy, don't come here yet." Li Daxiong said again.

Li Zheng walked back and glanced at the smiling Li Shimin.

Looking at his father again, he also smiled.

Li Shimin said to Li Zheng: "Long time no see."

Looking at Li Shimin, Li Zheng thought to himself, does Li Shimin want to use Li Daxiong to blackmail him into submitting?Then marry his daughter and become an official for him?
Such vicious thoughts, as expected, the emperor is not a good person!
Li Daxiong cleared his throat and said: "Our guests are here, you won't salute and say hello?"

Li Zheng tugged at Li Daxiong's sleeve and whispered, "Who is this man, do you know?"

Li Daxiong also whispered: "His family is in business, and he has a daughter who wants to marry you."


Li Zheng gasped, and turned his head to look at Li Shimin, who was as immobile as a mountain.

Li Daxiong whispered: "Boy, look at that person's clothes, you can see that he is not an ordinary person. You are looking at the jade pendant on his waist, and you can tell that it is worth a lot of money. If you can marry his daughter, You will definitely have nothing to worry about in your life."

I really don't have to worry about food and clothing...

"What are you talking about?" Li Shimin asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, the boy is ignorant and taught me a few words." Li Daxiong said with a smile and asked: "You said you married your daughter, how much dowry can you get?"

"This..." Li Shimin also thought about it.

Can you ask me this casually?Li Zheng was in a cold sweat.

Li Zheng whispered to Li Shimin: "Can we go out and talk?"

"Alright." Li Shimin nodded.

Li Daxiong asked in surprise: "What? You know each other."

Li Shimin stood up and replied, "I do know him."

Taking Li Shimin out of the house and walking to the river in Jingyang, Li Zheng said, "Your Majesty, why are you here again?"

"I'm not welcome?"

Li Zheng glanced around.

"Don't look, I'm the only one here, Li Junxian went to see Li Ke."

Standing under the shade of the tree, Li Zheng said to him, "Tell me, what's the matter with you this time."

Li Shimin sighed: "Sure enough, I still don't welcome you. I just won some money from you playing cards. I didn't expect you to hold grudges so much."


Li Shimin said again: "Forget it, I know that your child is desperate for money, and I came today to meet your father."

Li Zheng sat on the ground and said, "Then can your majesty leave now?"

Li Shimin didn't intend to leave, but sat on the ground instead, "Li Zheng, your marriage with Lizhi caused a lot of trouble in Chang'an."

"I know."

"Aren't you in a hurry?"

Li Zheng grinned and said, "Your Majesty is more anxious than me."

Li Shimin couldn't deny it with a smile and said: "I ask you, how to deal with the five surnames and seven hopes?"

"it's actually really easy."

"Easy?" Li Shimin stared at Li Zheng, "It's the first person to say such a thing."

Of course Li Shimin wants to fight against the gentry, who pay attention to etiquette and orthodoxy.

Establishing a long and establishing a descendant is one of the ideas of the gentry.

Li Shimin's position was not right, and he was hated by those gentry many times.

In a certain sense, Li Shimin's throne is not recognized by the gentry.

Since Li Shimin launched the Xuanwu Gate Change, he has already stood on the opposite side of the gentry.

Li Shimin had no choice on this point.

Of course, before the Xuanwumen Incident, what Li Shimin had was the military power, General Tiance.

Li Jiancheng has the support of aristocratic families.

Li Shimin continued: "Then tell me, how to fight against the nobles, how to fight against the five surnames!"

"The re-opening of the imperial examination will allow poor students to have a way to succeed."

"How to reopen?"

Li Zheng thought for a while before saying: "I know that His Majesty has long been planning to reopen the imperial examination, so that students from poor families have a way out. If you want to break the monopoly of the gentry on scholars, you need to have different ideas and ideas."

"how do I say this?"

"To put it bluntly, it is to cultivate a group of scholars who can fight against the gentry."

Li Shimin smiled wryly, "It's not easy."

Li Zheng then asked: "May I ask Your Majesty, what kind of knowledge does the gentry possess?"

"Most of the gentry are adhering to Confucianism."

"I know that there is another kind of learning called science."

"What is science?"

"Science is a kind of inquiry, a kind of observation, and a kind of learning to prove the truth of things. Some people call it Gewu, just like I use scientific knowledge to make ice in summer."

Li Shimin said with a deep look in his eyes: "Li Zheng, now you and I are in the same boat."

Li Zheng looked alert, "Really?"

Li Shimin said again: "My desk is full of memorials to impeach you."

Why listen to Li Shimin's words, there is a smell of a bad uncle threatening a child.

Li Zheng touched his nose and said with emotion: "Actually, is the horse circle very busy recently?"

Li Shimin said: "Yes, I am busy eating mutton every day."

Li Zheng: "The business of the book printing shop is also quite busy."

Li Shimin said calmly, "That's right, I'm busy counting money every day."

"There are too many complicated things in the village."

"Well, I'm so busy that I want to go fishing by the river to pass the time."


Li Zheng couldn't bear it any longer, "Your Majesty, what exactly do you want?"

Li Shimin looked at the scenery in the village and said, "Science."

"Science is a very complicated subject, and it can't be explained clearly for a while. It is a very huge subject."

"I didn't let you be an official, what are you evading?"

"Your Majesty, my father still wants me to live a few more years."

Patting Li Zheng on the shoulder, Li Shimin said earnestly, "I hope you can make a move, and my daughter can marry you as soon as possible."

Li Zheng said, "Can I say the conditions?"

"of course can."

"I want a few people, can Your Majesty give them to me?"

"How many people, what people."

Li Zheng grinned and said, "Not many, I'll name a few of your Majesties and hand them over to me."

(End of this chapter)

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