Chapter 171 Solution
The night is fine today with a bright moon.

Chang'an is still catching the arsonist, and Dai Zhou, the minister of Dali Temple, doesn't believe it's the demon fire.

Xu Jingzong was still taken into Dali Temple by Dai Zhou for interrogation.

After several interrogations, Xu Jingzong's words and absence were perfect.

Except for walking around these places the day before.

Nothing abnormal can be seen.

Dai Zhou observed Xu Jingzong's expression and asked, "Are you sure that our Dali Temple will not find any clues?"

Xu Jingzong said with a smile: "The minister of Dali Temple has a clear understanding of the details, and he will definitely be innocent again."

Dai Zhou observed Xu Jingzong's expression, as the Minister of Dali Temple, this was the first time he encountered such a bizarre case.

In a sense, Xu Jingzong is indeed innocent, because the witnesses of this arson case saw with their own eyes that no one set the fire at all.

Dai Zhou said weakly: "You go back, if there is anything, Dali Temple will come to you again."

Xu Jingzong got up and left.

After Xu Jingzong left, the petty official of Dali Temple said to Dai Zhou: "Master of Dali Temple, do you just let Xu Jingzong go like this?"

Dai Zhou smiled wryly and said, "Do you have any evidence to catch him?"

The little official stood aside and remained silent. If Xu Jingzong really set the fire, then the method of committing the crime was too perfect.

A few eyeliners in Jingyang came to Chang'an City and sent a question into the city gate.

Then the guards at the city gate took the questions all the way to the palace.

Chang'an is still catching the arsonist, and Li Shimin has not slept.

After receiving the news sent, although Li Zheng has no power or power at the moment, Jingyang has always had the eyeliner in the palace.

Secretly staring at Li Zheng's every move, Li Shimin is not such a selfless person, he must be careful and win over people like Li Zheng, and even more guard against them.

Opening the case file and looking at the content above, Li Zheng didn't go to the lantern festival, but his students stumped a lot of scholars after they asked three questions.

Jiugong connection?

Li Shimin took out his pen and ink and tried to draw the answer.

After drawing several times, I still can't come up with an answer.

It seems impossible to complete four straight lines in one stroke.

Li Shimin repainted the Jiugong grid and handed it to the eldest grandson queen.

Empress Changsun looked at the title and said, "Your Majesty can't draw it, so how can I draw it myself."

"Let's try it."

The subject of Empress Changsun tried a few strokes, but failed again, "How can there be such a tormenting subject?"

Li Shimin smiled and said, "This is a question drawn by Li Zheng's students."

"I'm afraid it wasn't Li Zheng's idea."

Li Shimin handed the question to the eunuch at the side and said: "I'm afraid Qingque and Chengqian are both awake tonight, you give them the question to try."


Such a big arson case happened in Chang'an, and now the city is full of disturbances.

Li Chengqian was indeed still awake, looking at the questions sent by his father.

Looking at the title, he said to himself: "The nine palaces are connected, and the four straight lines can be completed in one stroke?"

After trying several times, Li Chengqian found that no matter how he drew, he could not connect with four lines in one stroke.

Wei Wang's Mansion
Li Tai also received the question, and gave it to the staff and followers in his mansion.

More than a dozen people studied this topic together, and finally came to a conclusion that the nine palace connection cannot be completed in one go.

Even if you want to complete it in one stroke, you must have a fifth straight line.

Li Tai was a little puzzled, this was a question sent by his father.

I heard from the eunuch who sent it that this was also Li Zhengyang's problem.

After several failed attempts, Li Tai gave up.

Two hours passed, and no one could draw it.

Daniel remembers that his teacher said that this is a question about thinking mode.

If you use fixed thinking, you can't solve it at all.

The most difficult part of the question of connecting the nine palaces is that.

People's thinking and attention are always on the ninth house. If the eyes are always locked on the nine dots, no matter how hard you rack your brains, you will not be able to draw them.

But if you look away from the nine dots and look at places other than the nine palaces, you will suddenly see the light.

Seeing that some people still couldn't answer, some people said impatiently: "This is impossible to draw at all!"

"Yes! It's simply impossible."

The drowsy Niu was woken up by them again, listening to their discussion, Da Niu raised his spirits and said: "Actually, there is an answer to this question."

"So many of us can't solve it, but you can solve it for us."


Daniel glanced at Li Yifu, who was leaning against a tree and fell asleep.

Scratching the back of his head helplessly, Daniel turned over the sign that said Yitong consistent money.

Holding up the torches, everyone saw the words on the other side clearly, and couldn't help but read it out, "One solution is one hundred."

A large group of scholars were speechless for a long time.

"Too deceiving!"

"One hundred guan? Where did you get so much money?"

"This is clearly blackmail!"


Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and shouted and scolded one after another.

Daniel turned a deaf ear to these shouts.

I was a little proud in my heart, I didn't expect the teacher's question to stump so many people.

"If you can't solve this problem, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep well for many days."

"I'm so angry, this Li Zheng is making things difficult for others."

Di Zhixun took Di Renjie's hand, walked forward and took out some silver cakes and handed them to Daniel, "These should be worth a hundred guan."

After receiving the silver cake, Daniel smiled and said, "Want an answer?"

Dickson nodded.

With his back to everyone, Daniel drew a picture and handed it to Di Zhixun.

After taking a look at the picture, Di Zhixun smiled for a long time and said, "So that's it, I understand! It's so simple."

There are many people below, all looking up, "What is the answer?"

Someone asked loudly, "Show us how to draw this."

Everyone looked at Di Zhixun, and saw that he put away the picture and left without saying a word.

Along the way, Di Renjie asked his father, "Father, why don't you show them the solution."

Di Zhixun smiled and handed the picture to Di Renjie.

After Di Renjie saw it, his thoughts became clear immediately, "So that's how it was drawn."

"Do you know why you couldn't draw it before?" Di Zhixun asked.

The young Di Renjie thought for a while and said: "Because the child's eyes are always on the nine points, but he ignores the outside of the nine palaces."

Di Zhixun nodded with a smile, "Sometimes we limit ourselves. If you let go of your vision, you will have another feeling. When you concentrate on one point, the surroundings of your vision will change. Li Zheng’s question looks simple, but the deep meaning in it really makes people have to sigh.”

Di Renjie looked at this picture, and found it more and more interesting.

Di Zhixun said in a low voice: "Remember this picture, it will benefit you a lot in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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