People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 173 One egg is hard to find

Chapter 173

Li Shimin tried several times with the same result, and he really didn't understand why this happened.

"Your Majesty, it's time to prepare for court." Empress Changsun interrupted Li Shimin's thoughts.

Putting his mind away, Li Shimin said to Li Junxian: "Remember to keep an eye on Jingyang's movements."

"I understand."

At dawn, the gates of Chang'an finally opened.

Dali Temple posted a notice announcing the result of the arson case.

Chang'an is still the same Chang'an, the emperor is still a Ming emperor, the court officials are clear and bright, and the world is still so peaceful.

People live as usual.

Li Shimin has never been such a selfless person.

This weird arson case is the best time to hit the five surnames.

Taking advantage of rumors in the market, Dali Temple arrested several people with five surnames on the donkey downhill.

The arson case could not be turned into a demon fire, and the five surnames also handed over a few people for their own reputation.

Just in line with Li Shimin's appetite, the five surnames didn't want the matter to continue to make trouble, so as to save time and get into trouble.

A question about the connection between nine palaces spread throughout Chang'an.

It has become a hot topic for literati in Chang'an.

That's what learning is, and that's what scholars are passionate about.

The question of connecting the nine palaces has amazed many people.

Li Tai came to Jingyang in the early morning.

"Li Zheng, tell me why paper can hold water." Li Tai asked anxiously.

Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand calmly.

"You did."

Li Tai's eyes were red with anxiety.

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "In fact, this is a kind of qi. This kind of qi exists in the environment we live in. It is also called atmospheric pressure."

Li Tai looked confused, "What are you talking about?"

Li Zheng sighed: "With the IQ of His Royal Highness King Wei, it is difficult for me to explain."

"Then why do you say that a piece of paper can hold a bowl of water? What is the atmospheric pressure you are talking about? Is this also science?"

"Daniu, go get the boiled eggs from the pot."

Daniel, who was arranging the books, got up and went to the pot to get a boiled egg.

Li Tai took the boiled eggs and immediately peeled the eggshells and started to eat. He also said, "Did you know that there was an arson case in Chang'an yesterday, and many people with five surnames were implicated."

I wanted to use boiled eggs to experiment with Li Tai, but this guy started to eat it.

He brought boiled eggs from the kitchen and found a small jar with a suitable size for the mouth.

"His Royal Highness King Wei will take care of the next thing."

Li Zheng lit a piece of wood and put it in a small clay pot, and then put the boiled egg on the mouth of the pot.

Li Tai stared at the boiled egg on the mouth of the pot, "Li Zheng, what are you doing?"

"I'm proving the existence of atmospheric pressure."

After a while, seeing the boiled eggs being sucked into the clay pot, Li Tai's eyes suddenly widened, as if seeing a sorcery.

"His Royal Highness Wei Wang thinks, how did this boiled egg get in?"

Li Tai picked up the jar and stared at it, only a half-burned stick and a hard-boiled egg.

After checking several times, Li Tai still didn't find anything strange.

"How did you do it?" Li Tai looked at Li Zheng blankly.

"There are still a few boiled eggs in the kitchen, you might as well try."

Li Tai also took a hard-boiled egg and tried it, and it turned out to be the same as Li Zheng's previous result.

Daniu looked at Li Tai and tried it again and again in a daze, and said in a low voice, "Teacher, is he alright?"

Holding a boiled egg in his hand, after Li Tai returned to Chang'an, he bought more than ten more eggs with a wave of his hand, and let his diners do experiments.

The results obtained were similar. Li Tai found that if the mouth of the bottle was too small, the eggs would not be able to enter.

You can go in when the mouth of the bottle is about the size of an egg.

Since the bottom of the bowl was supported by a piece of paper, the experiment of boiled eggs has also attracted the attention of many people in Chang'an.

More and more people are buying eggs all of a sudden.

Of course, the voices in the arson case this time are all targeting the five surnames.

Originally, Chang'an was fine, but when the people with the five surnames arrived, they caught fire.

Although it was rumored that it was a demon fire, the people of the five surnames still did not dare to stand up and argue against the pointing and pointing of these ordinary people.

This kind of thing can't be quibbled.

Cui Que sat in the mansion and said to his family members: "There is no need to argue, this time Li Zheng is in the limelight, and this is another fire, we have already lost before we even make a move."


Seeing that some of the Cui family's children were not convinced, Cui Que said again: "First, set fire to prevent us from making a move, and then set questions to confuse everyone. This kid is not simple, and his methods are sophisticated. If you are sure, I won't be able to leave Chang'an City. If we really look at him as a child, we will only suffer more and more."

Several Cui family children also fell silent.

"Li Zheng draws his salary from the bottom of the pot. We are missing a move. If we continue to fight, it will appear that our five surnames are too far-fetched. Why don't we just leave it like this."

"Then let Li Zheng do anything wrong?"

Cui Que shouted to the children of the five surnames: "You have to admit that you are not as good as others! If you have half of Li Zheng's ability, do we still need to look forward to the future? Ruin is because we didn't win over Li Zheng at the beginning. Now it's too late to say anything!"

East Palace
Li Chengqian listened to the reports from the officials, and many people with the five surnames had left Chang'an in a hurry.

A Lantern Festival competition can only be dismissed hastily now.

On the table beside him was a piece of paper with Jiugong Connection.

"These old guys with the five surnames claim to be Confucianists, pay attention to etiquette, gentlemen, and ethics." Li Chengqian had a smile on his face, "Facing a person like Li Zheng, I always feel a bit like beating an old man to death with a fist." The taste of the master."

The subordinate officer also said with a smile: "Now it seems that the knowledge of science must be recognized by everyone in Chang'an."

Li Chengqian nodded.

Li Shimin also did this little experiment and found it quite interesting.

After the test was successful, I was so excited as if I had discovered a new continent.

"Go and buy some more eggs." Li Shimin is still doing more experiments.

Seeing Li Junxian's embarrassed expression, Li Shimin said again: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know what happened to Chang'an recently. A lot of eggs have been sold out. Now it's really..."

"Can't buy eggs?" Li Shimin asked.

Li Junxian nodded, "Eggs are hard to find."

Li Shimin also gasped, thinking how busy people in Chang'an are now eating eggs all day long?
Chang'an's eggs were sold out, which has something to do with Li Zheng.

Think about this kid Li Zheng, if you want to say that he really has some real talents, it would be impossible for him to debate with those old guys.

If it's about being clever, those younger generations might not be Li Zheng's opponents.

The fire in Chang'an was probably caused by Li Zheng.

It's just that Dali Temple couldn't find any clues.

Blocking people with five surnames in Chang'an can at least stop those older generations.

Control the other person, and then let yourself take the initiative.

This kind of method has also been seen a lot.

Although it's a bit disgraceful, it's also hard to figure out what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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