Chapter 176
As soon as Li Zhi entered the Ganlu Hall, he saw his father was reviewing the memorial, he walked up to him cautiously and said, "My father, I want some of my father's calligraphy."

Li Shimin glanced at Li Zhi strangely, and motioned to the prince beside him.

Wang Gonggong handed some copybooks to King Jin and said, "These are all written by His Majesty."

"Thank you, Royal Father." Li Zhi dragged Mo Bao, which was half his height, away.

The child was a little ignorant, and Li Shimin asked strangely, "Was the young slave to meet Li Zheng today?"

The prince smiled and nodded, "I did go there with the old slave."

For some reason, Li Shimin still felt that something was wrong, so he asked, "What does this kid want my copybook for?"

The prince lowered his body and replied: "It may be that His Royal Highness Prince Jin wants to copy His Majesty's handwriting. His Majesty's handwriting is unique. Even Yu Shinan and other calligraphy are full of admiration."

The more Li Shimin thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

After thinking for a while, I put down my mind and continued to review the memorial.

With a bunch of his father's calligraphy, Li Zhi found a copybook with the largest number of words.

After the morning court on the second day, Li Zhi took a copy of his father's pen and ink and stood beside the Chengtian Gate.

A group of ministers who were about to leave the palace after the next court were curious when they saw King Jin standing here.

Li Tai, who was following the courtiers, asked curiously: "Young slave, what are you doing?"

Li Zhi grinned and said, "Brother Huang, do you want to buy Emperor Father's calligraphy?"

"Mo Bao..." Li Tai gasped.

"Why do you want to sell His Majesty's calligraphy?"

Li Zhi said with a smile: "Sister Huang is about to get married, and my father has saved the palace's expenses everywhere."

A group of ministers gradually understood that His Majesty has to save even the expenses of the court for the great affairs of the world.

Thinking about it, now that Princess Changle is going to get married, she might have to save money everywhere. This is the first princess to get married since this dynasty.

How can you save everywhere.

A courtier immediately said: "The old minister is willing to pay ten pennies to buy this calligraphy of His Majesty."

"Wait a minute." Another court official said, "I am willing to give you twenty guan."

"The old man pays a thousand guan!"

As soon as this remark came out, it caused a lot of repercussions. It was obvious that they were here to flatter Li Shimin.

The more out there, the happier Li Shimin might be.

Expressed his admiration for Li Shimin.

A group of upright officials speak convincingly, but in fact they don't have much money except their salaries.

Li Zhi looked at the crowd and asked, "Is there more?"

"Two thousand guan!" Someone said loudly.

"Three thousand strings!"

"Four thousand strings!"


The price was getting higher and higher, even Cheng Yaojin who was at the side was surprised, when did these courtiers become so rich?

Seeing Qin Qiong looking at him, Cheng Yaojin quickly said: "Don't look at me, I don't have any money."

"Your Cheng Yaojin's spirits business is doing so well, you must be the richest in Cheng Yaojin's family."

Cheng Yaojin sighed and said: "You don't know, the spirits that I fiddled with from Li Zheng's hands, I just changed hands to sell, and this change of hands actually didn't cost much to the old man."

"Really?" Qin Qiong said again: "Old Cheng, why are you blushing."

Cheng Yaojin looked up, "This damn weather is really hot, it made the old man's face turn red."

Qin Qiong said: "It's already autumn, where's the heat?"


Cheng Yaojin looked around, "What are you doing looking at me like that?"


In the end, under the eyes of everyone, Cheng Yaojin bought Li Shimin's calligraphy at a price of [-] guan.

Under the eyes of everyone again, Cheng Yaojin sadly walked out of Chengtian Gate.

Afterwards, Li Shimin didn't expect his writing to be so valuable?Called Li Zhi to Ganlu Hall.

Staring at his son, Li Shimin asked, "Who told you to sell my name!"

Li Zhi lowered his head aggrievedly, "Sister Huang is getting married, I don't want Sister Huang..."

Li Zhi did this out of filial piety, even though he has done it before, it is not easy to criticize him, he did not care about what happened in front of the Tai Chi Hall last time, this time he will even sell his words.

Looking at his son, Li Shimin asked in a low voice, "Did Li Zheng ask you to do this?"

"Yes." Li Zhi said truthfully.

Li Shimin's face was dark, this Li Zheng asked the young slave to sell my copybooks, earn money from the courtiers, and then make a dowry to Li Zheng?

He is good at calculating and calculating my son very well.

Looking at Li Zhi who was still young, it was for his mother's empress before, but this time it was for his imperial sister's marriage.

In any case, this kid's original intentions are good.

Today, His Majesty has always been frugal, even the life in the palace is not good, and he still thinks of working diligently for the people, so His Majesty is sympathetic to the hearts of the people.

A good story spread throughout Chang'an.

The people of Chang'an admire how poor your majesty is now because of the border war and the livelihood of the people in the world.

Some people also lamented, "Today, His Majesty can't even give out the dowry for the princess's marriage."

Some even said, "According to rumors, His Majesty has not had a full meal for a long time."

"Your Majesty."

"Today His Royal Highness King Jin actually earns a living by selling His Majesty's words, it's truly earth-shattering."

Many people in Chang'an took out their own money to support the palace.

Some people took out a penny or two, and some even took out all the cloth and silk at home.

There was a surge of emotion in Chang'an, and many people were called to donate money and materials for the DPRK.

In a pavilion in Chang'an, Li Chongyi watched the grand occasion of Chang'an.

Li Xiaogong said: "Li Zheng doesn't want to be a subject of His Majesty today. This child has never surrendered to His Majesty from the bottom of his heart. No matter how His Majesty rewards him, he has never stepped into the Taiji Hall. Arm Wrestling."

"Li Zheng is talented. What His Majesty really wants is to subdue Li Zheng. His Majesty has placed high hopes on him to let him raise horses for the Longwu Army. It is not impossible for Li Zheng to be in charge of the Longwu Army in the future."

Li Chongyi didn't dare to blink his eyes.

Li Xiaogong went on to say: "As long as Li Zheng shows his loyalty to His Majesty, His Majesty can give Li Zheng more! Between the families, the rich and the common people are just a word."

"Li Zheng is not a fool after all. His Majesty has already put great benefits in front of Li Zheng, just waiting for Li Zheng to nod, but did he nod? This is Li Zheng's brilliance."

Li Chongyi said again: "But Li Zheng has already done business with the empress, this doesn't count..."

"So it's not suitable for you to stay in Chang'an. The people in Chang'an are all human beings. Those people are pretending to be confused. You are really stupid."

"The child doesn't understand."

Li Xiaogong said again: "Li Zheng just took out two cents of the profit and got the protection of His Majesty today. What Li Zheng wants is the royal umbrella. It's just two cents of the profit. If you give it, you will give it. Li Zheng loves money, but he will not take it." Too much, leave some leeway, rely on Li Tang and let the five surnames fight against the rat."

"Movable type printing, His Majesty is determined to obtain it today. It is the best sharp edge to deal with the five surnames. This is a conspiracy. Your Majesty has to deal with Li Zheng and get the protection of the royal family. You don't have to submit to the royal family. This is Li Zheng's brilliant idea." place"

"A 12-year-old child has such a strategy. I really don't want to believe that it is a 12-year-old child."

"Marrying a princess sounds nice. Civil and military men and women in the whole dynasty are talking about family status. That is because His Majesty used the family status to blackmail Li Zheng through the princess's marriage. It depends on Li Zheng never obeying."

 I'm taking a day off tonight, I'll update tomorrow as usual
(End of this chapter)

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