Chapter 181 Autumn Hunting
Why does this sound wrong?

"Brother Xue, we are catching thieves, don't make a mistake." Li Zheng persuaded quickly.

Xue Rengui waved his fist again while beating the boy and shouted: "Be honest, or I will dig up your family's ancestral grave."

That still doesn't sound right...

After interrogating for a long time, he couldn't find out why. Li Zheng said to Li Ke: "If only I can send him to the official."

Li Ke bowed his head and said: "It seems that the guards are still weak. It's my fault that I didn't take care of the village."

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way, I haven't lost anything anyway, just hurry up and patrol in the future."

Li Ke still looked ashamed.

"Clean up quickly and send these little thieves to the government, so as not to disturb the folks."

Li Ke brought these thieves into the county government with someone.

Early in the morning of the second day, after the next court.

Li Shimin has been a little flustered recently, as his reputation as the emperor has improved a lot and his mood has improved a lot.

Back to Ganlu hall, just about to review the memorial.

Li Junxian hurried over, "Your Majesty, something happened."

"What happened?"

Li Shimin still held the memorial in his hand and hadn't put it down.

"Something happened to Jingyang."

"Jingyang!" Li Shimin stood up, "What happened to Jingyang?"

Li Junxian knelt on one knee and said: "Your Majesty, the eyeliner planted in Jingyang was arrested by Li Zheng yesterday, and has now been sent to Dali Temple."

Li Shimin asked again: "What did Li Zhengke find out?"

"Probably not. Our people were beaten badly, but they swore that they did not confess their relationship with His Majesty."

"I get it, you go back first."

Li Shimin looked at the sun outside the window, Li Zheng pulled out the eyeliner that had been placed in Jingyang, and he still felt a little grudge, this little fox was clever.

"Now is a good time for hunting in autumn." Li Shimin said to the prince next to him with a smile.

Seeing that the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, Chang'an is becoming more and more lively.

The central government decreed to suspend the court for half a month, allowing officials to return to their hometowns to visit relatives.

Li Shimin called a group of old generals of the state to hold a banquet in the Tai Chi Hall.

After drinking, a group of people walked out of the Tai Chi Hall and went hunting in autumn.

Li Zheng rested his chin in his hand and weakly threw a stone into the river.

Li Tai said, "Li Zheng, why do you look half-dead in such a fine weather?"

"Your father hunts and hunts. Why do you come to Jingyang to hunt?"

Li Tai grinned and said: "My father chose the land, you ask me what I do."

There are no big mountains in this area of ​​Jingyang, and there are no big prey.

If you can catch some wild pheasants and wild roe deer, it will be considered good.

He also brought a large group of soldiers and horses to hunt. He, Li Er, really wanted to kill all the birds and beasts in Jingyang.

Li Zheng said to Li Tai: "It seems that your father needs to know how important biological diversity is."


"Yes! Think about it, if an animal lacks natural enemies, the species without natural enemies will be overrun, right?"

Li Tai recalled, "It's like the treatment of locust larvae in Taiyuan before? Since the chickens and ducks were driven off the fields, Taiyuan's harvest this year has indeed not been affected."

"His Royal Highness King Wei, do you want to suggest to your father that God has the virtue of good life and don't kill them all?"

"Where are you going? Every time the royal father hunts and kills the big ones, he doesn't kill the small ones. Naturally, the royal father understands such a simple truth and will not kill them all."

Prince Li Chengqian rode his horse over, "Li Zheng, my father invited you to hunt together."

Li Zheng quickly said to Li Chengqian: "I'm not feeling well, I'm afraid I won't be able to go, thank you Your Majesty for your kindness."

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "Father knew that you would say that a long time ago, and specially brought along the medical officer from the Imperial Medical Office."

Li Zheng: "..."

"Let's go." Li Tai also said.

"Let me say yes first, I'm just looking around, don't even think about going into the mountains to hunt."

Li Tai smiled meaningfully.

Led by the crown prince and King Wei, Li Zheng arrived three miles away in Jingyang County, which had been turned into a royal hunting ground.

Walking into it, I found that there are many soldiers in armor and carrying knives guarding it.

At a glance, there are probably tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

The emperor is different. There are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses accompanying him. Li Zheng couldn't help sighing: "It's really magnificent."

Li Chengqian said: "Follow me to see my father."

Walking outside a tent, Li Zheng heard loud voices and laughter before he reached the tent.

Stopping, Li Zheng said to Li Chengqian: "His Royal Highness, if I don't go in, it's good to stand outside and listen to the excitement."


Before Li Chengqian could utter his words, voices came from the tent again.

Cheng Yaojin said loudly: "Who is outside the tent, what are you doing sneakily?! Don't come in and deal with it by military law."

Li Zheng raised his head and let out a long sigh, and walked into it bravely. The first thing everyone saw was Li Er who was sitting on the top.

"Chen, Zhongshu Shengpingzhangshi, General Zhonglang of the Longwu Army, Jian Cheng of the Imperial College, Li Zheng, Marquis of Jingyang County, has seen His Majesty." Li Zheng bowed and saluted after reading a long list.

Cheng Yaojin looked Li Zheng up and down, as if evaluating a piece of meat on a cutting board.

Noticing the look in Cheng Yaojin's eyes, Li Zheng said quickly: "General Cheng, why do we have no grudges or grievances?"

Cheng Yaojin withdrew his gaze and said with a tut, "You're not very young, but your name is not short."

Li Zheng said again: "General Cheng's words are wrong. What I just said is not a name, but an official appointed by His Majesty. If you think it is too long, you can give His Majesty your opinion."

"Hey! You slippery brat."

Cheng Yaojin stared at his eyes and scolded with a smile: "I'm pretty good at talking back."

Qin Qiong persuaded: "Say a few words less, don't scare the children when they see this kind of scene for the first time."

"This is the first time this old man has seen such a ghostly boy." Cheng Yaojin looked him up and down for a while, and then said: "It's just a little thinner."

Li Zheng has black lines all over his head, thinking that whether I am thin or fat has anything to do with you, Cheng Yaojin, why not!Could it be that you still want to chop me up and eat me?

Li Shimin cleared his throat and said, "I heard that there are thieves in your Jingyang County?"

"Your Majesty's news is really well-informed. Before few people in our village know about it, His Majesty knew about it first." Li Zheng bowed again.

"Cough cough." Li Shimin coughed, and then said with a blushing face, "I only found out after reading the memorial from Dali Temple."

Li Zheng saluted slightly again and said: "Your Majesty is troubled. Although our village has been in peace and order for a long time, occasionally a few thieves disturb His Majesty, and it is my fault to bear His Majesty's appointment."

Li Shimin nodded solemnly.

"It's better to let the minister go home now to reflect on his mistakes, and never let the thief enter Jingyang County again next time."

(End of this chapter)

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