People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 191 The Book of the Tubo Country

Chapter 191 The Book of the Tubo Country
Li Zheng smiled and said: "It doesn't matter what it is, what matters is that science is a science full of mysteries."

"Actually, among the friends I have made, the County Marquis is very similar to a person."

"Who?" Li Zheng asked doubtfully.

Shangguanyi thought for a while and said, "That man is also a disciple of the Buddhist family. His name is Xuanzang. Two years ago, he said he wanted to go west, and I had to send him off for a while. Now I don't know if he is dead or alive."

Xuanzang?Tang Xuanzang?

In history, Tang Xuanzang traveled westward all the way to Tianzhu, then brought many scriptures back to the Tang Dynasty, and finally made a scripture translation?
This guy must still be alive, and he will return to Chang'an safe and sound.

Shangguanyi glanced around, "Mr. County, where is Chu Suiliang? I plan to visit him first."

"He lives in Jingyang Academy."

Shangguanyi went to find Chu Suiliang, and Li Zheng returned home, made a potted plant with the bottom half of half a clay pot, and soaked the chili seeds in water for half a day.

It is not difficult to grow peppers, but the requirements for the soil are very high, it needs light, and the soil must be kept moist.

Wait until the seeds are almost soaked before putting the seeds in the soil.

The next thing is to wait for it to take root.

Start with small potted plants, and then start planting in larger areas.

Then prepare the sunflowers, which need to start from seedlings.

It is much easier than hot peppers. Seedlings can be planted in half a month, and the flowering period is relatively short and requires more watering.

After working for a long time, pots of potted plants were placed in front of the house.

Three days after returning to Chang'an, Cheng Chumo came to Jingyang again.

This time, I got some new injuries.

Seeing him walking with a limp and a bruised face, Li Zheng asked, "Brother Chu Mo, what's wrong with you? You were assassinated?"

Cheng Chumo's old face darkened, and he didn't say a word.

Li Zheng asked again: "Brother Chu Mo, are you competing with someone?"

Cheng Chu nodded silently, "Almost."

"Huh? Who in Chang'an is so bold, dare to beat our Chu Mo brother? Let's go, I'll help you beat him back."

Cheng Chumo looked ahead and said sadly, "My father beat me up."

"So it's General Cheng." Li Zheng smiled awkwardly, "That's all right."

Back in his room, Li Zheng took out a can of Yunnan Baiyao from the system pharmacy and handed it to Cheng Chumo.

While applying the medicine to himself very skillfully, Cheng Chumo said, "Li Zheng, I don't want to stay at home anymore."

"Then where do you want to stay?"

"Li Zheng, do you even think I'm cute?"

"That's not it."

Cheng Chumo let out a long sigh, "I've always wanted to do something to show the veterans at home."

"Brother Chumo, what did you do and get beaten again?"

Cheng Chumo told the ins and outs of the incident.

It turned out that Cheng Chumo formed a clique and brought a group of brothers with him.

They said they were teaching Kung Fu, and within three days they became the biggest riot gang in Chang'an.

A leader who is rich and not very smart, obviously has idle ruffians to follow under the call, so there is a mixed bag of dragons and snakes.

There are inevitably some bad guys.

After smashing several shops, Dali Temple immediately arrested people.

Cheng Chumo was also taught a good lesson by his father.

Li Zheng said with emotion: "Chu Mo, you said that if you want to teach people to fight, you can go to the army to teach them, and your father is a general, so the Wei Mansion dare not accept you."

"That's his old man's way, I don't want to go."

"You don't know your blessings when you are in the blessings. Instead of being beaten by the society outside, you don't go home and let your father beat you, and take care of your food."

Cheng Chumo stood up and nodded meaningfully, "What you said seems to make sense."

"There is a way that you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must not have the intention of guarding against others. There are many vicious people who may plot against you all the time. Why not?" Li Zheng said to him: "Come to my guard .”

"Your guard?"

Li Zheng nodded, "You can practice with my escort."

"Okay!" Cheng Chumo readily agreed, "I will train a team of invincible soldiers and horses, let my old man see."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zheng thought about it and felt something was wrong, so he asked: "Chu Mo, did your father send you to Jingyang after you were beaten?"

"No, I sneaked out by myself, and I won't go back this time."

Li Zheng nodded and confessed to Li Ke with reassurance, and Cheng Chumo would practice with the guards in the future.

Cheng Chumo also came to teach the villagers how to fight.

A few days later, a letter of credence from Tubo was sent to Datang, and Songtsan Gampo, the king of Tubo, hoped that Datang would release Ludongzan.

After receiving the letter of credence, Li Shimin immediately summoned Qin Qiong, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruhui.

A few people were quiet after reading the letter of credence.

Qin Qiong said, "Your Majesty, it was Lu Dongzan who conspired first."

Naturally, he knew that Lu Dongzan was the one who conspired against the law first.

Li Shimin asked in a low voice: "How is the war between Tubo and Tuyuhun?"

"Return to Your Majesty." Fang Xuanling saluted first, "Tubo and Tuyuhun are still fighting west of Qilian Mountain, but Tubo has been advancing triumphantly, and Tuyuhun is retreating steadily."

"So, Tuyuhun will lose to Tubo sooner or later?"

Fang Xuanling nodded.

Li Shimin thought in his heart whether he should let Lu Dongzan go.

If Lu Dongzan is not released, what will Songtsan Gampo do? Will he turn around and attack Datang?

It shouldn't be a problem to have Yu Chigong guarding the Hexi Corridor.

Although there is no explanation in the national book, Songtsan Gampo's words imply that if Lu Dongzan is not released, Tubo will attack Datang.

Li Shimin secretly hated his teeth itching, this Songtsen Gampo dared to threaten him like this!
"What is Li Zheng doing these days!" Li Shimin asked again.

Fang Xuanling replied, "Li Zheng has been leading the villagers to reclaim wasteland in Jingyang these days."

"Is this kid cultivating wasteland again?"


Li Shimin sighed helplessly, "What a great age, what a great boy, why does this kid think so much about farming?"

Fang Xuanling also lamented that Li Zheng is indeed a talent.

A letter of credence was sent to the court, and the public knew the news immediately.

Songtsen Gampo, the king of Tubo, asked Datang to release Lu Dongzan.

For a while, the city was full of ups and downs, and some people said that Datang would not let Lu Dongzan go, and Tubo would send troops to attack Datang.

"Damn!" Li Zheng scolded, "Songtsen Gampo is the only one?"

Li Tai ate peanuts and said, "So you think Songtsan Gampo won't attack Datang?"

Li Zheng took a sip of tea and said, "I can't tell."

"You didn't say it just now, just rely on Songtsen Gampo?"

Li Zheng also ate peanuts and said, "I mean Songtsan Gampo will not be our Tang Dynasty's opponent."

"Really? How do you know they won't be our opponents?"

"His Royal Highness Wei Wang, you are too self-deprecating. Now the generals in the court are still there. There is General Yuchi Gong in the front, and General Li Jing in the back. Songtsan Gampo may not even be able to break through the Yumen Pass, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

(End of this chapter)

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