Chapter 193
Putting down the watering pot in his hand, he asked Niu Jinda to sit down. Li Zheng poured out a cup of hot water and said, "This place is simple and there is nothing to entertain. I hope General Niu will not be offended."

Niu Jinda took a sip of hot water and said, "Have you heard about the North Korea-China incident?"


Niu Jinda continued: "Recently, many people in the court have said that Lu Dongzan will be released. Do you think it should be released?"

Li Zheng drank hot water and said, "It should be put."

"Sure enough, even you think so."

Speaking of words, seeing Niu Jinda's expression is not very good.

"What's wrong with you, General Niu?"

Niu Jinda said with emotion: "Li Zheng, it is not easy for the Tang Dynasty to have the current situation. Once Lu Dongzan returns to Tubo, do you know the pros and cons? You were the one who arrested Lu Dongzan back then."

"The general seems worried?"

"Can the old man not worry?"

Li Zheng smiled recklessly, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you put it back. The most important thing is how to put it back. Of course, you can't put it back easily."

Niu Jinda swept away the previous haze, and said with a smile: "The old man knows that you have a way."

"I can't say how to do it, it depends on whether it is used by the court or not."

Niu Jinda took another sip of hot water, "Tell me the solution first."

"Of course Lu Dongzan can't let go easily. If you want to go back to Tubo, you can, but Tubo must come up with conditions."

Niu Jinda said: "For example, let Tubo and Datang never commit any crimes in the future?"

"Is this reliable? General Niu probably doesn't believe it himself."

Niu Jinda nodded, "It's really unreliable. Many officials in the court advocated letting Lu Dongzan go."

"Release is of course. Datang agreed to release Lu Dongzan for the sake of face. He cannot be released easily, and he must not be released in vain."

"How do you say it?" Niu Jinda asked.

Li Zheng paced back and forth and said: "Lu Dongzan is an important minister of Tubo, but Lu Dongzan knows the city defense of the Tang Dynasty, and everyone said that letting him go back is letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Naturally, Songtsan Gampo also knows the importance of Lu Dongzan. We might as well set a sky-high price and give the money to let people go.”


Niu Jinda thought about it, which seemed a little unreasonable.

"General Niu's words are wrong, how can it be called extortion, we are for peace, that is bail money, not extortion."

Niu Jinda was thinking hard, "What is the bail money? Why do you talk so strangely, baby."

"Bail is a kind of security deposit to temporarily release a criminal. First of all, the person is still guilty, but the other party can release him temporarily after paying the deposit, and the Dali Temple can recapture the person for trial at any time, referred to as release on bail. "

Niu Jinda thought carefully, "So there is such a practice?"

Li Zheng held the boiled water, touched the bowl with Niu Jinda and raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Of course people can be let go. This is a good opportunity for us Datang to make a fortune."

Niu Jinda nodded, "It seems that many old guys in Chang'an are not as smart as a baby like you. I didn't give you the land for nothing."

"General Niu is polite."

"According to what you said, Lu Dongzan can be released, but you need money from Tubo?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "You can offer a huge price, and by the way, all the land south of Qinghai will be allocated to Datang, saying it will be temporarily seized."

"Qinghai!" Niu Jinda sucked in a breath. Qinghai, which took down Tubo, has mastered the largest water source in Tubo. "I didn't expect your kid's vision to be so vicious."

"This sounds like a curse, I'm just being a general Niu and you're praising me."

Niu Jinda smiled and said: "The so-called bail, there is really no such precedent in Datang."

Li Zheng nodded and said: "Temporarily let people go free, but the charges are still true. He Lu Dongzan is still a thief who stole the military defenses of the Tang Dynasty. Letting people like him eat and drink for free in Dali Temple all day long is better than exchanging money for money." The land is a good deal, what does General Niu think?"

Niu Jinda calmed down, "If you offer a sky-high bail, it will depend on whether Songtsan Gampo thinks Lu Dongzan is worth the money, and take advantage of the other party's weakness to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. Li Zheng, a person like you is a civil servant. It's a pity, you should be a general."

Why even Niu Jinda said that, Li Zheng took a sip of hot tea.

Niu Jinda stood up contentedly, "You're right. People still have to be released. If we don't let us go, we will lose a chance to kill Tubo. How we want to let go is up to us."

Back in Chang'an, Niu Jinda immediately wrote a memorial.

When he came to Ganlu Hall, Niu Jinda saluted Li Shimin.

Li Shimin could somewhat guess Niu Jinda's intention, and said, "Jinda, do you want to talk about Lu Dongzan?"

Niu Jinda raised the memorial above his head and said, "Your Majesty, I have a copy to play."

Seeing Niu Jinda's orderly look, Li Shimin opened his mouth and said, "Hand it over."

He took a second look at Niu Jinda's expression. These days, the court and China have been arguing about Lu Dongzan.

Li Shimin opened the memorial and looked at it, "Bail money?"

"Yes, bail." Niu Jinda nodded.

Niu Jinda keeps a low profile on many things on weekdays, he will not interfere too much, and he is also a general who keeps his head down and works hard.

Many times Niu Jinda will appear very stubborn about the things that Niu Jinda believes in.

Li Shimin looked at the content of the memorial, and he was frowning at first, but now when he saw the three words bail, his thoughts became inexplicably cheerful.

Then he asked: "What kind of regulations are the bail mentioned in your memorial book? Also, you opposed the release of Lu Dongzan at the beginning, but now the memorial book says it should be released?"

"Your Majesty thinks that Lu Dongzan can be let go, but he can't let it go easily. I didn't think about it for a while before, which made Your Majesty laugh."

Li Shimin glanced at the content of the memorial again, "Tell me what the bail is all about."

Niu Jinda said: "Lu Dongzan's crime is unforgivable, because he is a foreign minister, he can be released, but the crime cannot be forgiven."

Li Shimin had a rough idea in his heart.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were summoned to discuss the details.

The court meeting was held again on the second day.

Still discussing whether or not to release Lu Dongzan.

Niu Jinda stood in front of the court and expressed his views on the bail.

As soon as the words came out of the hall, the court fell silent, and they were all trying to figure out the reason behind it.

People can let go, but not in vain.

Moreover, he has to come to Chang'an for trial at any time. If Lu Dongzan does not return to Dali Temple, he is violating the laws of the Tang Dynasty and can be arrested by troops.

Once the troops are sent out, it will be a war with Datang.

Datang immediately turned from passive to active, and even had a reason to go to war.

Li Shimin liked the idea very much.

At least Datang not only takes advantage but also takes the initiative.

And it also has a very long face, so it doesn't make people lose their tongue.

Li Shimin immediately replied to the Tubo envoy, with Qinghai as the boundary, including Qinghai handed over to Datang, and he had to pay 50 yuan in security.

(End of this chapter)

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