Chapter 225
Li Shimin is not such a benevolent king.

This guy wants to be a wise king on the surface, but the ghost knows what he looks like in his heart.

I don't really love money, I have to love money, eh!Li Zheng nodded very pertinently, and suddenly blushed because of his noble virtue.

So after finishing drawing Qu Yuanli's drawings, Li Zheng said to Li Tai, "I want to discuss a big deal with your mother."

"Let's not talk about business." Li Tai quickly stopped talking and asked, "What is this you painted?"

"Quyuan plow, a kind of plow that can make farming easier for the people of Tang Dynasty."

Let Zhang Qi and other craftsmen spend half an hour transforming an ordinary plow into a Quyuan plow.

After testing it himself, Li Tai discovered that this kind of plow is particularly labor-saving to use.

After trying it several times, Li Tai liked it more and more, and using it to clear the snow is really more effective.

"It really is a good thing." Li Tai sighed.

This is designed by me, shouldn't you praise me?How can Li Tai, a fat man, praise this thing so much?

"His Royal Highness, can we discuss a big deal next?"

"I knew you would never help in vain." Li Tai had confidence in the task of dealing with the snow disaster.

Di Zhixun watched Li Zheng and Li Tai talking and laughing from a distance.

As the Marquis of Jingyang County, it was really rare for Li Zheng to be so close to the prince and still be able to talk and laugh.

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "In fact, Qinghai is a salt lake."

"salt lake?"

"The water in Qinghai is salty." Li Zheng whispered to Li Tai, "There is a huge salt mine lake. It's a pity that the Tibetans guard this treasure and remain unmoved. They even regard this lake as a holy lake."

Li Tai said nervously, "What do you mean?"

"This is a lot of wealth. I don't know if your mother wants to do a big business with me. I will refine fine salt, and your royal family will be responsible for transporting the salt. I thought about using salt to melt snow, but it's too extravagant. It is a pity that Tang's productivity is too backward to produce industrial salt."

Seeing the disgust on Li Zheng's face, it seems that this kid has seen a lot of salt.

"Ordinary people can't sell salt." Li Tai said.

"Of course I know that I can't sell salt anymore. I just process it on behalf of you. The salt is still your royal family's."

Li Tai then whispered, "Is there really salt in Qinghai Lake?"

Li Zheng whispered, "There is a lot of salt."

If there really is a big salt land, it would be a lie for Li Tai to be unhappy, this is a great achievement.

"I'll talk to the queen mother." After speaking, Li Tai took the blueprint and went to deal with his snow disaster happily.

When Li Zheng put Qu Yuanli in front of Li Daxiong, Li Daxiong was silent

Ever since he saw how powerful his son was, Li Daxiong seldom used his brain.

Li Daxiong pushed it to clear the snow in the yard again.

Seriously enjoy the convenience brought by Quyuanli.

An hour after Li Tai left.

Li Chengqian came to Jingyang.

Compared to Li Tai who only had a few servants, Li Chengqian's ostentation was much bigger.

Accompanying him was a troop of hundreds of soldiers, who should be the crown prince.

Li Zheng saw Li Chengqian and saluted slightly, "I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Chengqian hurriedly helped Li Zheng up, "You don't need to be too polite, you have tasted your chili once, and it tastes really good."

"The cold-dispelling artifact." Li Zheng said.

Li Chengqian nodded towards the guard beside him, who immediately came with a stack of memorials.

"This is……"

Li Chengqian explained to Li Zheng: "My father ordered Gu to deal with the snow disaster. I thought that you informed the snow disaster in advance so that the court could be prepared. I would like to ask. ?”

Li Shimin asked his two sons to deal with the snow disaster.

Li Tai didn't say it at first, but now he understands.

The two brothers entered the same pot again, and Li Shimin's Gu raising plan started again.

After thinking for a while, Li Zheng said: "Since the court has already made preparations, I dare not point fingers."

"How can you say finger pointing."

Li Chengqian smiled reluctantly. At this time, he really wanted to take out the silver cake. Why did he think so? The main reason was that Li Zheng's eyes were very strange.

All people have weaknesses, some are greedy for money, and some are lustful.

This kid, Li Zheng, got along very well with many people, but when he saw him, his eyes gleamed like he was looking at money.

Although Li Zheng loves money very much, he has been in contact with it for so long.

Li Chengqian found that although Li Zheng made a lot of money, the speed at which this guy spent money was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

I have secretly investigated what Li Zheng has been doing these days, just building roads and greenhouses, and buying wool from the Turkic people.

Li Zheng has already spent more than [-] guan.

If the court also spends so much money, I am afraid that Datang will already be dead.

I want to say that such a person is a prodigal, but the speed at which he makes money is also unmatched by others, and I dare not look up to him.

It's simply an unbelievable pervert.

Li Chengqian said with some embarrassment: "I don't have much money in my hands recently."

"His Royal Highness, am I the kind of person who loves money?" Li Zheng said with a serious face.

"The county marquis spends money like running water, obviously he is not a money lover."

After saying these words, Li Chengqian blushed uncommonly.

"That's right!" Li Zheng said again: "His Royal Highness is running for all people. Is it the blessing of all people to control the snow disaster? I admire you."

"Where, where?" Li Chengqian blushed again.

"Since this is the case, I will not delay His Highness the Crown Prince's management of the snow disaster. May the country of the Tang Dynasty be prosperous and the people safe."


Seeing that Li Zheng turned to leave, Li Chengqian hurriedly took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty, I'm here to seek advice from the bottom of my heart."

Li Zheng said with emotion: "I also sincerely hope that Datang can live in peace and prosperity."

"Li Zheng!" Li Chengqian stepped forward to stop him again and said, "Gu knows that Gu is already late, and should have arrived one step ahead of Qingque."

"Then why did His Royal Highness come late?" Li Zheng asked curiously.

Li Chengqian looked angry, "I don't know which bastard unloaded the lonely wheel, it's god damn!"

"If it is to deal with the snow disaster, His Majesty actually has another intention." Li Zheng said.

"What's the purpose?"

Li Zheng said with a deep expression: "Your Majesty wants the crown prince to win people's hearts. The crown prince and King Wei are both His Majesty's sons. Naturally, he hopes that his son will have a good reputation in the hearts of the common people. Your Majesty has good intentions."

Hearing these words, Li Chengqian also looked serious.

"So His Royal Highness, hurry up and deal with the snow disaster, don't waste time with me."

"As long as you are willing to help Gu this time, Gu will agree to your every request."

"Really?" Li Zheng asked.

"Really." Li Chengqian nodded, "As long as it doesn't violate morality."

(End of this chapter)

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