Chapter 227
Fortunately, Li Zheng didn't make a fortune from it.

A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. If you say that Li Zheng is desperate for money, he still sticks to the bottom line.

It would be merciless to say that Li Zheng cut the money of the rich and powerful.

Empress Changsun walked into the Ganlu Hall and said to Li Shimin, "Your Majesty."

"Chengqian sent some cotton clothes, you put them on for Li Zhi and the young slaves." Li Shimin said.

After receiving the padded clothes, Empress Changsun looked serious.

Noticing Empress Changsun's expression, Li Shimin asked again: "What's wrong?"

Empress Changsun said in a low voice, "Qingque asked someone to send a memorial."

After receiving the memorial from Empress Changsun, Li Shimin looked at the content, Qinghai Lake is a salt lake?

Emperor Changsun nodded, "Although I don't know if it's true or not, I found out in the classics that Qinghai Lake is just behind Qilian Mountain. The Tibetans call it Cuowenbu. The Tibetans respect Qinghai Lake very much and regard it as a holy lake. , the fish in Qinghai Lake cannot be eaten.”

Li Shimin looked at the contents of the memorial, "Salt Lake, is there really a salt mine there?"

Empress Changsun took out a file and said: "It is recorded that the water in Qinghai Lake is indeed salty."

Salt is indispensable. From ancient times to the present, salt and iron are the most important things.

North Korea and China have the strictest control over salt and iron.

It's not that Li Shimin didn't think about lowering the price of salt.

Many salt mines and salt fields are in the hands of aristocratic families, and most of them are in the hands of local gentry.

North Korea and China want them to lower the price of salt.

Has always been powerless.

If the royal family can control a salt producing area, maybe they can control the price of salt from it.

After reading this memorial, Li Shimin felt like he had found a treasure. Fortunately, he had listened to Li Zheng's opinion.

Now that Datang controls Qinghai, it is equivalent to controlling a large salt field.

It's just mentioned in the memorial that Li Zheng has the technology to refine fine salt.

The royal family cooperated with Li Zheng, and Empress Changsun and Li Zheng did business together again.

Li Shimin smiled and said: "Li Zheng gave me such a big gift, and I have to give it back."

Empress Changsun asked: "Your Majesty is going to agree to Li Zheng's request."

To say that Li Zheng is also a nominal royal now, everyone knows that although Li Zheng has not yet married Princess Changle, this matter is already a certainty.

Sooner or later.

Li Shimin said to Wang Ding: "In the proposed decree, only Li Zheng's family can do the cotton clothing business."

As for the matter of the salt mine, Li Shimin has to confirm whether it is really what Li Zheng said.

He ordered again: "Send another [-] troops to Qinghai to garrison Qinghai."

As soon as the news came out, many people wondered why His Majesty wanted to send more troops to Qinghai.

It seems that His Majesty is really planning to take over the land of Qinghai.

Prince Li Chengqian's sale of cotton clothes naturally attracted the attention of not many speech officials.

How decent is it for a dignified prince to do business?

You must speak to His Majesty.

In the early morning of the second day, Li Chongyi put on his official uniform and rushed to the court. As a servant of the Ministry of Rites, he was an idler.

Li Xiaogong, an old man, has been looking at him dislike these days.

It seems to be hinting to himself all the time, why don't you cause trouble? Only when you cause trouble can he justifiably let his son leave Chang'an.

Because I am the servant of the Ministry of Rites, and my family is Li Shimin's clan.

It is not appropriate to say that he left Chang'an suddenly.

So during this period of time, Li Xiaogong, a father, has been encouraging himself to cause trouble.

Only when there is a catastrophe, a catastrophe, can Li Shimin depose his own official, and he can justifiably drive out of the house to the fief of Hejian County, and end the rest of his life.

Every time Li Chongyi thought of this, he felt complicated.

Just as I was about to go out, I saw a person standing in front of the house. The other person was wearing a bamboo hat in heavy snow.

"Are you Xu Jingzong?" Li Chongyi asked clearly.

Xu Jingzong took down the hat, took out a note and said: "This is brought by the county marquis, and he said he will use it. Please say a few words for the prince."

Li Chongyi took the note and watched the weird Xu Jingzong leave.

After reading the content of the note again, Li Chongyi looked solemn.

Could it be that you, Li Zhengzhen, predicted things like a god?

Li Chongyi carefully put away the note, and walked towards Chengtian Gate with the wat board.

Many officials in Cheng Tianwai shrank their necks, put their hands in their sleeves, shivering in the cold wind, waiting for the palace door to open.

It snowed all night again last night.

It has been snowing for ten days and there is still no sign of stopping.

Li Chongyi exhaled a mouthful of white mist, and waited until the palace gate opened.

The courtiers all hurried into the Tai Chi Hall.

In the Tai Chi Hall, all the officials stood in their positions.

Li Shimin arrived on time, and the court meeting began.

After the three provinces and six ministries reported the matter.

Wei Zheng took a step forward and said: "Your Majesty, the old minister heard that the current crown prince is a businessman, how can a country's crown prince lower himself like this."

Another officer said: "Your Majesty! The minister learned that the matter was instigated by the Marquis of Jingyang County."

Cheng Yaojin listened to the trivia of the ministers, and said loudly: "Do you have evidence?"

"People from dozens of villages around Chang'an are witnesses."

The officer said swearingly, it seems that this matter is confirmed?

You can talk a little more about anything.

But the matter involved the prince, Cheng Yaojin was very clear about the matter of the prince, he couldn't get mixed up in this kind of matter.

Calling out is just to help the prince say a word, one sentence is enough, as long as His Majesty hears it.

Cheng Yaojin is a smart person, he has to do things like pleasing his superiors, but he can't get involved in such things.

If the prince's affairs get mixed up too much, there will be big troubles. After that, Cheng Yaojin remained silent, listening to the ministers' words, and remained motionless.

At this moment, he just wants to retreat quickly, nestle on the heated kang at home, eat snacks, drink wine and watch the singer dance, eh!very good.

Li Chongyi took a step forward and said: "Your Majesty, I think the Crown Prince has nothing to do with this matter."

"Oh? Really?" Wei Zheng said, "All ears."

Li Shimin looked curious. Li Chongyi, who was usually low-key, rarely spoke up.

Feeling refreshed, Li Shimin was very curious about what Li Chongyi would say.

Li Chongyi bowed to Li Shimin, and then said to Wei Zheng: "It is actually Li Zheng who sells clothes. The crown prince just took out Li Zheng's clothes for those refugees to spend the harsh winter. If Li Zheng sold clothes, he might be bought by those rich and powerful. , Only in the hands of the prince can those cotton clothes be better given to the refugees."


Li Chongyi glanced at the note again and said: "Moreover, women and children get first. The prince's heart is not for profit, but for the common people to survive the severe winter."

Wei Zheng said, "But it's true that the prince is a merchant, isn't it?"

"This one……"

Li Chongyi hesitated for a while, then looked down at the note and said, "The crown prince surrendered his status and sold clothes to help refugees. The crown prince had no choice but to sell clothes in order to help the people tide over the difficulties. It should be a good story. The clothes belong to Li Zheng. It was Li Zheng who paid the money, and the crown prince didn't charge an extra penny."

 Weakly ask for a monthly pass, the end of the month, this is really important to Xiao Zhang, brothers and sisters-in-law, please...

(End of this chapter)

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