Chapter 233 Debris Flow

Di Zhixun works in the East Palace.

Li Chengqian can't regard Di Zhixun as a secret work arranged by Li Zheng's side.

In a certain sense, Di Zhixun is not from the East Palace, but from his father.

Di Zhixun was in charge of the seal granted by the Eastern Palace. In a certain sense, he was sent by his father to manage him.

Di Zhixun smiled and said, "Li Zheng asked the subordinate to give the prince a word. The snow disaster is not over yet, and the post-snow stage is the most important."

Li Chengqian looked solemn, "What do you mean?"

Di Zhixun peeled another tea egg for Li Chengqian, "A bowl of snow is a bowl of water."

Looking at the tea egg in front of him, Li Chengqian stood up and said to the officials of the Eastern Palace: "Immediately summon the right leaders of the Eastern Palace and go to the villages in Chang'an to check the situation, especially the river!"

The crown prince took the right rate of Donggong to also act.

After the heavy snow, the people are clearing the snow.

All the villages around Chang'an have officers and soldiers busy on horseback.

Eating chili in winter is a kind of enjoyment. In front of Li Zheng sits Li Lizhi with flushed cheeks.

"It's so spicy." Li Lizhi took out a piece of mutton from the hot pot and ate it.

I saw Li Zheng bringing out a bowl of crystal clear things.

"Is this ice?"

"This is called a smoothie, and I added some jam and crushed dried fruit."

Li Lizhi lifted her chin and said, "It's rare for me to leave the palace once, but you actually let this princess eat ice?"

"Do you like to eat or not?"

Li Zheng's expression was very arrogant, and Li Lizhi picked up the bowl of smoothie suspiciously.

Scooping up a spoonful of smoothie, Li Li swallowed it under the worried eyes of the guards around her.

The ice-cold smoothie doesn't seem so cold at the entrance. Those crushed dried fruits and jams taste very good when they melt with the ice in the mouth.

Taking another bite, Li Lizhi savored it carefully.

"Is it tasty?"

Li Lizhi, who ate half a bowl of smoothie, said, "It's not bad, I can barely get into the eyes of the princess."

"Actually, I know something called ice cream, but the cream is not easy to make."

"There is a lot of goat's milk in the palace." Li Lizhi bit the spoon and thought for a while and said, "Why don't I bring you some next time."

Li Lizhi smiled, and the little girl still had two small canine teeth when she laughed.

Sipping hot tea, Li Zheng said: "Let's forget it, I'm afraid your father will ask me to compete in swordsmanship."

"It's just a little goat's milk." Li Lizhi put down the spoon in her hand contentedly, "It's getting late, my princess is going back."

"Princess, go slowly." Li Zheng said while holding the teacup, which was made of bamboo tube.

Turning around to leave, Li Lizhi turned her head and said, "Give me the secret recipe of the smoothie."

"You can't eat too much of this thing. If you eat too much, you will have a stomachache."

"Hmph! Do you think that if I can't eat smoothies, I will come to you next time?"

Li Zheng took another sip of hot tea and said, "That's fine, I'll collect money next time."

"You are so rich."

"It's only natural to pay for meals."


Li Lizhi hammered Li Zheng's body with her small fist for a long time, and left angrily.

The little girl is still young and has a good temper, just like his father.

If you don't care about the world, you should also care about your own three-acre land.

Li Zheng was checking the snow melting situation in the village.

The snow on the back mountain was cleared by Cheng Chumo and the village guards.

Back Mountain shouldn't be a big problem.

Li Zheng is still concerned about the situation of the river.

The villagers depend on the Jingyang River for their lives. Similarly, if there is a flood after the snow, the villagers in Jingyang will also be affected.

The river was still frozen, and Li was drawing a water line on the edge of the embankment.

The embankment built in the spring of this year is only knee high now.

Li Zheng didn't think there was a big problem.

Holding the hoe, he swung it down again, digging a hole.

Note the thickness of the ice layer.

When Li Lizhi returned to the palace, she began to think about how to make smoothies.

That night, Jin Wang Li Zhi had a stomachache...

Trying to make a smoothie fails, let my brother try it.

Jin Wang Li Zhi has a stomachache, but the medical officers of the Imperial Medical Office are very busy.

Li Lizhi summed up her lesson, eating too much smoothies will freeze her teeth and cause stomach troubles.

But it tastes novel.

It is better to eat jam and dried fruit directly.

This Li Zheng kept this princess busy for so long.

Li Lizhi made up her mind that she must use Li Zheng's ice cream to repay.

On the second day, the weather was finally warmer, and there was sleet again.

Li Zheng came to record the thickness of the ice every few hours.

Seeing that there were still children in the village playing on the ice, Li Zheng said to Cheng Chumo: "Cut all the ice in the river, don't let the children play, the ice will melt."

Cheng Chumo greeted a group of guards in the village to do their work.

Standing on the embankment, digging through the ice of the embankment, prying the ice surface.

Until there are only patches of ice floating on the river.

Three miles away from Chang'an

Li Tai was tired of hearing the noise of the villagers.

After these villagers were moved out from the foot of the mountain, the noise and complaints of these villagers never stopped.

Li Tai even began to wonder if he was wrong.

"His Royal Highness, many villagers have already gone back together."

Li Tai didn't want to try to dissuade him anymore, he walked out of the camp, and some villagers left in twos and threes.

There is a village nearby, at the foot of the mountain.

Li Tai saw that there was still a lot of snow on the top of the mountain.

"Is it true that I worry too much?"

Just as he was thinking, a very strange scene appeared in front of him.

The mountain is moving?
Li Tai rubbed his eyes vigorously.

The trees on the mountain fell down with the mud and sand, with a muffled sound, flooding the entire village in an instant, all the way to the edge of the official road.

Fortunately, these villagers have not yet returned home.

The muffled sound came again, and the same thing happened on the other side of the mountain. Another village was flooded, and even the entire foothills fell down.

The villagers who were just about to go home ran back in a panic.

It sounded like the mountain god was angry.

Many villagers knelt on the ground and kowtowed towards the foot of the mountain.

Large tracts of villages were submerged in mud, and the jet-black mud had a strong earthy smell.

At first, it seemed like a dike burst, but the next scene was even more terrifying. The boulders on the top of the mountain began to roll down continuously.

It rolled bigger and bigger with the mud, covering the official road and extending nearly a kilometer, and it stopped when it submerged the fields.

After it stopped, there was silence all around.

Hundreds of villagers stood together in silence.

Li Tai sat on the ground weakly. It's not like he never heard of such a scene when he was a child.

Seeing such a large torrent this time, I still feel a little weak in my legs.

The rain and snowflakes hit the face and it still hurts.

Just after it quieted down, there were a few more muffled noises, and the mountain collapsed.

Li Tai regained his senses and said loudly: "Go, stay away."

The villagers kept fleeing backwards, toward the open land.

In Chang'an, a messenger came with a military report.

He hastily came to Chengtian Gate and said loudly: "Report! A mountain torrent broke out in Nagqu, Tubo, flooding five thousand lands, killing and injuring tens of thousands of people."

 Ask for a monthly ticket, thank you bosses, thank you big brother and sister-in-law, this is really important to Xiao Zhang,

(End of this chapter)

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