Chapter 251 Tofu
The old eunuch Wang Wen glanced back at Li Zheng, and beckoned him to leave here as quickly as possible.

The so-called servants of the emperor may be people like Wang Wen. They are absolutely loyal to the emperor, and they are also good at finding people who are not loyal to the emperor.

Even if one day the emperor asked them to commit suicide and apologize, they would wipe their necks gratefully.

This kind of people's thinking is different from normal people, and all their actions will be in accordance with the emperor's wishes.

They must do well what the emperor thinks of, even if it is what the emperor wants to do in the future, they will prepare in advance.

Wang Wen is such a servant, a loyal servant to Li Shimin.

Li Zheng didn't like to have too much contact with such people. In their eyes, the emperor's courtiers were all the objects of their surveillance.

The workshop for extracting fine salt was demolished, and Li Zheng asked Du Hu and Daniu to drive the sows and hens to the village.

Li Zheng took out a cloth bag from among several stones. The cloth bag was very heavy.

It was full of fine salt that I refined by staying up late at night when Wang Wen was not around.

Put the heavy bag of fine salt on a cart, take the brine from the salt water filter, and push it back to the village.

This piece of land was quickly demolished, as if nothing had happened.

He was in a hurry when he came, and he walked clean when he went.

Seeing so many pigs rushing into the village, the old village head asked Li Zheng suspiciously: "Where are so many pigs coming from?"

"Given by His Majesty today." Li Zheng replied.

The old village head looked puzzled: "What did Your Majesty do for so many pigs in our village?"

"It's all for the children in the village to have a meal of meat."

"Your Majesty has a good intention." The old village chief glanced at a group of middle-aged men in the village and said, "If this generation can't count on it, they can only count on the next generation."

The aunts in the village laughed happily. Sows can give birth to piglets, and hens can lay eggs.

From now on, the children in the village will not worry about having no eggs and no meat to eat.

The brine left over from refining the fine salt can be used to order tofu.

Bitten tofu is another craft left by the ancestors.

There was tofu in the Tang Dynasty, but people in the Tang Dynasty didn't like tofu very much, the taste was bland and they couldn't get enough.

Food that doesn't fill your hunger is often not liked by too many people.

Grinding beans to make tofu is no different than wasting food.

At the moment when filling the stomach is the number one problem, who would be idle to make tofu.

In the Han Dynasty, there was a man named Liu An who liked to make alchemy and hoped to become a fairy by doing alchemy.

In history, alchemy to become immortal is a very risky job.

On the road to becoming an immortal, the death rate is as high as [-]%.

Another [-]% is on the road to death.

This guy Liu An made tofu, but it didn't end well.

Tofu at that time was a bit like bean curd.

Li Zheng began to grind beans and was going to make some tofu. Now that he had chili, he could also make stinky tofu.

Making tofu is time-consuming and laborious. Li Zheng, who usually spends time by fishing, found another way to kill time.

For three days, Li Zheng has been immersed in the project of grinding tofu.

Cheng Chumo has a lot of strength, and now that he can't find a donkey or a horse to pull the millstone, Cheng Chumo is the only choice.

After eating a mouthful of chili, with a loud drink, Cheng Chumo pushed the millstone like beating chicken blood.

Very awesome.

Li Zheng sat aside, looking at the quick recipe for stinky tofu taken out of the system library.

A closer look at the production process of stinky tofu is quite complicated.

Seeing that Cheng Chumo stopped pushing the millstone, Li Zheng said lazily, "Chumo, you have enough chili peppers, you can take it yourself in the yard."

The millstone still didn't move, Li Zheng raised his eyes and saw Cheng Chumo saluted respectfully.

Looking again, it turned out that it was Li Chengqian who came.

Li Zheng hurriedly saluted, "I have seen His Royal Highness the Prince."

There was also an old man who came along, Li Chengqian introduced: "This is the lonely teacher."

Li Gang took a step forward and introduced himself: "Old man Li Gang, I have heard of the marquis of Jingyang County for a long time."

If you say that you are not as famous as Li Gang, the prince killer, Li Zheng still said respectfully: "I have seen the old man."

Li Gang said: "A 12-year-old child has the best poetic talent in the Central Plains. It is indeed rare to see in a hundred years."

"No matter where, Mr. Li is the role model for my generation." Li Zheng said.

"Hahaha." Li Gang smiled and obviously liked the words "model" for my generation. Who would want to be a role model for young people.

Li Chengqian asked curiously: "Li Zheng, are you grinding beans?"

"I'm making tofu."

"Tofu?" Li Chengqian thought for a while and said, "Gu has heard of this thing, but never eaten it."

"I can eat it after I grind it out."

Inviting the two to sit down at home, Li Zheng poured goji berries for them to soak for nothing. He couldn't finish the thousands of catties of goji berries he asked Li Shimin, so he would give some to Sun Simiao, who could use them as medicine.

Li Gang looked at Li Zheng and said, "I don't understand why a child like you only wants to stay in Jingyang?"

"Jingyang is good." Li Zheng said while drinking boiled water, "Jingyang has outstanding people, good mountains and good water, it is a good place to raise people."

"Nursing people?" Li Gang didn't quite understand what Li Zheng said.

Look at this old man with white beard and hair, he may be 60 years old if he is not 70, and he looks very thin.

Seeing that the conversation was a bit awkward, Li Chengqian hurriedly smoothed things over, "Li Zheng is still young, and it's not easy for the emperor to bestow more officials."

Li Gang nodded slightly, "You are indeed still young. If you can contribute to Jiangshan in the future, it must be great. I saw you reading a book when I came here. I don't know what book you are reading?"

Li Zheng said: "A quick way to make stinky tofu."

"Smelly... tofu?"

Li Gang wondered, "Why are there such strange books in this world?"

Why not, making stinky tofu is also a science.

Learning one more skill that can make money is a way of making money in the future.

Li Gang heaved a long sigh. He had heard that Li Zheng, a child with poetic talent and strategy, took back the Hexi Corridor without bloodshed.

It's just that this child has no intention of governing the country, and is only obsessed with making money.

"Why do you like money and such stinky things so much?"

Li Zhengwangtian said with emotion: "Because I have to live."

Li Gang said again: "How can a man who was born in heaven and earth waste his life for these copper-smelling things?"

"Old man, this statement is wrong. Although money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible."

Money is not everything, and without money is absolutely impossible. Li Chengqian pondered over this sentence, and suddenly felt that it made sense, and he could not refute it.

Li Zheng shook the cattail fan in his hand and said, "I want to make a fan out of goose feathers recently, so I would like to ask His Royal Highness where I can buy a big goose."

Li Chengqian recovered and said: "There are quite a lot in Liaodong."

(End of this chapter)

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