People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 253 Li Gang Comes to the Door

Chapter 253 Li Gang Comes to the Door
Li Chengqian raised his bowl and said, "It's very reasonable, I respectfully respect you."

The two drank it in one gulp.

Is the covenant meant to be broken?Li Gang thought about Li Zheng's words, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. No matter which party took over the covenant in the past dynasties, after one party had enough power, that covenant became empty.

If it makes sense, I want to refute it but I can't find a breakthrough.

Although these words were not pleasant to the ear, Li Gang thought for a long time that it seemed to be the case, and he doubted his own cognition in his heart.

The gentleman and the villain, the gentleman keeps the contract, but the gentleman often suffers from the villain.

Li Zheng then said to Li Chengqian: "It's not unreasonable to say that Tang Jian is disliked by your father and emperor. You said that Tang Jian only made a few achievements and took credit for it. He didn't even look down on the founding general. Can Your Majesty wait to see him?"

"But he has merit after all."

"It's useless in His Majesty's eyes to have credit."

"How do you say that?" Li Chengqian asked doubtfully.

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Your Highness the Crown Prince must not say what I will say next."

"I promise you alone."

Li Zheng whispered to Li Chengqian: "Doing a thousand good things for your father is worse than doing one bad thing with your father."

Li Chengqian was quiet for a long time after listening.

After thinking about it, Li Chengqian took a breath, "What the county lord said is really..."

"It really works, doesn't it?"

"Gu has benefited a lot." Li Chengqian said, "Gu respects you."

After a drink, Li Chengqian got drunk.

Li Gang pricked up his ears, but he didn't hear clearly what Li Zheng said to the prince.

When Li Chengqian and Li Gang boarded the carriage back to Chang'an.

Li Gang sat in the carriage and said to Li Chengqian: "Prince, what did Li Zheng say in the end?"

Li Chengqian was half lying in the carriage, and said drunkenly, "Today's drink with Li Zheng was not in vain."

Li Gang really wanted to know what Li Zheng said, so he asked, "Li Zheng, what he said..."

Li Chengqian wanted to speak, but he was drunk, and before he could say anything, Li Chengqian passed out.

"What did you say? What did Li Zheng say?" Li Gang pushed Li Chengqian, "His Royal Highness?"

Li Chengqian turned over and fell asleep.

The earliest tofu was made of gypsum, and Li Zheng used brine tofu.

Gypsum is calcium carbonate, and I don’t know how people in the past could eat tofu marinated with gypsum.

Li Zheng naturally wouldn't use plaster.

Salt water doesn't work as well, but it's better than plaster.

After Cheng Chumo ate the chili, he pushed the millstone even harder.

"Li Zheng, you said you can't get enough of tofu."

Li Zheng put the tofu into a clean small jar and said, "Tofu is edible."

"If you can't get enough to eat, you can go to Chang'an to sell it if you want to eat, so you have to cook it yourself." Cheng Chumo said.

"You're a talented person, you know how to eat and drink enough. In fact, the way to eat tofu is not just to fill your stomach. There are many ways to make tofu." Li Zheng said: "We can make stinky tofu, dried tofu, fried tofu, iron tofu, etc. There are many ways to cook tofu."

Tofu is a food that can be prepared in many ways. Since the Central Plains has passed it down for so many years, the methods of tofu have changed from complicated to simplified.

Tofu with shallots is enough to make it unforgettable.

Nowadays, the tofu sold in Chang'an has a strange smell.

It's better to make it yourself for a healthy diet.

The birthplace of tofu is in the Central Plains, and it was later spread from the Central Plains.

After leaving the Central Plains, some places still claim to be native.

It's all fart!

The taste is not so good.

It's a disgrace to the reputation of tofu.

After the tofu has been compacted for a long time, it can be made into dried tofu.

It tastes great when eaten with soup.

After finishing these tasks, Li Zheng continued to deal with the old godmother.

A lot of peppers were drying in the yard, and the greenhouse was removed.

With sunshine, the color of newly grown peppers will be better.

There are also a lot less yellow spots.

Li Zheng is hesitant to expand the scale.

But right now I don't have enough land.

The arable land in the Tang Dynasty was tight, and the places where peppers could be grown were scrambling to grow food before it was too late.
Who grows peppers for you.

Putting this thought aside for the time being, Li Zheng went to see the road construction situation again.

For the time being, only 1000 meters of road have been repaired, and it will take a long time to repair it.

Li Yifu came up and said, "Your Majesty, the prince's young master Li Gang wants to see you."

"No." Li Zheng said decisively.

"He's already here." Li Yifu pointed behind him.

Li Zheng saw that Li Gang was coming with a cane supported by several servants.

Recently, Li Ke has become more and more incompetent in his work, why is everyone sent to the village.

Some time ago, so many fine works were caught.

Doesn't this guy know the lesson?

Deduct his wages?

Forget it, this guy has no wages.

The wind was blowing, Li Zheng turned around and walked to Li Yifu and said, "Just pretend you didn't see me."

As soon as Li Zheng left, Li Gang arrived on his back.

Li Yifu saluted respectfully, "I have met the old gentleman."

"Where's Li Zhengren?" Li Gang asked.

Li Yifu subconsciously glanced at the direction Li Zheng was leaving, and he had long since disappeared, and said to Li Gang: "The county lord is not here."

"Haven't you been here?" Li Gang said again: "The old man clearly saw him here just now."

Li Yifu smiled awkwardly, "The old man is old, you must have read it wrong."

Li Gang immediately denied: "How could the old man be wrong? He was clearly here just now, and the old man has not yet reached the point where his eyes are dim."

"It's really not here." Li Yifu said, his old face turned red rarely.

Li Gang couldn't believe it, and glanced around with his eyes.

"Old man, please pay attention to your health. You are the young master of the prince, you should rest more, and you can't walk around like this." Li Yifu said.

Li Gang blew his beard and stared, "I'm not so old yet."

Li Zheng ran all the way to the Jingyang River, it's better to stay away from the old man Li Gang.

Maybe this old guy wants to brainwash himself and make me conform to Confucianism.

Just horrible.

Li Zheng was sitting by the river beach, basking in the sun and planning to take a nap.

When he was about to go home at dusk, he saw Li Gang chatting and laughing with Li Daxiong at the door of his house from a distance.

Turning around to leave, I heard a vicissitudes call from behind, "Li Zheng! Don't go!"

Li Zheng kept walking, "Master! It's so disgusting to guard my door! It's too bullying."

Li Gang watched Li Zheng walking farther and farther, more anxiously, and asked Li Daxiong, "Why is this kid walking so fast?"

Li Daxiong looked at the scene of Li Zheng leaving quickly, and said in a low voice: "Maybe it's the urgency to urinate."

Li Gang let out a long sigh, "Your son is a talented person, if you teach him well and let him return to the right way, he will also be a pillar in the future."

Li Daxiong nodded seriously, "The old man is right."

Li Gang handed the crutches to the servants beside him, and simply sat down at the door of Li Zheng's house.

(End of this chapter)

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