Chapter 255
"Don't worry, the old man can still say a few words in Chang'an. It is indeed a bit biased for the Changsun family to drive you out of the academy."

"You're always casual, I'm going home for dinner."

Li Zheng left after speaking.

"Wait a minute!" Li Gang stopped him and asked, "What did you and the prince say yesterday?"

Li Zheng went further and further away and ignored Li Gang. The farther away from people like Li Gang, the better. Such people will brainwash you.

I don't want to stick around like a log in my next life, reading Confucian classics non-stop.

Recalling those brainwashed guys in later generations, Li Zheng was in a cold sweat.

Li Gang looked at the river in Jingyang under the moonlight and whispered: "This Jingyang is indeed a good place to raise people."

On the way back to Chang'an, Li Gang said to the servants beside him, "Don't spread a word of what I said to Li Zheng today."

Li Zheng's words are very targeted. If these words are known by interested people, Li Zheng will sooner or later become the enemy of Confucian students all over the world.

Today's Confucianism does have disadvantages, and the authorities are confused by the bystanders.

Perhaps others can see clearly that the current Confucian children have changed their taste.

In other words, the Confucian classics and etiquette have already begun to change in the hands of the aristocratic family.

Recalling what Li Zheng said yesterday, Li Gang has a general direction in his mind, and the knowledge of all schools of thought is free.

I don't know when it started, the children of Confucianism changed.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Li Gang felt inexplicably lost.

Li Zheng may be a villain, but he is very aboveboard.

An aboveboard villain?

After Li Gang returned to Chang'an, he stayed behind closed doors, and refused anyone who came to see him.

It is even a memorial to His Majesty today, and he can't afford to be a prince and a teacher.

Li Shimin looked at the memorial in his hand suspiciously, "What's wrong with Li Gang?"

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, after Li Gang went to see Li Zheng yesterday, he stayed behind closed doors."

"Li Zheng? What's the matter with Li Zheng?"

"The old slave doesn't know either."

Li Shimin wanted to ask Li Junxian to ask clearly, only then remembered that the eyeliner placed in Jingyang had been pulled out.

Throwing the memorial in his hand, Li Shimin lost his temper, "Cheng Yaojin, an old man, ruined my good deed."

Wang Ding stood aside with his head down.

After finally inviting Li Gang back to Chang'an, now he doesn't want to do it anymore.

Li Shimin sat in his seat in distress, "I don't believe in evil anymore, there must be something about Li Zheng."

Li Tai said to Li Zheng who was frying tofu, "Why did Li Gang suddenly stop being the prince's master?"

Li Zheng ignored Li Tai, fried the tofu carefully, put the tofu into the oil pan, and watched the tofu expand in the oil pan and become golden.

After it is out of the pot, pour some old godmother, and it tastes very good when it is hot.

The stinky tofu can't be eaten yet, and it needs to be stored for a while, and the moldy fermentation needs to be done slowly.

Li Tai was eating fried tofu, he couldn't figure it out after much deliberation, and asked again: "Li Zheng, why do you think Li Gang suddenly stopped being the prince's master?"

"How do I know." Li Zheng was enjoying the fried tofu, "His Royal Highness, don't use your brain when eating, it's a rare opportunity to taste delicious food."

Li Tai was eating fried tofu, "I didn't expect tofu to be made like this. You can always make some ordinary and unremarkable food delicious."

"It would be even better if His Royal Highness King Wei could pay for his food."

"Are you so rich that you need so much money from me?"

After eating, Li Tai said again: "Li Zheng, do you know what Father Emperor wants to do recently?"

"Want to kick the prince and let you be the prince?"

"Can you be more serious." Li Tai thought for a while and then said: "A few days ago, I heard that my father, Fang Xuanling and many other ministers discussed whether to attack Tubo. I don't know what the crown prince and father said later, and father suddenly gave up the idea of ​​attacking Tubo at this time."

Li Zheng was still busy making tofu.

"Li Zheng, are you listening to me?"

Putting a bowl of tofu nao in front of Li Tai, Li Zheng said again: "Your Highness King Wei, try this."

Li Tai took a mouthful of tofu nao listlessly, "Huh?"

"How about it?"

"It's quite delicious." Li Tai took another bite.

Li Zheng shook the cattail fan in his hand, "There are many ways to eat tofu."

"Your craftsmanship is really good." Li Tai ate up a bowl of tofu nao in a few mouthfuls, and then said, "Huh? Where did I just say?"

When Li Yifu came home, he took out the ledger.

Li Tai glanced at Li Zheng's account book, and couldn't help but gasp, "Spending [-] guan a month, Li Zheng, you are really wasting money on road construction."

"This is called investment, strategic investment." Li Zheng finished typing the books.

"What is investment?" Li Tai asked curiously.

"How should I put it, it looks like I'm spending money, but I'm actually making money. Of course, there are risks."

"What risk?"

"It's just that your money is easy to waste, and you can't get a penny."

While talking, Li Zheng looked at the account book carefully, and handed over another [-] yuan to Li Yifu.

Pile the money on the bullock cart and pull it out to pay the peasants.

Looking at this scene, Li Tai shook his head and sighed, "It is said that you, Li Zheng, are top-notch in making money, and no one in Chang'an can compare to you in spending money."

"Investment is all investment." Li Zheng nodded with a smile.

"Building a road, are you sure you can earn money back?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely earn it back, I am very sure."

Li Tai shook his head and sighed, just about to say that the next scene of Li Zheng's prodigal family made him almost bite his own tongue.

The business money of the Chengjia Winery also brought in a load of money, plus the account of the book printing house was more than 5 yuan.

Li Zheng carried the money and walked into the house, "Fatty, don't hold your hand in a daze, help me carry the money in."

Li Tai just came back to his senses, looking at the copper coins full of coins in front of him, he really wanted to slap himself.

With the Cheng family's spirits and the business of the book printing house, Li Zheng feared that he would have endless money in his life.

After calling the villagers in several villages, they put all the money into their own treasury.

Li Tai looked at the warehouse of Li Zheng's family, he couldn't move, "Li Zheng, I can assure you that the money in Chaozhong's warehouse is definitely not as much as yours."

"Where is it?" Li Zheng closed the door of the warehouse and put on the big lock.

"It's a pity, what's the use of having so much money as an official if you don't enter the court, if you don't have a big enough official title, you may be in the future..."

Holding Li Tai's shoulder, Li Zheng said: "His Royal Highness, you don't know this, a rich man will be slaughtered, but a person who leads the royal family to make a fortune, the royal family will protect him, but I Your father's cash cow."

"Just the book printing house gives your royal family tens of thousands of silver a month. This is not money from taxes, but your father's own small treasury."

"In other words, the money doesn't need to be put in the treasury, and your father can do whatever he wants." Li Zheng continued, "For example..."

"For example, to send additional troops."

Li Zheng straightened his clothes and said, "For example, to make a dowry."

Li Tai: "..."

Seeing that Li was about to go out, Li Tai caught up with him a few steps, "What are you going to do?"

"Make money!"

Li Zheng came to the entrance of the village in Jingyang and asked Xu Jingzong, "When will this section be repaired?"

"It's fine in the spring of next year, and another month."

He took out a blueprint, which was a blueprint for road construction. Li Tai saw the trick when he looked at it from the side. Li Zheng made a shortcut.

In the past, the official road had to bypass Jingyang and the Jingyang River, but now it directly crosses the Jingyang River, and there are fewer official roads that go straight to the rear.

The distance from Chang'an to the official road is reduced, and the distance between Chang'an and Luoshui River is shortened.

Li Zheng circled a place on the map, pointed to the place he circled and asked, "I remember that this piece of land belongs to our Jingyang too."

Looking at the place Li Zheng pointed at, it happened to be at a fork in the road, three miles away from the entrance of Jingyang Village, Xu Jingzong replied: "It does belong to the boundary of Jingyang. It turned out that those lands were part of the princess' fiefdom, and now they are not all assigned to the county marquis. ?"

Li Zheng circled another piece of land and said: "Build a post house here for passers-by to live in, and pave the road to build a wide square."

"What is the county magistrate doing?"

"Make money."

Li Zheng grinned: "If you manage this place well, you will make some money in the future."

A ten-kilometer road was built from the fourth year of Zhenguan to the fifth year of Zhenguan, and it was only half completed.

It is already the spring of the fifth year of Zhenguan, and it is the season for ear seedlings, and many strong laborers have to go back to the fields to grow food.

Li Shimin sat in the Ganlu Hall, listening to the recent report.

Last year's bumper harvest made Li Shimin breathe a sigh of relief.

This time I can finally settle down, at least this year, the food in the official warehouse is full again.

The DPRK and China are full of confidence to do everything with food reserves.

Seeing the memorial from the Ministry of Household Affairs, Li Shimin said, "Go and call Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui."

After half an hour, the two arrived at Ganlu Hall.

Li Shimin took this memorial and asked: "Recently, the Ministry of Household Memorial said that the east and west cities of Chang'an were in a lot of depression, and the commercial tax collected in the first month of this year was reduced by nearly [-]%. Wanguan."

This year has just started, and the court meeting between the courts has just begun.

Li Shimin has a lot of memorials to review, and he will focus on the salt and iron tax.

It’s just that I didn’t expect it to be so abnormal when I saw the report from the Ministry of Household Affairs. The commercial tax in Chang’an suddenly dropped by half, and it’s already [-] yuan. Could it be that the merchants stopped doing it?

Fang Xuanling said, "Your Majesty, does all this have something to do with Li Zheng's road construction?"

"What does it matter? Li Zheng's road construction is also related to North Korea and China's tax revenue?"

Fang Du and the two looked at each other helplessly.

Fang Xuanling said: "Your Majesty's matter is actually a bit complicated, and Li Zheng's path is a bit different."

Li Shimin thought back to last fall, when Li Zheng said he was going to build roads.

Now the road must be repaired soon.

The five-kilometer road connects Jingyang and Chang'an, and then connects to the official road through Jingyang.

(End of this chapter)

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