Chapter 259 Soap and Tea

Only the men in the village are busy making cement after finishing their work in the fields.

The second stage of the library is opened. There are books in the library of knowledge such as cement and road building. You can make cement by yourself.

As for the steel rewarded by the road construction task, Li Zheng still hasn't figured out what to use it for?
In the second stage of the library, there is iron and steel smelting technology.

But there is no book on technology applied in the steel industry.

I am currently conducting experiments with a group of children.

There is Dr. Sun at the side who knows that Li Zheng wants to know that those things are not good for the skin and are poisonous. The library of the soap formula system also has them.

People in the Tang Dynasty could use saponins for extravagant bathing, but ordinary people just jumped into the river to wash casually. The ancient people's concept of hygiene was not very good.

I may only take a bath once a month, at least at my own request, and now people in the village take a bath a lot more diligently.

On the premise of having a full meal, hygiene can naturally be taken care of.

If you can't even get enough to eat, who cares about things like taking a bath.

In the Tang Dynasty, soap locust was used for bathing, and bath beans were used for bathing.

Sun Simiao likes to use pancreas, which is the pancreas in animals.

The decontamination effect is also very good, nothing more than the pig's pancreas contains lard, and lard can be decomposed into a fatty acid.

The use of fatty acids can decontaminate. After washing the pancreas, adding some spices will not smell bad.

Li Zheng sneered at this, preferring to use saponin instead of pancreas.

This is too harsh.

Bathing with pig's pancreas, pigs don't know what they will think.

Li Ke came up and said, "Your Majesty is here, and watched our military training for a while."

"Oh." Li Zheng distinguished the herbal medicine without raising his head to respond.

Li Ke: "You don't seem surprised at all."

Li Zheng: "Then I'm surprised?"

Li Ke's expressionless face sullenly said, "No need."

Li Zheng pointed to a bucket of mutton oil in the distance and said, "Help me carry that over here."

There are also fatty acids in sheep oil, and the reason why soap can decontaminate is the function of fatty acids.

Li Zheng asked Sun Simiao, "If I add mint and peach blossom, it shouldn't conflict."

Sun Simiao said: "If you want to add some peppermint, I will think that your soap will not work well."


Sun Simiao said: "Peppermint has spleen deficiency and yin deficiency. Pregnant women should not use it. If it is eaten with turtle meat, it will be poisoned."

Li Zheng slapped his forehead and almost forgot this point. Pregnant women cannot use peppermint.

Sun Simiao is a walking pharmacopoeia, and Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, is not called for nothing.

Li Zheng said: "Then I'll add some peach blossoms."

Sun Simiao nodded, "Peach blossoms are good. Peach blossoms are sweet in nature, flat in taste, non-toxic, and can help digestion and smooth Qi."

These are used to make perfume.

There are not many peach blossoms in Chang'an, mainly because there are too few peach trees, and this basket is also one of the few peach blossoms.

The fragrance of peach blossoms is very light, but the appearance is good. In addition to peonies, Changan people also like peach blossoms.

The peach blossoms on the human face are red, and the peach blossoms still laugh at the spring breeze.

The ancients often used peach blossoms to make poems.

Pound these peach blossoms into a pink paste.

The main materials are plant ash and sheep oil, and a small amount of saponins.

The secret recipe for soap is made.

The paste made of peach blossom is added into the soap, the soap is pink and white, and it looks good.

The first bar of soap was pressed out using a template.

It can be used after hardening in a cool place for a few days.

"What is this?" Cheng Chumo took a piece of soap under his nose and sniffed it carefully.

"This is soap." Li Zheng kept busy with his hands, pressing pieces of suet soap into shape.

"Can you eat it?" Cheng Chumo asked again.

"It should be edible." Li Zheng thought for a while and said.

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Chumo took a big bite, and then spat it out, "It's bitter."

Seeing Cheng Chumo put down the soap again, look at the huge tooth marks on the soap.

Li Zheng said in a cold sweat, "This piece is for you."

Cheng Chumo fiddled with the soap in his hand, and asked the children here to find out that the soap was used for bathing.

"Li Zheng, I went back to Chang'an today to see my old man, and I heard a piece of news."

"What news?" Li Zheng asked.

Cheng Chumo leaned closer and whispered, "Your Majesty doesn't know what's going on today? Ask the officers and soldiers of the guards to step up their drills. What about drills? If they win the drills, they will be paid more."

Li Zheng blinked hard.

Cheng Chumo said with a look of surprise: "I thought your method of training soldiers was a little unreasonable, but I didn't expect that you and His Majesty had the same ideas and wanted to go together. Isn't it a special accident?"

Li Zheng smiled coldly, "It's really surprising."

Cheng Chumo also nodded and said: "It seems that your method of training soldiers is correct."

"But it won't have much effect."

“How come you see?”

"The biggest problem in the Chang'an Guard Mansion today is that there are good and bad soldiers in the army. Forget about veterans who have been on the battlefield. Those new recruits are not enough to look at. In addition, there are too many noble children in the army, and they form cliques."

"There seems to be some truth in what you said. There are still many people who bought him into the Weifu with money. Anyway, the army is in charge of food."

Li Zheng said to Cheng Chumo: "So, the biggest problem in Datang's army today is not the exercise. It is good to improve the quality of soldiers. Your Majesty has seen the surface but not the root. If you want to improve the military strength of Datang, Still have to start from the ground up.”

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Management, management will change. Of course, this involves military power in the court."

Cheng Chumo looked serious, "Li Zheng, you don't need to say such things to outsiders. If you dare to use troops, you won't lose eight heads."

According to last year's order, Di Zhixun's servants brought a lot of tea when the season came this year.

Seeing a carriage full of tea, Di Zhixun ordered him: "Tear down the back hill of our Di family, as well as the vacant land and idle houses to plant tea trees."

After hearing Di Zhixun's words, the servants of Di's family hurried away with letters in their pockets to go to work.

After drinking tea water with Li Zheng, Di Zhixun has lost interest in those tea soups.

It is best to soak the tea leaves in tea after roasting or frying.

Take a cup after a meal to remove greasy and digest food.

Although the entrance is a bit astringent, the aftertaste after drinking is really pleasing.

Di Zhixun believed Li Zheng's words.

Tea may really make a fortune.

After drinking tea like this, Di Zhixun also found himself in the habit of drinking tea.

Especially if you don't take a sip after a meal, you will feel uncomfortable, and if you don't take a sip in the afternoon, you won't be energetic.

With these tea leaves, Di Zhixun handed them to Li Zheng, "These tea leaves are freshly picked and not moldy."

Picking up a bunch of tea leaves, Li Zheng sniffed them carefully, "Why are there so many buds, you picked them too early."

"But it can be used." Li Zheng was carrying a bag of tea leaves.

Tea records have been recorded as early as Shennong's Herbal Classic.

The only difference is in the way of drinking tea.

Some are picked to eat, some are picked to be used as medicine, and some are used for cooking and soup.

There are many uses of tea in China.

(End of this chapter)

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