People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 281 The 8th Bachelor of Qin Palace

Chapter 281

Back then when Li Shimin was still the King of Qin before he ascended the throne, the Eighteen Scholars of the Prince of Qin's Mansion were all Li Shimin's confidantes, but many of them have hibernated since he ascended the throne.

They don't show their faces in the court, even if they are all dormant, except for the generals, the civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty are still the group of people Li Shimin relies on the most.

Some are gone, some have passed away.

Some of Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, who were the eighteenth scholars of the Qin Palace, were still in the court.

Among the [-] scholars in the Qin Palace, Yu Shinan, who just passed away last year, is one of them.

Li Shimin took out a copy of Yu Shinan's memorial, "Yu Shinan gave it to me before he left."

Zhang Gongjin took the memorial and looked at it carefully and said: "Your Majesty, Yu Shinan has devoted his life to calligraphy, and he can read characters better than people."

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Then you think Yu Shinan is right?"

"Yu Shinan said that Li Zheng has a lot of arrogance in his heart, and this kid still needs to work hard to get it back." Zhang Gongjin thought for a while and then said: "From my point of view, Li Zheng is not easy to think about. He doesn't want power or fame. All you need is money."

Li Shimin drank his tea and said, "Go ahead."

"Here." Zhang Gongjin continued: "This is the contradiction between Your Majesty and Li Zheng. There are many strange people in this world, and many of them have strange temperaments. People who love money have always been unable to do great things."

Seeing that Li Shimin was about to speak, Zhang Gongjin went on to say: "Your Majesty, after listening to the minister, if Li Zheng makes the whole world think that he only has money in his heart, he is not a fool but an extremely smart person. If Li Zheng will do anything for money, then Li Zheng is not worried about His Majesty being just a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered."

"Fat sheep?"

Zhang Gongjin nodded, "Yes."

Li Shimin smiled, "What you said is really..."

Zhang Gongjin cupped her hands and said, "Although it doesn't sound good, it's true. As for whether Li Zheng will become His Majesty's fat sheep, it depends on his own fortune."

The monarch and his ministers smiled knowingly.

Li Shimin poured Zhang Gongjin a cup of tea with his own hands, "How long has it been since you and my monarchs and ministers have talked like this, I still need you to recover well."

"It made His Majesty worry." Zhang Gongjin said in a low voice.

Li Shimin watched him drink the warm tea, and said: "Chaoji envoy and warrior Xun will arrive in Chang'an tomorrow, when he returns to Chang'an, how do you think he should be placed?"

Every year at the Yuanhui, the envoys of each state will return to Chang'an to report on the inspections of the states. This is the work of the envoys of the imperial court.

After listening to Li Shimin's words, he was quiet for a while.

"I don't think it should be too high, nor too low." Zhang Gongjin coughed after finishing speaking.

Li Shimin patted his back to help him breathe smoothly.

"I'm sorry, sir." Zhang Gongjin bowed and saluted.

Li Shimin looked at his face and said sadly: "Go back early to rest and recover from illness."

When Zhang Gongjin walked out of the Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin could hear him coughing outside the hall.

After returning from Yinshan, Zhang Gongjin fell ill, and the Imperial Medical Office has been taking care of her carefully.

Li Shimin sighed in his heart that there are still a few of the eighteen bachelors in the Qin Palace back then.
Yan Liben didn't sleep all day and all night, so he left the Ministry of Industry and went to Jingyang.

Li Yifu went to Li Zheng's side and said, "Your Majesty, Yan Liben is here again."

"Has he unlocked the Luban lock?"


"No." Li Zheng said decisively.

Yan Liben was rejected in two sentences.

Yan Liben stood at the entrance of Jingyang Village with an anxious expression on his face, "How's it going? Has the county lord Ken seen the old man?"

Li Yifu came back and sighed, "The county marquis said he didn't see him."

Yan Liben gritted his teeth and stomped his feet and said, "If Li Zheng doesn't see me, I won't leave."

Seeing Yan Liben's posture, Li Yifu had no choice but to let him go.

Until late at night, Daniel helped Li Zheng unload the last vat of flower petals from the still.

"Teacher, that guy is still guarding outside the village."

"Which guy?"

"The person who gave Rubik's Cube before was called Yan Liben."

"Is he still outside?"

"Yes." Daniel nodded.

Li Zheng slapped his forehead, the ancients were really stubborn.

"Daniu, you bring the man here."

"it is good."

Daniu went to the entrance of the village with a lantern.

Seeing Yan Liben's arrival, this guy looked decadent, with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

Li Zheng looked at his expression and said, "Master Yan, why are you bothering?"

Yan Liben took out the Luban lock and said, "How do I unlock it?"

Walk through the various planes of the Luban lock in your mind, and it is actually easy to unlock after writing down the order.

Li Zheng said to Daniel: "Daniu, come here."

"it is good."

Daniel took the Luban lock.

"You know how to solve?" Yan Liben looked at Daniu in disbelief. This is a child who is only ten years old.

Li Zheng took out a simmering sweet potato from the brazier and handed it to Yan Liben, saying, "Actually, this most tests geometric thinking."

"Geometric thinking? This old man has never heard of this skill."

"This is actually a kind of math problem."

"Mathematics, is counting?" Yan Liben gnawed sweet potatoes, keeping his eyes on Daniel's movements. The child had already disassembled four pieces of wood.

When Daniel drew out the sixth article, Yan Liben roughly saw some clues.

With the dismantling of Daniel, Yan Liben's eating speed of sweet potatoes also accelerated.

When Daniel pulled out the top wooden stick, the entire Luban lock disintegrated and scattered on the table.

"So it's solved?" Yan Liben swallowed a mouthful of sweet potato forcefully.

Daniel grinned and said, "Actually, this is what we installed."

After speaking, Daniel took out a bunch of drawings, "This is the homework the teacher gave us after class."

Yan Liben looked at the drawings and then at Li Zheng, unable to speak for a long time.

"Go back to sleep first." Li Zheng said to Daniel.

Daniu stood up and said, "The student will sleep with Brother Big Hu tonight."

Dahu is a few years older, but the two children get along very well.

Li Zheng said to Yan Liben: "With this blueprint, Master Yan must be able to reassemble the Luban lock."

"Of course it is easy to have the blueprint." Yan Liben said excitedly: "This is a long-lost craft. I didn't expect it to be in the hands of you, Li Zheng."

The authenticity of Lubansuo was only known when the ancient tomb was excavated in later generations.

There have always been Luban locks in history, but it has never been known which one is the real one.

It was not until archaeologists of later generations excavated a tomb in the Han Dynasty that they knew the true appearance and origin of Lubansuo.

Li Zheng said: "In fact, I still have a lot of technology in my hand. I don't know if Master Yan is interested in learning about it."

"The old man also wants to know what water pressure you are talking about?"

"In addition to water pressure, there is also air pressure." Li Zheng said to Yan Liben: "I don't know if Master Yan is interested in staying in Jingyang and helping me make things? I still have more technologies in my hand."

"This..." Yan Liben was a little troubled.

"It's okay, you can also take care of the court affairs."

 Brothers and sisters-in-law, I'm sorry.

  The update came late.

  There will be three updates tonight, Xiao Zhang will sort out the outline and add updates tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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