Chapter 284 Make money elegantly

Since the last time, Cheng Yaojin has caught more than ten secret works.

The defenses in the village became tense.

The main reason is that there are too many workshops in Jingyang now.

Li Zheng stared at the small bubbles that kept popping out after the shell of the mud snail was put into the vinegar.

"There's something for you to do."

"Please tell me, Marquis of the County." Li Yifu said with a bow.

Li Zheng put the bowl of vinegar on the window sill, and said to Li Yifu: "How is the business in our market now?"

"It's a little less than the previous days." Li Yifu replied.

Li Zheng whispered a few words to Li Yifu.

Li Yifu gasped after hearing this, "The county lord's move is really high."

"Stop flattering, go to work quickly."

Jingyang's Fangshi business has always been good, but the business will also be saturated one day.

The main thing is that most of the guests in Jingyangfang City are from the surrounding areas of Chang'an.

If you want to earn more money, you also need to broaden your business routes.

Considering the current season, many villagers in the field are busy farming.

When this season is over, it's time for those folk husbands to come back and look for work.

Now recruiting workers will delay the common people from farming.

Even with more wages.

Delay in farming is no small matter.

This is about sin.

If he really started working at this time, Li Shimin might chop himself up.

Li Shimin's grain production was reduced, but the emperor's reputation was hurt.

In this backward age, grain harvest was a very important performance for the emperor.

If you can't live with the grain harvest, you can't live with the emperor's performance.

This is a very tangled issue.

Li Zheng walked towards Yan Liben. He was leading craftsmen like Zhang Qi to make an abacus. One abacus was obviously not enough, and it had to be given to many people in the village.

First of all, we must popularize the usage of the abacus.

It's a very mind-blowing thing.

"Marquis of the county." Zhang Qi saluted Li Zheng first when he saw him.

Li Zheng said to Yan Liben: "Master Yan, can you take a step to speak?"

"it is good."

Taking Yan Liben a few steps away, Li Zheng whispered, "Recently people in the village say you are sneaky."

"What's wrong?" Yan Liben glanced around subconsciously, "Do I have any?"

Li Zheng smiled and said, "Master Yan, are you interested in the Academy?"

"Academy?" Yan Liben smiled awkwardly, "It's all a misunderstanding, eh! It's all a misunderstanding."

"is it?"

Yan Liben immediately said: "The old man just took a few more steps in his spare time, and the sneaky things are all rumors."

Yan Liben's old face was already red.

Li Zheng suppressed a smile and said, "I also want to ask Yan Liben to teach the children in the village to be carpenters."

Yan Liben looked at Li Zheng and said, "My skills are passed down from generation to generation in the family. Do you want the old man to hand them over to these children in the village?"

"That means you don't want to?" Li Zheng said with a compromising expression, "I originally wanted Master Yan to live in the academy."

Li Zheng let out a long sigh, turned around and was about to leave.

Live in the academy?As soon as Yan Liben woke up, he said quickly: "The county lord is waiting."

Li Zheng cupped his hands again and again, "It's okay, I won't force you."

Yan Liben stepped forward quickly and said, "Li Zheng, listen to the old man's explanation."

"I don't need to explain, I understand." Li Zheng said with emotion on his face: "The carpentry craftsmanship is all learned from Master Yan's family, how can it be easily passed on to outsiders."

"It's not the same thing." Yan Liben immediately vetoed it.

"It's the same thing." Li Zheng emphasized again: "The so-called teaching the apprentice to starve to death the master, how can the family's unique knowledge be easily taught to others."

Yan Liben: "..."

"Not to mention teaching so many children." Li Zheng said with emotion again: "Master Yan's worries, I understand, um, I understand."

Yan Liben gritted his teeth and stomped his feet and said, "I teach you!"

"Teach what?"

Yan Liben said: "I am willing to teach the children in the village how to do carpentry, but I need to read the classics in your academy."

"Really? Don't play tricks."

Yan Liben snorted coldly and said, "Of course the old man won't play tricks."

Li Zheng asked again: "Do you want wages?"

Yan Liben shook his head vigorously, "This old man teaches the children voluntarily, without wages."

"That's good."

Li Zheng called out to the nursing home, "Master Li Chunfeng."

Li Chunfeng walked out of the academy eating sweet potatoes and looked at Li Zheng and Yan Liben curiously.

"Yan Dajiang said that he is willing to teach the children in our village without paying him a salary."

Li Chunfeng took another big bite of sweet potato in surprise.

Yan Liben and Li Chunfeng knew each other.

Li Chunfeng asked: "I don't care about the affairs of the court?"

"Master Yan came to Jingyang Academy voluntarily, I didn't force him."

Yan Liben also said: "Yes, the old man is voluntary."

"Master Li Chunfeng, you arrange a residence for Yan Dajiang, there should be some vacant houses in the academy."

Li Chunfeng nodded slightly, and said to Yan Liben, "Follow the old man."

Yan Liben heaved a long sigh when he came to Jingyang Academy.

Li Chunfeng took out a sweet potato and said, "Have you eaten it?"

Yan Liben took the tender sweet potato, "Thank you, may I ask where is the library in Jingyang Academy?"

"There is no library here?"

"There is no library, so where are the books you use for teaching?"

Li Chunfeng lazily pointed to the room beside him.

There is a sign hanging at the door of that room, with three words written on it, Office.

Yan Liben pushed the door open and walked into this somewhat dark room.

At first glance, there are many books here.

Looking at the titles of these books, mathematics, physics, general education, copybooks, agronomy, medicine, geography, sales?Thick black school?psychology……

Yan Liben was a little dumbfounded, these were books he had never seen before.

Picking up the physics book, Yan Liben put the sweet potato aside.

The books here are all paper.

Although Datang's paper is now under the impact of Li Zheng's new paper, the paper is already very cheap.

Logically speaking, the cost should not be very high, and the books here are all paper books.

You must know that most of the books in the court today still use bamboo slips.

It's really a bit extravagant that everything here is made of paper.

And the book binding here is also very nice.

Turning over a page, Yan Liben carefully looked at the content on it.

The knowledge of the whole book seems to have opened up a new world.

Yan Liben looked at the new knowledge in the physics book.

I never thought about the phenomenon that has always been around me, so I still have such knowledge.

After listening to Li Zheng's arrangement, Li Yifu came to Fangshi in Jingyang.

A sign was erected at the entrance of Jingyangfang City, and the second batch of perfumes will be released in early April.

Xu Jingzong came over after eating peanuts and asked, "The county marquis is finally going to sell perfume."

Li Yifu admired the notice he had posted and said: "I am afraid that only the county marquis in this world can earn money so gracefully."

(End of this chapter)

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