People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 289 The emperor who owes money and refuses to pay

Chapter 289 The emperor who owes money and refuses to pay

Looking at the virtues of Cheng Yaojin and Niu Jinda, Li Shimin saw that Wei Zheng also had some bruises on his face, and asked curiously: "The general will fight for the ranking. I don't know why Wei Zheng..."

Wei Zheng took a step forward and didn't speak yet.

Cheng Yaojin also said: "Could it be that you, Wei Zheng, don't accept the ranking of generals and want to give up your pen and become a general? We welcome you to join our generals. It must be very lively."

Wei Zheng said with a dark face, "I fell when I went out."

Cheng Yaojin smiled coldly: "The fall is really unique."

Wei Zheng turned his head to look at Cheng Yaojin again, and walked back to his seat.

Cheng Yaojin didn't know what was going on, but Fang Xuanling knew in his heart that the reason why Wei Zheng did this was because his wife beat him up, or because Li Zheng wrote a scandal saying that Wei Zheng had a good friend in Pingkangfang.

The ladies of our Tang Dynasty are also so tough, Fang Xuanling deeply sympathizes and understands.

"Your Majesty!" Qin Qiong stepped forward and said, "I have something to say."

Qin Qiong seldom speaks in court, and generally speaking, Qin Qiong will ask to see him in private when he has something to say.

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Speak."

Qin Qiong first let out a long sigh, "Now that the portraits of General Mo and Yu Chigong are being sold in Quanchang'an, please Your Majesty uphold justice."

Cheng Yaojin smiled and said, "Second brother Qin, isn't this very good?"

Qin Qiong's face darkened, "It's not your portrait of Cheng Yaojin that's being sold."

Niu Jinda also said: "It's said that he hasn't called him a door god yet."

"Aren't they the door gods?" Cheng Yaojin said, "Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong are our Tang's door gods."

Having said that, what Li Zheng said about Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong was well-founded.

When His Majesty just ascended the throne and couldn't sleep well, it was Qin Qiong and Yu Chi who guarded the door of His Majesty's bedroom so that he could sleep peacefully.

Li Shimin also recalled that the demons in the past are still fresh in his memory.

There is really a reason why the portraits of Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong hung at the door of common people's houses can drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters.

Li Shimin said: "Li Zheng really made a fuss too much."

Cheng Yaojin said displeasedly: "Second Brother Qin, what else are you displeased with?"

Qin Qiong bowed and said, "Your Majesty, please uphold justice."

The court was quiet for a while, and all the officials were waiting for Li Shimin's response.

Li Shimin thought for a while and said with a smile: "Li Zheng spread rumors privately, fined three thousand guan, and fined one year's military pay."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Now that Li Shimin has also lost his fortune, Qin Qiong can't say more.

On the way to court, Cheng Yaojin put his hands in his sleeves and asked Niu Jinda, "What do you think Second Brother Qin is not happy about?"

Niu Jinda also said in a low voice: "It is said that the portraits of Qin Qionghe and Yu Chigong can exorcise evil spirits and confuse people. If they don't work, what can we do? That's not bad for Brother Qin's reputation."

Cheng Yaojin thought to himself, "You're right, this Second Brother Qin usually lives reclusively, but he came here suddenly, and he just sat at home and came here suddenly."

"That's right, it's an indiscriminate disaster." Niu Jinda nodded.

The two with bruised noses and swollen faces let out a long sigh together.

As they were walking, Qin Qiong passed the two of them.

Cheng Yaojin tugged on Niu Jinda's sleeve in a daze, "Did Brother Qin follow us all the time just now?"

Niu Jinda also stopped, and looked back, "It seems to be."

Cheng Yaojin: "Then he heard what was said just now."

Niu Jinda: "I guess so."

The two stopped in place.

Cheng Yaojin stomped his feet again, "Speak softly next time."

Niu Jinda smiled bitterly, so the old man planned to talk about it next time?
Although the generals in the DPRK and China will fight for the ranking of generals, the relationship in private is still very good.

Cheng Yaojin was in a good mood, it was the first time he saw Li Zheng being fined.

Li Zheng, who was coming back from Jingyang Academy, received the order from the court, and the order was Wang Dingwang Gonggong.

Along with them came Li Tai and a middle-aged man.

Li Zhengxian took the imperial decree and said: "My lord, Your Majesty will also fine me for this kind of thing?"

"Your Majesty's will, Mo Fei County Hou dares to resist it."

"Of course I don't dare, but isn't the fine too much?"

"How did it go? This is already very light." Wang Ding said flatteringly.

Li Zheng pulled Wang Ding aside and said in a low voice, "Eunuch Wang, the imperial court has refined a lot of fine salt."

Wang Ding nodded, "There are quite a few."

Li Zheng went on to say: "The agreed amount of ten catties of fine salt, when will His Majesty pay the money, His Majesty will not renege on it."

"Of course not." Wang Ding said loudly.

"You said that His Majesty will deduct my military salary for one year, but since I was the captain of the Longwu Army to the present Zhonglang General, I have not seen a single bit of military salary. Now His Majesty not only wants to fine me, but also Is it unkind to deduct my military salary?"

"Although I don't dare to resist the order, it's okay for me to offer my opinion."

Wang Ding thought about it and said: "It is indeed possible, the old servant will report the truth to His Majesty."

"You said that you have been refining fine salt for so long, and you haven't seen a penny in the next one." Li Zhengchang sighed, "It is said that the world was peaceful in the first ten years of the Sui Dynasty, but I couldn't wait for His Majesty to pay back the money. "

Wang Ding whispered anxiously: "Don't talk nonsense about what the county marquis said. Your majesty won't give you money? That's because your majesty is helping the county marquis to save it, and will definitely give it to the county marquis in the future."

"I really admire Your Majesty for being able to owe the money so confidently." After Li Zheng finished speaking, he saluted in the direction of Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shimin did not pay back the money he owed, and Li Tai also did not pay back the money he owed.

Why does everyone in the emperor's family have the stink of not paying back the money.

Zhang Gongjin watched Li Zheng and Wang Ding whispering not far away, Wang Ding was His Majesty's most trusted eunuch.

"I didn't expect Li Zheng and Wang Ding to be so close."

Li Tai explained: "Wang Ding has come to Jingyang several times, and the two get along very well."

After bidding farewell to Wang Ding, Li Zheng said to Li Tai, "His Royal Highness, are you here to play chess again today?"

Li Tai introduced the people around him and said, "This is the current Zou Guogong, Zhang Gongjin."

"It turned out to be Zou Guogong, I was rude."

Zhang Gongjin coughed twice and said: "I am here to ask the county marquis for advice on some chess moves."

"Okay." Li Zheng smiled and said, "How about the money for a game of chess?"

"Okay." Zhang Gongjin nodded.

Li Zheng led Zhang Gongjin to the stables, and saw that the middle-aged man was leaning on crutches, and his steps were a little flimsy.

I coughed from time to time along the way, and Zhang Gongjin in history also died young.

Li Zheng asked as he walked, "Duke Zou has this coughing problem since he came back from Yinshan Mountain?"

Zhang Gongjin waved his hand and said, "It's not in the way."

(End of this chapter)

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